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25 July 2019, Volume 44 Issue 4
The Circumstances and Evolution of Neo-Confucianism in the Period of Song Dynasties
YANG Guo-yi
2019, 44(4):  1-7. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.001
Abstract ( 869 )   PDF (1410KB) ( 422 )  
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For a long time, people have accepted the propaganda effect of the word “Neo-Confucianism of Song and Ming Dynasties”, and what is the status and function of geography at the time of Song Dynasties? There are many misunderstandings. Neo-Confucianism is only a school of Song School, which appeared later. Although in the Yuanyou period, the prosperity was temporary, but the prosperity was not long, that is to say, it was blocked. The main reasons are: cliques attack each other and dispute endlessly; empty talk makes no difference to reality; the need of the current situation, and paying attention to merit. For many reasons, the development of Neo-Confucianism has been blocked, restricted, alienated and transformed for a long time, and there are many tendencies like: the morality is sanctimonious, and the hypocrisy is mixed. White-headed scholars clean up and retire. There are people who have timely transformed and advocated merits. There are great masters of Collective Neo-Confucianism who adhere to Yiluos orthodoxy.
The Conflicts between Empress Liu and Scholar-Officials in Northern Song Dynasty from “Fire” Perspective
ZHANG Ji-yin
2019, 44(4):  8-12. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.002
Abstract ( 624 )   PDF (1370KB) ( 305 )  
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Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty was enthroned at underage age. In the name of his mother, Empress Liu had been in power for eleven years. During her reign, she had done something beyond the rules of etiquette. With the development of imperial examination system, the independence consciousness of the scholar-officials community gradually increased, and wanted Empress Liu to hand over power to Renzong as soon as possible. As for the two fires of 1029 and 1032, Empress Liu and scholar-officials had opposite explanations, which was essentially a game of power between the two parties.
Review on “Checked Tone Replacing Level Tone” in Ci in Song Dynasty
TIAN Yu-qin, LI Xue-ming
2019, 44(4):  13-18. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.003
Abstract ( 674 )   PDF (1396KB) ( 156 )  
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The rule of “checked tone replacing level tone” in Ci in Song Dynasty was initiated by Shen Yifu and was extensively applied and expounded in compilation of numerous Ci works in such books as Rules of Ci and A Collection of Tunes in Ci. Further, Ci and Tunes by Ge Zai presents summarized theories on checked tone replacing level tone from the angle of the same origin of Ci and lyrics and also lists some examples of checked tone replacing level tone. In spite of the presence of checked tone replacing level tone in Ci in Song Dynasty, checked tone replacing level tone only sees occasional applications by Ci poets and does not necessarily represent a law. A clear boundary still remains between the checked tone and level tone. In Ci and Tunes, the checked tone falls into four parts and is also included in the range of falling-rising tone, thus which is rather paradoxical. Further, characters incorporated in level tone do not meet the actual conditions in creation of Ci of Song Dynasty. More applications in it were compiled by Ge Zai himself based on rhyming books, and confused the boundary of characters used in poems and lyrics, presenting no enough evidence. Conclusions cant be drawn before detailed investigation on characters of checked tones in existing Song works as to which characters can replace those of level tone.
The Characteristics and Comparison of Retroflexation in Yuanshi Dialect of Hebei Province
ZHANG An-sheng, WANG Zhi-yong, WANG Ya-nan
2019, 44(4):  19-28. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.004
Abstract ( 1420 )   PDF (1445KB) ( 346 )  
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Retroflexation in Yuanshi Dialect are featured with the fusion of [·](ER)with retroflex and lateral sound(opened-mouth, closed-mouth),changing them into [k⌒], [k‘⌒], [x⌒] and [],respectively,or make them syllabized consonants. Besides,[], [‘], [] and [l] may also be found rhotacized into [k⌒], [k‘⌒], [x⌒] with different levels of velarization and [] in the south of Hebei province. Complex consonants such as [k⌒], [k‘⌒], [x⌒] and [k⌒], [k⌒‘], [x⌒] are double-site “velar-retroflex”,whose different strength of velar and retroflex shows a relationship that is bi-directional opposite and continuous change. Furthermore, those complex consonants correspond with [],[],the rhotacized form of[], [l],demonstrating a kind of parallelism in their departing and joining. All these features,especially the correlation between syllablization and [-] coda,as well as the correlation between stability of syllablization and opened-mouth,closed-mouth, have significance in understanding the cause and process of this kind of complex consonants and syllabized consonants.
Philosophys Legislation for Thought
CHENG Zhi-hua
2019, 44(4):  29-36. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.005
Abstract ( 484 )   PDF (1414KB) ( 204 )  
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“Thought” and “philosophy” are two universal concepts encountered in the study of philosophy. However, how are “thought” and “philosophy” possible? What is the relationship between the two? Generally speaking, “thought”, as the essential attribute of mankind, is a relatively stable theory based on rational thinking. “Philosophy”, as a learning of “love of wisdom”, studies “fact” and “value” on a transcendental level based on the reflection of “thought”. The true “freedom” of “thought” is that “thought” obeys the rules set by itself, so “philosophy” should set the rules for “thought”, that is, “legislation”. Therefore, the relationship between the two is: “thought” is the basis of “philosophy”, and “philosophy” comes from “thought”; “philosophy” legislates for “thought”, and “philosophy” is the “head” of “thought”.
An Analysis on the Main Points of the “Yao yue” Ordinance in Analects
LIU Na, CHEN Hong-xing
2019, 44(4):  37-41. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.006
Abstract ( 671 )   PDF (1397KB) ( 284 )  
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In the ordinance of “Yao yue” in Analects, with some words of the ancient sages and of their master, Confucius disciples made great efforts to narrate the inheriting process of Tao that was traced back to the ancient sages although it was Confucius who was firstly aware of it. His emphasis on Tang Wus “sin and self” as the main end of his political policy is consistent with the instructions of his predecessors, such as “restraining oneself and restoring courtesy as benevolence” and “politicians are also righteous” Moreover, it is in line with the special warning of his predecessors on the growing power desire and greed in the Spring and Autumn Period when they were in dispute. From their enlightenment on the political affairs of “prudence of power and discretion” with “principle of justice” as the knot point, we can see their understanding of their ancestors praise of “Jean” virtue of “Jean” under the heavens of the Holy gods, as well as their recognition of the Datong society that “the Tao of the ancestors implored” is also the conduct of “the world is for the public”. As for its emphasis on “permission to insist on it”, it also shows what the former teachers said “The doctrine of the mean is virtue, as far as its concerned”,which is indeed their experience, and constitutes their highest pursuit.
On the Organized Characteristics of Underworld Organizations
XIE Wang-yuan, ZHANG Yin
2019, 44(4):  42-50. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.03.007
Abstract ( 609 )   PDF (1638KB) ( 342 )  
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The organized characteristics of underworld organizations include scope, duration, structure and discipline. Firstly, “a relatively large number of members” has to be the sufficient condition, rather than necessary condition of the organized characteristics. “Basically fixed core members” excludes the situation in which members change frequently in the short time. Furthermore, comparing with INSTRUCITION 2018, SUMMARY 2015 offers a more reasonable explanation of the starting point for duration. The structure of a underworld organization in China is mainly rigid hierarchy and devolved hierarchy. Most financial resources come from members committing the illegal and criminal events. Soft violence is more closely related to organized characteristics than physical violence. The characteristic of illegal control restricts and supplements the orgnized characteristics. “Frequent gather” excludes the situation in which perpetrators get together because of a specific dispute. There are clear division and arrangement in a crime syndicate. Also, discipline is the most important distinction between underworld organization and evil force or crime syndicate.
Issues Concerning the Criminal Policy in Controlling Gangland-related Crimes
WANG Zhi-xiang, RONG Hao
2019, 44(4):  51-54. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.008
Abstract ( 557 )   PDF (1349KB) ( 252 )  
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The criminal policy of “striking gangland-related crimes when they are in the early stage and in the bud” is Chinas main criminal policy in controlling gangland-related crimes. This policy emphasizes the elimination of gangland-related organizations in their embryonic stage and the prevention from causing greater harmful consequences. In understanding this policy, we should grasp its preventive function from the perspective of criminology, and its punitive function from the perspective of criminal law. In order to avoid unduly reducing the threshold of gangland-related crimes and blindly emphasizing the punishment in the judicial practice, the judicial organs should strictly abide by the bottom line of the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime, put an end to chronic dependence only on the stricter and heavier punishment, and use various means to comprehensively control the gangland-related crimes.
The Governance of the Evil Force Crimes from the Perspective of Political Science
FENG Jun, TIAN Xu,WANG Jia-xuan
2019, 44(4):  55-58. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.09
Abstract ( 672 )   PDF (1338KB) ( 204 )  
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From the perspective of political science, crimes committed by the evil forces seriously damage the political order, induce and accelerate the corruption of the political governance body, seriously weaken the political authority of the party and the government, and reduce the publics sense of identity for political governance. It is based on the deep understanding of the serious political harmfulness of current crimes committed by the evil forces that the CPC takes the eradication of black crime as a major political decision. In this way, it is expected to make up for the institutional defects of political governance, control the risk of political governance being affected by the evil forces, prevent the black forces from intervening in political governance, and provide a strong institutional guarantee for the realization of governance goals.
The Judicial Division Between Criminal Group of Evil Forces and the Mafia-style Organization
DUN Ning
2019, 44(4):  59-61. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.010
Abstract ( 561 )   PDF (1330KB) ( 208 )  
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The mafia-style organization is a kind of high-level criminal group, which is often evolved from the evil forces criminal group. The distinction between them should be mainly focused on the difference of harmfulness. The former needs to form illegal control or significant influence in a certain region or industry, and the latter only requires a relatively abominable impact on society. Here, the provisions of the relevant judicial interpretation should be correctly understood and substantially interpreted, and we should give enough attention to the conditions of “protective umbrella”.
Research on the Central Adjustment and Payment of Regional Pension Development Differences
PEI Yu,SHI Meng-yu,JIA Shao-meng
2019, 44(4):  62-71. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.011
Abstract ( 482 )   PDF (1441KB) ( 174 )  
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After calculating the amount of pension settlement and allocation under the implementnent of the central adjustment fund system in all provinces and municipalities from 2018 to 2030, and after factor analysis and cluster analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: to a large extent, the local economic foundation determines the overall performance of the regional pension system. Due to the influence of the local economic foundation, the overall operation of the regional pension fund will not be improved significantly after the implementation of the central pension fund system. However, the implementation of the central pension system narrow the differences in the operation of the regional pension system. Accordingly, some suggestions are put forward, including the establishment of a differentiated basic pension central allocation system, which can further narrow the differences in pension development among regions.
Comparison and Enlightenments on Budget Performance Evaluation of International Organizations
MA Cai-chen,ZHAO Di
2019, 44(4):  72-81. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.012
Abstract ( 673 )   PDF (1860KB) ( 185 )  
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The comprehensive implementation of budget performance management is an important proposition in the construction of Chinas financial system. Since the 1970s and 1980s, international organizations have gradually developed a set of budget performance evaluation system that pursues“results” and gradually moves towards unified and joint evaluation. In the course of the reform of budget performance management, various international organizations have designed the performance evaluation system of program evaluation, country level evaluation and agency level evaluation. Different characteristics are presented in the selection of evaluation subjects, the division of evaluation objects and the construction of evaluation indicators, which has important revelatory value for the promotion of the reform of comprehensive implementation strategy of budget performance management in China.
Financing Model and Innovation of Chinas Large-scale Sports Events
PEI Gui-fen,ZHANG Pu
2019, 44(4):  82-88. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.013
Abstract ( 684 )   PDF (1531KB) ( 376 )  
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The financing modes of global large-scale sports events mainly include government investment and financing mode, market-oriented investment and financing mode, and mixed investment and financing mode. The mixed investment and financing mode gradually occupies the mainstream. Based on the project classification, public welfare projects mainly depend on the governments full investment. Quasi-public welfare projects are generally led by the government in advance, while attracting the participation of social capital, but the financing of business projects is mainly funded by enterprises themselves. From the perspective of innovation direction, public welfare projects are suitable for government investment and financing mode, but some projects should be innovated with PFI-oriented system; quasi-public welfare projects should be flexibly used to attract the participation of social capital, such as PPP; operating projects should try asset securitization and establish the direction of sports industry investment fund. The innovation of financing mode needs to be guaranteed by the government from the aspects of laws and regulations, talent construction and system construction.
The“Embedded” Pattern of Community Service for the Elderly: Advantages, Dilemma and Solutions
ZHAO Xiao-lan, MENG Yan-chun
2019, 44(4):  89-95. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.014
Abstract ( 1846 )   PDF (1400KB) ( 652 )  
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As a new pattern,“embedded” pattern of community service for the elderly overcomes the flaws of other patterns including residential-pattern, community-pattern, and institutional-pattern.As a development trend,“embedded” pattern absorbs the advantages of the above three patterns and forms a closed chain between home and community services. However, this new pattern has encountered many problems in its development, such as inaccurate positioning of function, long period of investment recovery, low rate of profit, and easily triggered conflict from neighborhood. In this new pattern, we should clarify its function specifically, improve the efficiency and capability of service, play a full role of government leading, and build a diversified mechanism for resolving conflicts between neighbors.Through these measures, this new pattern might get out of the predicament and develop well.
Service Supply and Realization Path of Smart Pension
ZHANG Li, YAN Xiao-ping
2019, 44(4):  96-102. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.015
Abstract ( 809 )   PDF (1383KB) ( 542 )  
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With the rapid development of the new-generation technology information, smart pension is becoming a feasible approach and inevitable choice to resolve contradictions between supply and demand of pension service resources in our country. At present many issues need solving, such as the lack of effective top-level design in the development of smart pension, the bottleneck in the development of smart pension service enterprises, the deviation between the service provided by the smart pension institutions and the demand of old people, and the shortage of professional and interdisciplinary talents in smart pension. Therefore,the paper proposes the developing trend and the related suggestions in smart pension, including strengthening top-level design and establishing the big data center of national smart pension industry, boosting actively self-improvement and integrated development of industry of smart pension enterprises, promoting the balance between the service supply of smart pension in communities and the demand of old people, developing the purchase channel of smart pension products and improve old peoples ability to buy smart pension products; pushing forward the building of the related credit system of smart pension, depending on internet and big data; strengthening the cultivation of talents, and cultivating and strengthening the service team of smart pension.
Problems and Paths of Chinas Climbing Global Value Chain from the Perspective of Pilot Free Trade Zone
LIU Wei, SHEN Wei-ning
2019, 44(4):  103-110. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.016
Abstract ( 549 )   PDF (1604KB) ( 287 )  
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Although China is deeply integrated into the global value chain division system, Chinas position in the global value chain division is not high. In the process of climbing up the global value chain, we are facing challenges such as the lack of key technologies, backward productive services, insufficient integration force of value chain, restructuring of rules of international trade system, and obstruction from leaders of global value chain. The reform and innovation of free trade pilot area is not only consistent with the inherent logic of Chinas climbing global value chain, but also conducive to solving the problems facing the climbing global value chain.This paper puts forward the path for China to climb the global value chain in the context of free trade pilot area from the perspectives of promoting the development of scientific and technological innovation, matching international first-class standards, creating an open“sharing platform” and playing the role of“bridgehead”.
The Historical Turning Point and Cultural Change of the Spread of Western Learning in Modern China
HU Lian-li, MA Chen-lian
2019, 44(4):  111-116. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.017
Abstract ( 775 )   PDF (1381KB) ( 664 )  
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After the Opium War in 1840, Chinese people were forced to take the initiative to learn advanced western sciences, technologies and cultures. Western learning has changed from a fragmented and slow way of introduction into a wide and rapid invasion of aggressive cultural colonialism. The dissemination of Western learning in modern China has undergone a process of change from superficial utensil culture, middle system culture to deep spiritual consciousness culture. The ideological proposition of “learning advanced technologies from foreigners to defend the invasion” and the social transformation movements such as “Westernization Movement”, “Reform Movement of 1898”, “New Deal of the Late Qing Dynasty”, “Revolution of 1911” and “New Cultural Movement” have become the starting point and turning point in the process of spreading Western learning.
The Using of “Three-dimensional Nexus Thinking Model” in the Creative Path of Broadcast Hosting
LI Ya-hong
2019, 44(4):  117-123. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.018
Abstract ( 519 )   PDF (1668KB) ( 459 )  
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The language nexus means internal language which is one of the special codes of expression in human thoughts. It may include several key words, a scattered fragment, a simple purpose-orientated sentence or some pictures and images. As the intersection of the earths latitude and longitude, the language nexus emit image code from nexus and makes the images reflecting a likely three-dimensional globe. So this thinking mode of language presenting is called three-dimensional nexus thinking model, which could make the expression of the broadcasting more accurate and vivid and make the program hosting more reliable and interesting. Therefore, this method could be a new idea to integrate with the broadcasting and linguistics knowledge.
Implementation and Influence of the New Marriage Law of 1950 in Tianjin
DENG Hong, WANG Li-juan
2019, 44(4):  124-130. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.019
Abstract ( 1094 )   PDF (1453KB) ( 419 )  
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It is a fine tradition of the Communist Party of China to emphasize womens rights, gender equality, and womens liberation. Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, womens movements developed from the class emancipation into social liberation. Being enacted at the beginning of new China, The Marriage Law of the Peoples Republic of China was a significant action for womens emancipation; and it brought a great influence on womens marriage and family. Tianjin is a city where the new Marriage Law was enacted relatively earlier in China. In particular, the movement for enacting the Law impacted on womens marriage in Tianjin. Based on the documents of Tianjin Municipal Archives and Tianjin Daily, this study examines the influence of the Law in Tianjin. The New Marriage Law contributed to gender equality, the freedom of marriage, and the establishment of new values of marriage and family; it also promoted the reform of the institution of marriage and the development of new socialist society and new women. At that time, womens emancipation reached a new height. It could be a significant reference for the perfection of The Marriage Law today and the solution of womens issues.
Historical Evolution and Characteristics of the Administrative Organization System of the Xiongan New Area
YANG Xue-xin,LIU Hong-sheng
2019, 44(4):  131-135. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.020
Abstract ( 1082 )   PDF (1362KB) ( 343 )  
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The Xiongan area has a long history, is an important part of Chinese civilization, and can be traced to the same origins as the Yan-Zhao culture. From the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period to the establishment of the new area in 2017, the establishment and abolition, separation and combination of the administrative organization, the relocation of the offices and the administrative relationship gradually became clear. The importance of its regional location has changed with the development of the society, and becomes increasingly prominent.
A Glimpse of Local Activities in Yuxian County from the Mid-Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China ——A Case Study of 202 Opera Houses
LIU Qiu-gen, ZHAO Gong-zhi
2019, 44(4):  136-144. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.021
Abstract ( 506 )   PDF (1444KB) ( 332 )  
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In the 135 years from the 20th year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty(1815)to the 38th year of the Republic of China(1949), 126 localities in Yu zhou and from the cities of Datong, Liaozhou, Zhangjiakou, Jingshi and Zhili were the main business entities. In order to maintain their livelihood and achieve profitability and even maximize profits, the troupe performed 324 opera repertoires in 56 villages in Yu zhou, including local social fires, yangko, Taoism, and Hebei opera and North Road clapper. As one of the early influencing factors, the operation of some groups of Shanxi merchants engaged in long-distance trade and their commercial expansion have promoted the performance of the troupe of Shanxi fellow troupe and the spread of clapper play in different places to some extent; since the mid-term, the Shanxi merchants in Yuxian County have been one of the basic elements of the popular clapper drama.
Practice for Learning, Innovation for Reality ——A Review of Mr. Li Hus Historiography Research
LI Wen-cai
2019, 44(4):  145-153. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.04.022
Abstract ( 475 )   PDF (1487KB) ( 504 )  
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Mr. Li Hu has been engaged in historiography research for more than 60 years and has been devoting himself to the teaching and research of ancient Chinese history with outstanding academic achievements. In a comprehensive view of Mr. Lis historical research,“independent thinking, bringing forth the originality through the obsolescence” is his thoughts of scholarly research, and “practice for learning, innovation for reality” is his research principle. Mr. Li hu not only initiated the new subject of “the history of Chinas ancient diplomatic system”, but also combined with new historical materials such as the Wu Bamboo Slips excavated at Zoumalou Wujian, reinterpreting the issues of “Lihu” and “Limin” in the Wei,Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties and constructing a new academic system for the study of “Limin”. Mr. Li Hu attaches great importance to the organic combination of the handed down documents and the unearthed documents,and perfectly interprets the “bi-fold evidence methodology” in his research; thus setting a model for us in the application of historical materials.