河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 154-160.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.016

• 法学研究 • 上一篇    



  1. 河北大学 法学院,河北 保定071002
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-09 出版日期:2021-10-07 发布日期:2021-10-07
  • 作者简介:1964—), 男, 河北景县人, 河北大学法学院院长、教授、博士生导师, 兼任中国行为法学会理事、河北省法学会常务理事、河北省法学会行政法学研究会会长等学术职务。1986年7月毕业于河北大学法律系法学专业, 后在宋史研究中心取得博士学位。长期从事刑事诉讼法学、司法制度和法学教育的研究工作。发表学术论文40余篇, 在人民出版社、法律出版社等出版《宋代刑事审判权制约机制研究》《检察职业道德研究》《立德树人与创新卓越法律人才培养》《刑事诉讼法学》《刑事诉讼实务教程》等学术专著和教材8部。主持或主研全国首批卓越法律人才教育培养基地、国家级大学生校外实践教育基地等多项省部级以上本科教学“质量工程”项目建设和高等教育教学改革与实践项目研究;

The Substantive Openness of Judicature in China and Its Guarantee

CHEN Yuzhong   

  1. College of Law, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, China
  • Received:2021-05-09 Online:2021-10-07 Published:2021-10-07

摘要: 基于不同的要求和所呈现出的不同状况,司法公开有全面公开、部分公开、过程公开、结果公开、形式公开、实质公开之分。尽管最高人民法院通过加大司法公开力度,基本实现了由单纯的庭审公开向司法活动的全方位公开的转变以及由以审判程序公开为主向审判程序公开和裁判结果公开并重的转变,使中国司法公开制度初步具有了统一性以及全面性的特点。但也应看到,包括裁判依据、合议庭以及审判委员会的少数不同意见在内的重要环节和内容依然不在公开之列。实质公开的不足必然会影响公开的效果,制约着司法公开终极目标的实现。实现司法公开尤其是实现司法的实质公开,既需要各级法院各类信息平台的建设与完善,更需要不断深化司法制度改革的保障以及不断创新司法工作机制的支撑。从当前来看,应当重点解决司法流程信息还未真正全面公开,裁判依据未能做到详尽公开,合议庭以及审判委员会的少数不同意见不允许公开等问题。

关键词: 司法公开, 司法的实质公开, 司法公信力

Abstract: Based on different requirements and situations,open justice could be divided into comprehensive openness,partial openness,procedural openness, resultant openness,formal openness and substantive openness.By reinforcing open justice,the Supreme Peoples Court has achieved the transformation from trial openness to comprehensive openness,from procedural openness to openness both on procedure and result,so we could say that the system of open justice in China has been unified and generalized tentatively.However,it should also be noted that the important links and contents,including the basis of adjudication,a few different opinions of the collegial panel and the judicial committee,are still not open.The lack of substantive openness will inevitably affect the effect of openness and restrict the realization of the ultimate goal of judicial openness.The realization of judicial openness,especially the realization of judicial substantive openness,requires not only the construction and improvement of various information platforms of courts at all levels,but also the guarantee of deepening the reform of the judicial system and the support of innovating the judicial working mechanism.From the current point of view,we should focus on solving the problems that the judicial process information is not really fully open,the basis of judgment is not fully open,and a few different opinions of the collegial panel and the judicial committee are not allowed to be open.

Key words: open justice, substantive openness of judicature, public trust of judicature
