河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2018, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (3): 24-32.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.004

• 语言文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 河南大学 外语学院, 河南 开封 475001
  • 收稿日期:2017-03-20 出版日期:2018-05-25 发布日期:2018-05-25
  • 作者简介:刘泽权(1963—),男,河南信阳人,河南大学外语学院教授、博士研究生导师,主要研究方向:翻译理论与实践、语料库语言学。
  • 基金资助:

A Visualized Analysis of Current Research of Yang Jiang’s Writings and Translations based on Bibliometrics

LIU Ze-quan, TANG Jie   

  1. School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan 475001, China
  • Received:2017-03-20 Online:2018-05-25 Published:2018-05-25

摘要: 作为中国现当代久负盛名的作家、文学家和翻译家,杨绛在创作和翻译方面都取得了粲然可观的成就。其作品涵盖范围之广、质量之高,受到较多读者和研究者喜爱,有关其著译的研究可谓汗牛充栋。运用文献计量学方法,通过CiteSpace可视化工具,对中国知网1981-2017年间有关杨绛创作和译作研究的文献进行定量定性分析,旨在廓清相关研究现状,探究其可资拓展之空间,以期全面挖掘杨绛作品的深刻内涵和文学价值,客观评价这位“女先生”的人格魅力和历史地位。

关键词: 杨绛, 创作, 译作, 文献计量学

Abstract: Yang Jiang, as a famous contemporary female writer, litterateur and translator, is well-known for her wide-ranging and high-quality works, including writings and translations. It follows that a considerable amount of research has been conducted concerning her publications. By the method of bibliometrics and using the CiteSpace visualization tool, this paper makes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the literature on Yang Jiang’s writings and translations from 1981 to 2017, aiming at clarifying the state of the art and exploring the space for its expansion so as to fully excavate the profound implication and literary value of Yang Jiang’s works and to objectively evaluate the personality charm and historical status of this female gentleman.

Key words: Yang Jiang, writings, translations, bibliometrics
