河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 81-88.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.05.010

• 教育学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 河北大学 马克思主义学院, 河北 保定 071002;
    河北农业大学 创新创业教育指导中心, 河北 保定 071001
  • 收稿日期:2020-03-20 发布日期:2020-12-16
  • 作者简介:李颖(1980—),女,河北唐山人,河北大学马克思主义学院博士研究生,河北农业大学创新创业教育指导中心副教授,主要研究方向:思想政治教育、创新创业教育。
  • 基金资助:

The Four Dimensions of Innovative Entrepreneurship Education to Educate Peoples Happiness

LI Ying   

  1. College of Marxism, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002; Guidance Centre forInnovation and Entrepreneurship Education, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, Hebei 071001, China
  • Received:2020-03-20 Published:2020-12-16

摘要: 幸福作为人类的永恒追求,也是教育的终极目标。创新创业教育在推动人才培养范式深刻变革的同时,必须回答“教育如何与人的幸福”相关涉的问题,以提升人的教育获得感和幸福感。创新创业教育之所以关涉幸福,是因为其激发个人幸福、促进社会幸福、倡导奋斗幸福,明确教育的幸福指向;创新创业教育之所以能切入人的幸福,是因为其秉承德育为先、坚持“以生为本”、重视个体发展,引导人正确理解、准确把握幸福;创新创业教育之所以能对人的幸福有所作为,是因为其讲求“道明”“法当”“术精”,极大改善个体生存和发展的外在条件,有助于人对幸福的追求;创新创业教育之所以蕴涵着诸多幸福元素,是因为其开展面向全体的分类施教,推行精益教育、实践教育、生活教育,为青年学生干事创业和追寻幸福注入强大动力。

关键词: 创新创业教育, 幸福, 大学生

Abstract: Happiness is everyones pursuit,as well as the ultimate goal of education.While promoting the profound change of talent training paradigm,innovative entrepreneurship education must answer how education can be related to human happiness in order to enhance peoples sense of educational attainment and happiness.The reason why innovative entrepreneurship education is related to happiness is that it stimulates personal happiness,promotes social happiness,advocates the happiness of struggle,and clarifies the happiness direction of education.The reason why innovative entrepreneurship education can cut into human happiness is that it adheres to the principle of moral education first,insists on “student-oriented education”,attaches importance to individual development,and guides people to correctly understand and accurately grasp happiness.The reason why innovative entrepreneurship education can make a difference to human happiness is that it emphasizes “clear value orientation”“proper method”“proficient skills”,greatly improves the conditions of individual living and development,and helps individual and collective happiness.The reason why innovative entrepreneurship education itself contains many elements of happiness is that it carries out classified teaching for the whole,implements lean education,practical education and life education,and injects strong momentum for young students to start a business and pursue happiness.

Key words: innovative entrepreneurship education, happiness, college students
