河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2018, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 1-10.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.001

• 宋史研究 •    下一篇



  1. 浙江大学 古籍所暨宋学研究中心, 浙江 杭州 310028
  • 收稿日期:2017-05-20 出版日期:2018-02-20 发布日期:2018-02-20
  • 作者简介:龚延明(1940—),男,浙江义乌人,浙江大学古籍所暨宋学研究中心教授、博士研究生导师,主要研究方向:中国古代官制史与科举制度文献整理。
  • 基金资助:

The Study on the Dual Functions of the Western Capital and Henan Superior Prefecture

GONG Yan-ming   

  1. Research Institute for Ancient Books& Song Research Center, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310028, China
  • Received:2017-05-20 Online:2018-02-20 Published:2018-02-20

摘要: 北宋河南府为西京所在,构成府一级行政管理与含有宫城的京城管理的双重职能。这一特殊性,产生了河南府行政机构之外的留守司、分司等特殊的机构和与之相应的用人制度。从而就形成了不同于宋代诸路路属府级行政管理制度的陪京府管理运作的模式。论文分述了:一、西京及河南府的沿革,及其为北宋三陪京之首的建制 。二、河南府的职官制度,自府长官尹、少尹、知府,府属判官、推官至左、右军巡院等,其设官分职大体与开封府同,但编制成员远逊开封府。三、西京留守司制度及所属留守机构,留司源自河南府城内有宫城,为皇帝行幸起居之所。西京不同于东京之处,即便皇帝不亲征,平时,仍置西京留守,然其守卫、修葺宫城职能,渐渐退化,逐渐成为安置贬官或退闲、优贤朝臣之地。河南知府兼留守,导致河南府行政管理具有双重职能的特点。西京留守司所属留司御史台、国子监,“粗有职事”,多为安置退居二线重臣或与当轴有异见之朝官,具有实职与虚职两种职能。四、西京分司官,名为中央派出机构之官员,在宋代已蜕变为一种特定的通称官名。无定员。其职能为优容有功劳而疾病不能任事者,及有过犯的责授官,为闲职,乾领禄俸。宋代西京留守司与分司官,是宋代孳生冗官的一个病灶,但多少也发挥了化解朝廷激烈政治斗争缓冲器的作用。

关键词: 北宋河南府, 西京, 官制, 双重职能

Abstract: Henan was not only a Superior Prefecture but also the Western Capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, which resulted in its dual functions in the Superior Prefecture administrative management and the imperial palace administration. This specific property led to a unique operation mode by combining the management of auxiliary capital and Superior Prefecture which was different from the general management system of the Superior Prefecture and was under the jurisdiction of the Circuits. On one hand, some administrations such as the Regency and the Branch Office were established with the corresponded personnel system; on the other hand, the governmental body of Henan Superior Prefecture remained. The paper comprises of the following elements. First, the history of the Western Capital, the Henan Superior Prefecture and the organizational system of the Western Capital which was first auxiliary capital in the Northern Song Dynasty. Second, the official system of the Henan Superior Prefecture. When making a study of the establishment of the senior officials such as the Governor, the Vice Governor,the Prefect and the attached officials such as the Assistant Prefect, the Judge and the left and right Police Office, it is clear that the government titles of the Henan Superior Prefecture and Kaifeng Superior Prefecture were roughly equal while the government body of the former was much smaller than the latter. Third, the organization structure and the affiliated institutions of the Western Capital Regency. The Regency was established due to the existence of an imperial palace which was a transit accommodation of the emperor inside the Henan Superior Prefecture. One of the differences in the regulations between the Western Capital and the Eastern Capital was that even though the emperor did not go on an expedition, the Western Capital Regency remained at ordinary times while the responsibility in guarding and constructing of which was replaced by arranging demoted or retired officers. The dual functions of Henan Superior Prefecture were caused by a special situation that the Prefect of Henan Superior Prefecture also served as Regent. The Auxiliary Censorate of the Western Capital and the Directorate of Education attached to the Western Capital Regency and assigned to both real jobs and fake jobs did undertake some tasks to arrange the dissident officers and the officers resigned from leading posts. Forth, the Western Capital Branch Official turned into a general term of the officers rather than officers sent by the central government. To be set up for the demoted officials or the officials of merit who were unable to take on the responsibilities due to their illness, the Western Capital Branch Official was a freeloading sinecure with indeterminate stuff number. The Western Capital Regency and Branch Office were among the factors of official redundancy; meanwhile, they also resolved political conflicts of the Northern Song government more or less.

Key words: Henan Superior Prefecture of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Western Capital, official system, dual functions
