河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2016, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 122-128.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.05.018

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  1. 河北大学 文学院,河北 保定071002
  • 收稿日期:2015-10-06 出版日期:2016-09-25 发布日期:2016-09-25
  • 作者简介:于广杰(1982—),男,河北沧州人,河北大学文学院副教授,主要研究方向:中国文艺思想史。
  • 基金资助:

Poetic Painting and Poetic Meaningof WenTong’ Dead Wood Theme

YU Guang jie   

  1. College of Literature,Hebei University,Baoding,Hebei 071002,China
  • Received:2015-10-06 Online:2016-09-25 Published:2016-09-25

摘要: “枯木”题材“诗意画”是北宋诗画交融之文人墨戏的重要类型,源于盛唐以来山水画中的寒林古木和松石小景,而新变于文同。他的“枯木”绘画一变唐法,描绘古木全景,以竹石点缀其间,奇古简重,意兴盎然,与其诗歌创作同一机杼,是其学养品德,志趣性情的诗意表现。文同的“枯木”绘画,下开苏轼枯木怪石,为诗画交融诗学思想和艺术实践拓开了新的意境空间,丰富并推动了北宋“诗意画”创作的发展,对元明以后枯木题绘画的创作影响也至为深远。

关键词: 文同, 枯木题材, 诗意画, 诗画交融

Abstract: The poetic painting of dead wood theme is the important type of poetry and painting blend of scholar and Moxi in the North Song dynansty.From the image of wintry and conifers which play an important role in landscape panting, his “dead wood” changed the painting techniques of Tang Dynasty painters,depicting the dead wood in panorama mode,decorated with bamboo and stones.Compared with his poetry,the poetic painting dead wood theme hnd the same temperament and charm.Wen Tong’s “dead wood” painting opened up new mood space,enriched and promoted the development of poetic painting in the Northern Song Dynasty.In the Yuan and Ming Dynasty,wood painting had also far reaching influence.

Key words: WenTong, dead wood, poetic painting, poetry and painting blend
