河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2022, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (5): 71-80.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.009

• 历史学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 河北省社会科学院 河北学刊杂志社, 河北 石家庄 050051
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-10 出版日期:2022-10-25 发布日期:2022-10-25
  • 作者简介:冯金忠(1973—),男,河北藁城人,博士,河北省社会科学院河北学刊杂志社研究员,主要研究方向:隋唐史和出土文献、河北区域史。
  • 基金资助:

Research of the Deeds of Li Guobang in the Ming Dynasty ——Centered on the Gaoyang Inscription Collected by the Hebei Academy of Social Sciences

FENG Jinzhong   

  1. Hebei Academic Journal Magazine, Hebei Academy of Social Sciences, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050051, China
  • Received:2022-03-10 Online:2022-10-25 Published:2022-10-25

摘要: 庞口李氏系高阳四大望族之一,其发迹始于五世祖李俨,但李氏家族走向隆盛是从李国GF9D2开始的,李国GF9D2乃李氏家族兴起的关键人物。他虽然官至首辅,但《明史》和诸方志记载甚简。在河北省社会科学院所藏高阳碑刻拓片中,关于李国GF9D2的碑刻有两通专祠记,可以补充史籍记载之阙略。依据此两通专祠记,并结合传世典籍和其他碑刻资料,对李国GF9D2生平、仕历加以梳理和考察,补充了其中一些重要缺环。对于向来迷雾重重的李国GF9D2与魏忠贤之间的关系,认为李国GF9D2虽然系由魏忠贤所奖拔,但其本人并非阉党,亦绝非反阉党之斗士。在当时特殊的政治环境下,李国GF9D2摆脱不了与魏忠贤之间的干系,故不为时议所容,兼之由于崇祯帝的猜嫌,最终难逃被罢相的命运。

关键词: 明代, 李国GF9D2, 高阳碑刻拓片

Abstract: The Li clan is one of the four great families of Gaoyang,and the origin of the Li clan began with the fifth ancestor Li Yan,but the prosperity of the Li family began with Li Guobang,who was the key figure in the rise of the Li family.Although he served as the Chief Cabinet Officer,there are few records of him in Ming History.Among the rubbings of Gaoyang inscriptions in the collection of Hebei Academy of Social Sciences,there are two inscriptions about Li Guobang,which can supplement the insufficiency of historical records.Based on these two special ancestral records,combined with handed down classics and other inscriptions,this paper combs and inspects Li Guobangs life and official history,and adds some important missing parts.As for the relationship between Li Guobang and Wei Zhongxian,which has always been mysterious,it is believed that although Li Guobang was rewarded and promoted by Wei Zhongxian,he was not a eunuch or a fighter against the eunuch.Under the special political environment at that time,Li Guobang could not get rid of his relationship with Wei Zhongxian,so it was beyond discussion.At the same time,due to the suspicion of emperor Chongzhen,he could not escape the fate of being dismissed as Prime Minister.

Key words: Ming Dynasty, Li Guobang, Gaoyang inscription rubbings
