河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2019, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 1-9.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2019.03.001

• 宋史研究 •    下一篇



  1. 华中师范大学 历史文化学院, 湖北 武汉 430079
  • 收稿日期:2018-10-05 出版日期:2019-05-25 发布日期:2019-05-25
  • 作者简介:张全明(1957—),男,湖北嘉鱼人,华中师范大学历史文化学院教授、博士生导师,武汉岳飞文化研究会副会长,主要研究方向:宋史、历史地理学与中国环境史。

A Brief Analysis of Yue Feis Cultural Relics and Their Changes in Wuhan

ZHANG Quan-ming   

  1. College of History and Culture, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei 430079, China
  • Received:2018-10-05 Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-05-25

摘要: 今武汉所属之武昌、汉阳城区,是当时岳家军驻扎的大本营和北伐基地,也是当时岳飞指挥抗金的帅府所在地。岳飞屯驻鄂州的七年,是他一生中抗金战功最卓著、成就最辉煌、英名最震撼的七年。因此,这里留下了大量珍贵的岳飞及其率领的岳家军的历史文化遗迹。从几百年来武汉城区的时空变迁入手,对南宋初年岳飞及岳家军在其曾长期驻守的鄂州留下的历史文化遗迹进行了多视觉的论述,涉及天文历算、水陆变迁、城址变化、官署建毁以及历史文献及其记录差异等,将历史地理考证与历史文献记载核校勘对,详实地论证了当年岳飞与岳家军所留历史文化遗迹与后世重建之岳飞历史文化遗迹之区别;重点论证了今武汉地区在南宋时于此所建的中国最早的岳王庙以及岳府、岳家军帅府、岳家军屯营、忠烈庙、黄鹤楼、岳武穆遗像亭、报国庵、岳飞街等具有典型意义的古今武汉岳飞文化遗迹。

关键词: 岳飞, 宋代, 鄂州, 岳家军, 文化遗迹

Abstract: The Wuchang and Hanyang districts, which belong to todays Wuhan city, were the base camp and the northern expedition base for Yue Warriors at that time. The seven years of Yue Fei stationed in Ezhou, were the most outstanding achievement and the most impressive fame in his life. Therefore, there are a lot of precious historical and cultural relics left by Yue Fei and his warriors. Starting with the spatiotemporal changes of Wuhan urban areas in the past few hundred years, the paper makes a multi-visual discussion on the historical and cultural relics left by Yue fei and his warriors in Ezhou, where they were stationed for a long time in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, involving astronomical almanac calculation, changes of land and water, changes of urban sites, official buildings and destruction as well as differences in historical documents and records. Through the verification and collation of historical geographical research and historical documents, the paper also demonstrates the differences between the historical and cultural relics left by Yue Fei and his warriors in those years and the relics rebuilt by later generations in details. Meanwhile, the paper focuses on demonstration on typical cultural relics of Yue Fei in Wuhan, which were built in Southern Song Dynasty, such as Yue Fei Temple and the Palace of Yue, the earliest one in China, the Marshal-palace of Yue Warriors, the Campsite of Yue Warrriors, the Royal Temple, the Yellow Crane Tower, the Pavilion of Yue Wumus Deadee, the BaoGuo-nunnery,the Yue Fei street, and so on.

Key words: Yue Fei, Song Dynasty, Ezhou, Yue warriors, Cultural relics
