河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2017, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 136-142.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.019

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  1. 河北省社会科学院 社会发展研究所,河北 石家庄050051
  • 收稿日期:2016-10-10 出版日期:2017-05-25 发布日期:2017-05-25
  • 作者简介:张丽(1981—),女,河北丰润人,河北省社会科学院社会发展研究所助理研究员,主要研究方向:老年社会学。
  • 基金资助:

The Development Strategies of Senior Apartments in Hebei Provincein the New type Urbanization Process


  1. Institute for social development, Hebei Academy of Social Sciences, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050051, China
  • Received:2016-10-10 Online:2017-05-25 Published:2017-05-25

摘要: 新型城镇化进程中老年公寓的发展应顺应以人为本的价值导向,将老年群体需求作为根本研究出发点,最终实现老年群体生活质量的提升。通过问卷调查和实地访谈,在河北省内对部分老年群体关于老年公寓的需求状况进行了综合分析,发现老年公寓存在定位不清、设施不完备、资金短缺、运营能力偏弱、服务质量不高、缺乏评估与监管等诸多问题亟待解决。提出要立足以满足不同老年人多样化养老需求为导向,以提高老年人生活质量为根本,坚持创新、协调、绿色、开放和共享发展理念,加强老年公寓多样化建设,重点打造绿色型、智能型等特色老年公寓;搭建共享经济平台,获取多方资源支持,建立合理的价格结构,增强老年公寓的运营能力;培养专业服务团队,提升专业服务水平;加强第三方评估和政府监管,以促进老年公寓向良性方向发展。

关键词: 老年公寓, 养老需求, 服务供给, 运营能力

Abstract: In the new type urbanization process, the development of senior apartments should comply with the people oriented value orientation. The seniors’ demand should be taken as the essential starting point of research and the seniors’ quality of life should be improved. Using the questionnaires and field interview, this paper analyzed the demanding state of senior apartments of some seniors in Hebei Province comprehensively. The problems such as unclear orientation, incomplete facilities, lack of funds, weak operation capability, low service quality, and lack of evaluation and supervision are pointed out and should be solved quickly. The following strategies are put forward. With the orientation of satisfying various pension demands of different seniors, and with the basics of improving seniors’ quality of life, the developing idea of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing should be adhered to, diversified construction of senior apartments should be enhanced, and specialized senior apartments such as green type, and intelligent type should be built. The sharing economic platform should be forged, resources support in many ways should be obtained, reasonable price mechanism should be constructed, operation capability of senior apartments should be enhanced; professional service team should be fostered, and professional service standard should be improved; the third party evaluation and government regulation should be strengthened in order to promote the benign development of senior apartments.

Key words: senior apartments, pension demand, service supply, operation capability
