河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2016, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 36-41.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.007

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  1. 河北工程大学 国际合作与交流处,河北 邯郸056038
  • 收稿日期:2015-12-25 出版日期:2016-03-25 发布日期:2016-03-25
  • 作者简介:赵鸿瑜(1981—),女,河北邯郸人,河北工程大学国际合作与交流处讲师,主要研究方向:英语教学法、认知语言学。
  • 基金资助:

Motivation in ESL/EFL Extensive Reading: A Case Study

ZHAO Hong yu   

  1. Office of International Cooperation & Exchange, Hebei University of Engineering,Handan, Hebei 056038, China
  • Received:2015-12-25 Online:2016-03-25 Published:2016-03-25

摘要: 泛读动机,作为激发并持续泛读行为的关键因素,一直是ESL(English as a Second Language)/EFL(English as a Foreign Language)泛读研究领域的一个重点。然而,该领域大多数研究以群体为对象,未能对个人阅读动机进行详细记述。在两个学期的时间里,通过组织三次访谈以及定期测定阅读速度的方式,对两名中国非英语专业研究生ESL/EFL泛读动机进行了纵向个案研究。研究结果显示,受试者ESL/EFL泛读动机是一个动态的结构,在持续阅读过程中不断发生变化,泛读材料在培养积极的阅读态度从而激发阅读动机的方面具有重要地位。

关键词: 动机, ESL/EFL, 泛读, 分级读物

Abstract: Motivation, which is crucial to initiate and sustain reading efforts, has been studied in the field of ESL/EFL reading. However, most studies in this field are conducted collectively on groups of learners, failing to provide a detailed picture of individual experience. This paper presents a longitudinal case study on the reading motivation of 2 Chinese non English major graduates. During this two term study, the researchers conducted interviews for 3 times, and gave reading speed tests regularly. The results show that the ESL/EFL reading motivation of the 2 participants changed moment by moment, influenced by several factors. Reading materials play an important role in cultivating positive attitude and shaping intrinsic motivation.

Key words: motivation, ESL/EFL, extensive reading, graded readers
