河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2019, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 11-21.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.02.002

• 宋史研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京师范大学 历史学院, 北京 100875
  • 收稿日期:2018-06-10 出版日期:2019-03-25 发布日期:2019-03-25
  • 作者简介:郑庆寰(1983—),男,辽宁辽阳人,北京师范大学历史学院博士后,主要研究方向:唐至宋代历史。

The Policy of “Abolishing Prefectures”and “Directly Affiliated to Central Government” in the Early Song Dynasty

ZHENG Qing-huan   

  1. College of History, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • Received:2018-06-10 Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-03-25

摘要: 北宋初年,太祖、太宗两位君主为了解决藩镇之患,采取了一系列手段,其中较为重要的是“废支郡”和“直属京”政策。两项政策的实施是逐步推行的,且与罢黜禁军将领军职是同步进行的,并存在一定的偶然性。两项政策的实施,其着力点放在支郡刺史的“专奏权”方面,这又与藩镇在京城设立的进奏院有关,关乎中央和地方的信息传递。此外,太祖、太宗所推行的“废支郡”和“直属京”政策是建立在五代制度的基础上,并不是北宋建立后才有的,这些政策的施行最终促使藩镇节度诸使成为虚衔。

关键词: 北宋, 废支郡, 直属京, 进奏院

Abstract: In the early Northern Song Dynasty, the two monarchs, Taizu and Taizong, took a series of measures to solve the problem of feudal towns, among which the most important was the policy of “Abolishing Prefectures” and “Directly Affiliated to Central Government”. The implementation of the two policies was carried out step by step, and they were carried out simultaneously with the removal of the general of imperial guard, and there was a certain degree of contingency. The implementation of the two policies focused on the “Special Reporting Power” of secretariat of the county, which was related to Jin Zou Yuan set up by military governors in the capital and related to the transmission of information between the central and local governments. In addition, the policies of “Abolishing prefectures” and “Directly Affiliated to Central Government” pursued by Taizu and Taizong were based on the system of the Five Dynasties, not just after the establishment of the Northern Song Dynasty. The implementation of these policies eventually made the military governors and Khroms become nominal titles.

Key words: Northern Song Dynasty, Abolishing Prefectures, Directly Affiliated to Central Government, Jin Zou Yuan
