河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (3): 1-12.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2024.03.001

• 宋史研究 •    



  1. 江西师范大学 历史系, 江西 南昌 330022
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-20 发布日期:2024-06-13
  • 作者简介:许怀林(1937—),男,江西宜黄县人,江西师范大学历史系教授,主要研究方向:宋史。

The Litigation of the People in the Song Dynasty and the Trial by the Government:Several Understandings on Reading Ming Gong Shu Pan Qingming Collection

XU Huailin   

  1. Department of History, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330022, China
  • Received:2023-11-20 Published:2024-06-13

摘要: “好讼”是宋代比较普遍的民情,这一现象在《名公书判清明集》中有具体印证。凭借大量的案例,再联系历史实情,可知“好讼”源于官吏贪腐、豪强奸恶,也是民众学法懂法、有文明维权意识的表现。江西农耕经济旺盛,耕地紧俏,因而争夺田产所有权的讼案很多。审理纠纷时因官员品德才干差异,有的贪财,甚至“自紊其法”,遂判决不公正。诸多关于教化与刑罚并举的判词,启发我们加深对《白鹿洞书院揭示》的理解,朱熹强调圣贤教人之道,也告诫生徒若不听教育,必将实施“学规”,予以惩罚。《名公书判清明集》是研究断代史、社会史、法制史等的珍贵资料,至今不失其借鉴警示意义。

关键词: 诉讼, 《名公书判清明集》, “在上者自紊其法”, 民众学法, “学规”

Abstract: “Good litigation” is a common sentiment in the Song Dynasty,which is confirmed in Ming Gong Shu Pan Qingming Collection.Based on a lange number of cases and historical facts,it can be concluded that “good litigation” is mainly the corruption,power,and evil of officials.It is also better for the public to learn and understand the law,and to protect their rights in a civilized way.Due to the prosperous agricultural economy and scarce arable land in Jiangxi,there are many and complex lawsuits over the ownership of farmland.During the trail of disputes,due to differences in the moral character and talent of officials,some were greedy and even broke the rules they made,resulting in unfair judgements,Mang judgements about the combination of education and punishment inspires us to deepen our understanding of Annoucement in the white Deers Hole Academy.Zhu Xi emphazies the way in which the sages teach people,and also warns students that if they dont follow education,they will be punished by the implementation of “learning regulations”.Ming Gong Shu Pan Qingming Collection is a precious material for studying dynastic history,social history,legal history,etc.,and it still has its reference and warning significance to this day.

Key words: litigation, Ming Gong Shu Pan Qingming Collection, “on the upper level,one breaks the rules he made”, the study of law by the public, “learning regulations”
