河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 1-8.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.001

• 哲学研究 •    下一篇



  1. 山东大学 儒学高等研究院, 山东 济南 250100
  • 收稿日期:2020-12-23 出版日期:2021-05-04 发布日期:2021-05-04
  • 作者简介:黄玉顺(1957—),男,四川成都人,山东大学儒学高等研究院教授、博士生导师,主要研究方向:儒家哲学与中西比较哲学。

What Is Called “Philosophy”? ——On the Relationship Between Life Confucianism and Philosophy

HUANG Yushun   

  1. Advanced Institute for Confucianism Study, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250100, China
  • Received:2020-12-23 Online:2021-05-04 Published:2021-05-04

摘要: 就其问题意识即对社会现实问题的关切而论,生活儒学的最终落脚点是“形下哲学”的建构,重点是作为基础伦理学的“中国正义论”及其所奠基的“国民政治儒学”。这种“哲学”通常是指某个学科领域的原理部分,如“政治哲学”“道德哲学”等,甚至包括作为分析哲学的所谓“语言哲学”,其所思考的乃是形而下的某个存在者领域。但更严格的“哲学”概念,按照海德格尔的界定,乃是形而上学,主要是传统的本体论,其所思考的是存在者整体,最典型的是黑格尔式的以“反思”为特征的哲学。在生活儒学,这就是普遍性的“变易本体论”以及针对现代性的“超越本体论”的建构。这种“形上哲学”与上述“形下哲学”的关系,即“形上→形下”的奠基关系。然而按照海德格尔的“双重奠基”思想,形上哲学与形下哲学都是存在者化的思考,即都面对“存在者何以可能”的追问;再按照海德格尔的“存在论区分”思想,上述关于“存在者”的哲学都需要关于“存在”的思想来为之奠基。这种存在之思不是哲学,而是海德格尔所称“哲学终结”之后的“思的任务”。在生活儒学,这就是关于“前存在者”的“生活存在论”或“生活论”。因此,生活儒学不是哲学,或者说远不止是哲学。然而正如海德格尔之“思”也被称为“海德格尔哲学”,这种最宽泛的“哲学”概念所包含的存在之思亦可称为“存在哲学”。在这个意义上,生活儒学亦可称为“生活哲学”。

关键词: 哲学, 生活儒学, 形下哲学, 形上哲学, 存在哲学, 生活哲学

Abstract: In term of its awareness of problems,that is,its concern for social problems,the ultimate goal of Life Confucianism is the construction of “sub-metaphysic philosophy”,the points of which are “the Chinese Theory of Justice” as a fundamental ethics and “Civic Political Confucianism” laid the foundation by the former.This kind of “philosophy” usually refers to the principle part of a certain discipline field,such as “political philosophy”,“moral philosophy”,and even includes the so-called “language philosophy” as analytical philosophy,which is thinking about is a sub-metaphysic realm of the beings.But according to Martin Heideggers definition,the more rigorous concept of “philosophy” is the metaphysics that is mainly the traditional ontology,which is thinking about all the beings as a whole,in which the most typical is Hegelian philosophy characterized by “reflexion”.In Life Confucianism,they are the constructions of the universal “Change Ontology” and “Transcendental Ontology” aiming at modernity.The relationship between this “metaphysic philosophy”and the above-mentioned “sub-metaphysic philosophy” is the foundation-laying relationship of “the Metaphysic One→the Sub-metaphysic beings”.However,according to Heideggers thought of “double foundation-laying”,what both metaphysic philosophy and sub-metaphysic philosophy are thinking are the beings,that is,they both face the further inquiry of “how can the beings be possible”;and according to Heideggers thought of “ontological difference”,the above philosophies of “beings” needs to be laid the foundations by the thought of “Being”.This thinking of Being is not philosophy,but “the task of thinking” after “the end of philosophy” as Heidegger said.In Life Confucianism,it is “the theory of Life as Being” or “the theory of Life”,which is about “pre-being”.Therefore,Life Confucianism is not philosophy,or far more than philosophy.However,just as Heideggers “thinking” is also known as “Heideggers philosophy”,the thought of being contained in the broadest concept of “philosophy” can also be called “Being philosophy”.In this sense,Life Confucianism can also be called “life philosophy”.

Key words: philosophy, Life Confucianism, sub-metaphysic philosophy, metaphysic philosophy, Being philosophy, life philosophy
