河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 36-45.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.004

• 哲学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 河北大学 哲学与社会学学院,河北 保定071002
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-08 出版日期:2021-10-07 发布日期:2021-10-07
  • 作者简介:1956—), 男, 河北邢台人, 哲学博士, 河北大学教授、博士生导师, 主要研究方向:先秦诸子哲学。1978年3月至1982年3月, 在河北大学哲学系学习, 毕业留校任教至今。1999年1月至2015年6月, 任学校图书馆馆长。河北大学中国哲学二级学科博士点、哲学一级学科博士点、博士后流动站原创学科带头人。中华孔子学会常务理事, 华夏老子学研究联合会副会长, 尼山世界儒学中心学术委员, 享受国务院政府特殊津贴, 为河北省省管优秀专家、河北省首届优秀专业技术人才。出版学术著作8部, 发表学术论文100余篇, 其中在《哲学研究》《新华文摘》发表、转载论文19篇。主持国家社会科学基金一般课题2项:《大生命视域下的庄子哲学研究》《儒道汇融大生命视域下的〈周易〉哲学研究》;
  • 基金资助:

Review,Reflections and Theoretical Innovation of the Research of Lao Tzus Philosophy

LI Zhengang   

  1. College of Philosophy and Sociology, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, China
  • Received:2021-04-08 Online:2021-10-07 Published:2021-10-07

摘要: 老子是中国也是世界影响最为久远的哲学家。老子首创的道家哲学及其所崇尚的道生德畜、自然无为、谦退慈柔、利物不争、敬畏生命、道宁天下的价值理想,源远流长,惠及古今。要弘扬这份宝贵历史文化遗产的普世价值,离不开当代学人的自觉反省、理论创新与躬行实践。老子哲学的传承与创新,要充分了解老子哲学、老学史及道家文化的研究状况,对老学史源流演变及民国以来以至改革开放新时期老学研究的突出成绩、所讨论的重要问题及其理论得失,作出总结、分析和澄清。这样才能在扬弃前人的基础上,聚焦时代精神,追踪学术前沿,转换问题意识,创新理论范式、学术思想和研究方法,把老子哲学及道家文化研究推向新的境界。

关键词: 老子, 老学研究, 回顾与反省, 理论创新

Abstract: Lao Tzu is the most influential philosopher in China and the world.The Taoist philosophy initiated by Lao Tzu and the values and ideals advocated by him,such as the universe being derived from Tao and nourished by virtue,living a simple life with minimal desires and maximum absorption in nature inaction,modesty,concession,kindness and tenderness,benefiting matters without competition,reverence for life,and peace of the world,have a long history and benefit both in ancient and modern times.Carrying forward the universal value of this precious historical and cultural heritage cannot be divorced from the self-reflection,theoretical innovation and practices of contemporary scholars.In order to inherit and innovate Lao Tzus philosophy,it is necessary to fully understand the research status of Lao Tzus philosophy,the history of the research of Lao Tzus philosophy,Taoist culture,and to summarize,analyze and clarify the origin and developments of the history of the research of Lao Tzus philosophy,the outstanding achievements,important issues,theoretical gains and losses in the researches of Lao Tzus philosophy,from the Republic of China to the new period of reform and opening up.Only in this way can we focus on the spirit of the times,track the academic frontier,transform the problem consciousness,innovate the theoretical paradigm,academic thought and research method on the basis of sublating the predecessors,and push Lao Tzus philosophy and Taoist culture to a new realm.

Key words: Lao Tzu, the research of Lao Tzus philosophy, review and reflection, theoretical innovation
