河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2023, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (1): 152-160.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.01.016

• 深化监察体制改革专题 • 上一篇    



  1. 华中师范大学 法学院, 湖北 武汉 430079;
    中国政法大学 法学院, 北京 100091
  • 收稿日期:2022-09-12 出版日期:2023-02-27 发布日期:2023-02-27
  • 作者简介:朱良(1993—),男,湖北咸宁人,博士,华中师范大学讲师,中国政法大学法学院博士后研究人员,主要研究方向:监察法、刑事诉讼法和检察制度。
  • 基金资助:

Three Models of Supplementary Examination of Supervisory Organs Evidence from the Perspective of Anti-corruption

ZHU Liang   

  1. Law School, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei 430079; Law School, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100091, China
  • Received:2022-09-12 Online:2023-02-27 Published:2023-02-27

摘要: 随着纪检监察体制改革的持续深入,中国监察机关的证据补查体系逐渐呈现出退回重新调查、退回补充调查和直接补充证据三种模式。监察机关审理阶段证据补查的三种模式各有其形成的原因及运行机制,也都有独立存续的空间。退回重新调查模式和退回补充调查模式在监督制约监察机关调查权和保障案件质量方面具有一定的积极作用,但是两者容易引发内部机构之间的矛盾,进而导致案件办理效率降低。直接补充证据模式有助于提高案件的办理效率和促进内部和谐,但却模糊了监察机关内部机构之间的职责边界,容易引发制约不足而配合有余的风险。未来应当秉持法治意识、程序意识和证据意识,在保障内部监督制约和案件办理效率的基础上,严格依法适用监察机关证据补查的三种模式。

关键词: 权力制约, 证据规则, 审理阶段, 监察机关

Abstract: With the continuous deepening of the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system,the evidence supplementary inspection system of Chinas supervisory organs gradually presents three modes:the return for reinvestigation,the return for supplementary investigation and direct supplementary evidence.The three modes of supplementary examination of evidence in the trial stage of the supervisory authority have their own reasons for formation and operating mechanisms,and they also have space for independent survival.The return for reinvestigation mode and the return for supplementary investigation mode play a positive role in supervising and restricting the investigation power of the supervisory authority and ensuring the quality of cases,but they are easy to cause contradictions between internal institutions,which leads to lower efficiency of case handling.The mode of the direct supplement of evidence is helpful to improve the efficiency of handling cases and promote internal harmony,but it blurs the boundaries of responsibilities between the internal organs of the supervisory organ,which is easy to lead to the risk of insufficient constraints and more cooperation.In the future,we should uphold the consciousness of rule of law,procedure and evidence,and strictly apply the three modes of supplementary investigation of evidence by supervisory organs in accordance with the law on the basis of ensuring the efficiency of internal supervision and case handling.

Key words: power restriction, rules of evidence, trial stage, supervisory organ
