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25 March 2016, Volume 41 Issue 2
Original Paper
Between Harmony and Integration: Interaction of Three Religions under the Vision of Tang and Song Dynasties
YU Yun guo
2016, 41(2):  1-8. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.001
Abstract ( 635 )   PDF (6091KB) ( 279 )  
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Until before the mid Tang Dynasty, Buddhism and Taoism once initiated reconciling theory respectively, and successive monarchs also moved to reconcile, but the real harmony among Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism was not realized. Buddhism accomplished its sinicization before and after the mid Tang Dynasty, and Taoism showed all the characteristics of the native religion. Confucianism felt the crisis consciously; hence with Han Yu Zhao beginning, and the Neo Confucianism in Song Dynasty finally completed its function, reasonably blended the Buddhism, reconstructed Songs ideological system and eventually regained sovereignty discourse of the relationship among the three religions. In this process, Buddhism and Taoism put Confucianism values consciously into their doctrines; took initiative to be close to Confucianism. And the kings of Song Dynasty as the supreme rulers, although they had individual worship of Taoism and Buddhism, they always took the reconciliation of the three religions as the basic national policy; there are still valuable historical details to explore and draw the policy trends of the rulers from reconciling three religions externally to the integration of three religions. These changes and interactions constituted a major theme of the transformation of the Tang and Song Dynasty in the field of thoughts.
Qing Li Education Promotion——The Transmission from Spontaneity to Consciousnessof Official Education in the Song Dynasty
JIANG Xi dong, XU Cheng dong
2016, 41(2):  9-13. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.002
Abstract ( 1050 )   PDF (2866KB) ( 301 )  
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The development of official education in the Song Dynasty relatively lagged behind, showing the phenomenon of valuing imperial examination while undervaluing official education. In the Qing Li Period of Song Dynasty, with the aggravation of class contradiction, the ruling class gradually realized the importance of the talents and education, and promoted the development of official education purposefully, called “Qing Li education promotion”. This education reform had been a historic time to cultivate talents and marked a significant change of talents cultivation from the unconsciously spontaneous stage to the conscious development. Qing Li education promotion promoted the basic official education concepts, formed a solid basis for the next two education development and finally reached a new historical height.
Research on Qu Yuan by You Guo en and the Academic Significance
LI Jin shan, ZHAO Ran
2016, 41(2):  14-19. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.003
Abstract ( 613 )   PDF (3792KB) ( 344 )  
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You Guo en is a famous expert of Chu Ci, and the founder of modern research about Chu Ci. In 1946, 1953, 1963 and 1980, four versions of Qu Yuan had been published. Based on the comparison of four versions, we can analyze the differences of Qu Yuans image, thought and works. We can sketch the trajectory of his academic development. The social and cultural causes of four different versions, including You Guo ens academic background are discussed.
The Rheology and Innovations of Tan Ges Novels Realism
SU Hong, ZHAO Xin ruo
2016, 41(2):  20-25. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.004
Abstract ( 746 )   PDF (3705KB) ( 383 )  
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Tan Ge’s novels have distinctive characteristics of realism, which is the writer’s self conscious pursuit of art. But Tan Ge’s realism is not invariable and stagnant, which experiences four stages:“realism shock wave”, “literary sketches”,” “city series” and “historical novel”. Meanwhile, Tan Ge’s novels have different degrees of exploration and innovation in the theme content, concept of creation and means of artistic expression.
The Analysis on the Structural Features of Chinese SVC Double syllable Words
WU Wen jie, XU Yan
2016, 41(2):  26-29. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.005
Abstract ( 604 )   PDF (2276KB) ( 451 )  
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By the research of Chinese high frequency SVC double syllable words, we found that the two morphemes in SVC double syllable words have different argument structure features. According to the quantity of the arguments, the correlations contain one argument, two arguments, and three arguments. The correlation of two arguments has three types. The correlation of three arguments has seven types. And the distribution of the number of words and the number of sub type does not have the symmetry.
Discerning and Modifying the Notation of Marks of ProperName in Han Yu Da Zi Dian
YANG Tao,YANG Bao zhong
2016, 41(2):  30-35. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.006
Abstract ( 497 )   PDF (3619KB) ( 355 )  
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Han Yu Da Zi Dian has abundant citations. Since the editor is not familiar with quoting the ancient texts and biased in understanding the context, it lead directly to the serious problems in the punctuation.The second edition of Han Yu Da Zi Dian has corrected some punctuation errors on the first edition after a decade of amendments, but there are still a lot of problems which need to be handled. This article classifies the problems of punctuating marks of proper name into ten types, and then provides thirty five examples to discusst.
Motivation in ESL/EFL Extensive Reading: A Case Study
ZHAO Hong yu
2016, 41(2):  36-41. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.007
Abstract ( 437 )   PDF (3911KB) ( 257 )  
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Motivation, which is crucial to initiate and sustain reading efforts, has been studied in the field of ESL/EFL reading. However, most studies in this field are conducted collectively on groups of learners, failing to provide a detailed picture of individual experience. This paper presents a longitudinal case study on the reading motivation of 2 Chinese non English major graduates. During this two term study, the researchers conducted interviews for 3 times, and gave reading speed tests regularly. The results show that the ESL/EFL reading motivation of the 2 participants changed moment by moment, influenced by several factors. Reading materials play an important role in cultivating positive attitude and shaping intrinsic motivation.
From Teaching to Learning: The New Orientation
TIAN Shan jun,WEN Jia ling
2016, 41(2):  42-47. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.008
Abstract ( 468 )   PDF (3768KB) ( 296 )  
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The implementation of teaching evaluation is a dynamically improving and reforming process; the objectives to evaluate transmit from improving the teachers teaching behavior to promoting students learning behavior and results; the assessment of the content transmits from some formalization problems, like the curriculum implementation process to the substantive problems, like the results of the study, the change and harvest of the students, and the development of teachers and students; the evaluation functions transmit from rewards and punishments to development; the evaluation methods transmit from simple quantification to the combination of quantity and quality.
Hidden Curriculum in Japanese Preschool Education and Its Inspiration
TANG Yu ying, LIU Wen jing
2016, 41(2):  48-52. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.009
Abstract ( 860 )   PDF (2773KB) ( 408 )  
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Hidden course is a key component in kindergarten curriculum system. Being a model in implementing hidden course, Japan has developed a well defined kindergarten hidden course to promote Japanese pre school education through established system, artful situation design and high level faculty. The exploiting experience of hidden course has practical significant reference for improvement of Chinese pre school curriculum system.
College Students Entrepreneurship Education from the Perspective of Entrepreneurial Learning
SHANG Xue mei, FENG Zhi en
2016, 41(2):  53-56. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.010
Abstract ( 600 )   PDF (2704KB) ( 355 )  
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Entrepreneurial learning is at the forefront of current research in the field of entrepreneurship. From the perspective of entrepreneurial learning, this paper put forward a multi stakeholder participation and open system of entrepreneurship education to promote the reform and development of college students entrepreneurship education in China, combined with the current situation of entrepreneurship education in our country, and the theories of psychology, management and sociology.
Synergetic Development among Beijing Tianjin Hebei and Industrial Transformation and Upgrading of Hebei Province
Gao Zhi,Kong Hui zhen
2016, 41(2):  57-62. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.011
Abstract ( 588 )   PDF (3272KB) ( 337 )  
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The most fundamental goal of synergetic development among Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei is to construct a new modernization metropolitan zone with international competitiveness and important influence, and to create a new engine of innovative development in Bohai Rim so as to promote and lead the development throughout the country. Regarding achieving the goal as the starting point, the paper analyzes the strategic values of industrial transformation and upgrading of Hebei province and the current pattern of industrial division among Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, considers achieving horizontal industry division among Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei as the strategic objective of Hebei provincial industrial transformation and upgrading, and considers the factors with high quality continuing flowing out of Hebei Province and the existing vertical industrial division pattern among Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei as two major difficulties. Therefore, it suggests reforming the fiscal and taxation system of dividing revenue and expenditure between the central and local governments, to establish the integrated social development and public service mechanism among Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, to construct demonstration zones of new urbanization and urban rural overall development, and to establish several high end carriers and platforms for industrial development so as to promote industrial transformation and upgrading of Hebei Province.
The Equity of Health Resource Allocationin Beijing Tianjin Hebei
YANG Sheng li, DUAN Shi jiang
2016, 41(2):  63-69. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.012
Abstract ( 581 )   PDF (3667KB) ( 448 )  
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The article analyses the current status of medical resource allocation in Beijing Tianjin Hebei, and uses the Gini coefficient and Theil index to measure the degree of fairness and the trend of change of medical resource allocation in Beijing Tianjin Hebei. The results show: the fairness of medical resources is increasing in recent years; the regional differences of health technicians, doctors and nurses are greater than that in the region; the regional differences in the number of beds in health institutions are greater than the differences between regions; the fairness of the allocation of beds is better than the fairness of the allocation of human resources in Beijing Tianjin Hebei. The differences in the allocation of medical resources in Beijing Tianjin Hebei mainly lie in the differences of quality of medical resources.
The Dynamic Validity Evaluation of Cooperative Development in Beijing Tianjin Hebei Based on DEA
FENG Yi kang, WANG Ya jie
2016, 41(2):  70-74. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.013
Abstract ( 668 )   PDF (2812KB) ( 333 )  
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Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is used in the paper to measure the validity of cooperative development in Beijing Tianjin Hebei and analyzes the reasons for the differences in the three areas. The research indicates the validity of cooperative development in Beijing Tianjin Hebei has not been achieved optimally, but overall efficiency of cooperative degree has been better and better. Cooperative degree between Beijing and Tianjin is greater than Hebei Province. Factor inputs from Beijing Tianjin Hebei contribute to maximum output but input and output ratio has not been achieved optimally. At last, based on the validity and orientation of cooperative development in Beijing Tianjin Hebei, the paper proposes corresponding suggestions.
An Analysis of the Actual Condition of Land Circulation under Different Farmers Groups——From Farmers Data in 11 Cities of Hebei Province in 2014
XI Zeng lei, WANG Yu ding
2016, 41(2):  75-81. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.014
Abstract ( 469 )   PDF (3140KB) ( 248 )  
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For understanding the current situation of land circulation in Hebei, we mainly chose Baoding, Cangzhou, Chengde, Handan, Hengshui, Langfang, Qinhuangdao,Shijiazhuang, Tangshan,Xingtai, and Zhangjiakou in Hebei to research. According to the rural land circulation investigation data from 11 cities in Hebei province, the paper uses simple least squares method to study the influence factors of peasant household land under different working condition. The results show that the land circulation market has no obvious effect; household contracted land area dimensions have significant impacts on land circulation; farmers education for land circulation area is not significant.
The Influence of Bilateral Investment Treaties on Location Choice of Chinas Outward Foreign Direct Investment
JIA Yu cheng, ZHANG Cheng
2016, 41(2):  82-90. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.015
Abstract ( 502 )   PDF (5212KB) ( 297 )  
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The Bilateral Investment Treaties, through the way of policy arrangement between two countries, reduce the investment threshold and risks of investors, and promotes the development of Chinas Outward Foreign Direct Investment. But because the gap of development level and institutional environment really exists among the signatories of bilateral investment treaty (BIT), the national differences may obviously exist in the way and degree of its influence on Chinas OFD. This paper, using the panel data covering 57 developing countries during 2005-2012 by PCSE model method, explores the relationship between the bilateral investment treaties and Chinas OFDI location choice. The results indicate that: the BITs promote Chinas OFDI, and this influence is more significant in low institutional countries.
Empirical Research on the Scale and Influence Factors
WANG Lu,ZHANG Dong sheng
2016, 41(2):  91-97. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.016
Abstract ( 579 )   PDF (4186KB) ( 454 )  
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This paper analyses the internal and external factors which influence the scale of industrial clusters. The internal factors include natural resources, social resources, government support, market capacity, and external investments, while the external factors consist of capital level, diligence degree of employees, and risk preference. Based on an extended Cellular Automata model, the article designs eight simulation tests, and uses Matlab to test the influence degree of those eight factors respectively. Results of the simulation illustrate that natural resources, risk preference, capital level, and diligence degree of employees have remarkable influences on the scale of industrial clusters, while the influences of other factors are not obvious. The results also verify the existence of optimal scale of industrial clusters, and the tendency of cluster scale ascends first and descends at last, which looks like an inverse U curve.
The Analysis on the Australian Freedom of Information Act
SUN Xu pei, WANG Shi yun
2016, 41(2):  98-101. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.017
Abstract ( 849 )   PDF (2206KB) ( 368 )  
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Government information and documents have been deemed to be the property of government agencies and institutions to decide whether or not to publicize the information. With the development and progress of society, the right to know concept gradually formed a consensus as a basic human right to be protected. Under the impetus of the media and the public, Australia began to pay attention to protecting the public right to know, and accordingly developed a Freedom of Information Act on disclosure of government information to ensure the realization of the citizens right to know.
Turkish Media and Social Cognition of "The Belt and Road"
BAI Gui, EROL Osman
2016, 41(2):  102-106. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.018
Abstract ( 603 )   PDF (2510KB) ( 457 )  
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As the starting point of the Silk Road, Turkey is an important hub of the East and the West. The relationship between the two has played an important role in the history of the Silk Road. With the change of the world situation, the Silk Road also shines with a new position. Turkey has its unique advantages, particularly its geographical location, so that Chinese scholars and officials have put Turkey in an important partner location. And Turkey is the seventeenth largest economy in the world, the fusion of civilization and culture, and is significant to revive the East and West Transport Corridor, which are all potential factors for Turkey to make a great contribution both economically and culturally in the "The Belt and Road" initiative.Turkish media as well as the attitudes of non-governmental organizations can clearly illustrate the role of Turkey in this initiative, and what an important role the initiative will play in the future. Through the study on Turkish media and social attitudes to this initiative, this paper analyzes the status of the initiative in Turkish public opinion, its approval rating and the possibility of the expansion of its strategic influence.
Innovation and Future of Data Journalism from the Perspective of Media Convergence
QIN Fu gui, BAI Jie
2016, 41(2):  107-111. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.019
Abstract ( 536 )   PDF (3217KB) ( 364 )  
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Data journalism is a sort of new paradigm of news, not a simple promotion of traditional journalism. Data journalism is an important force and beginning point of traditional media in the era of media convergence. It is possible to find an effective way to help traditional media develop towards new media convergence by grasping the regularity which is formed in data journalism production and dissemination. The birth of data journalism is only a prototype in the future information products, which is not the end of media convergence and there will be more extensive news paradigms born in such an era.
The Institutions of Wei so in the North China and the Influence on the Local Culture during the Ming Dynasty——Taking the Hejian Government as An Example
Yu Xiu ping,Wang Jian hong
2016, 41(2):  112-119. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.020
Abstract ( 960 )   PDF (5684KB) ( 394 )  
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There were three Wei so in Hejian government of the Ming Dynasty, recorded in Hejian Fuzhi. They were Heijian Wei so, Datong Zhongtun Wei so (Jizhi), Shenyang Zhongtun Wei so (Jizhi). Others were the Tianjin Wei so, the Tianjin Left Wei so, the Tianjin Right Wei so, and the Cangzhou Shouyu Qianhu Wei so. “Military expeditions” and “banishing” were the Hejian militarys features. The immigration of Heijian had a particularly strong influence on local culture during the early Ming Dynasty.
Suiyuan Resistance and Humanitarian Assistance of the Red Cross Society of China
DING Ze li, CHI Zi hua
2016, 41(2):  120-125. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.021
Abstract ( 477 )   PDF (3930KB) ( 261 )  
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When Suiyuan Campaign broke out in November 1936, the Red Cross Society of China organized the humanitarian assistance actively under the charity for soldiers. They united the other organizations in Shanghai to establish the Suiyuan Bandit Suppression Relief Committee which had raised materials and launched the movement of raising ambulances. Meanwhile they also established the Red Cross Society of China Economic Commission to raise the rescue funds. At the same time, they trained the paramedics to assist the firstaid in battlefield of Suiyuan. They also set up The North China Branch of Rescue Committee to coordinate the first aid. With the help of the whole society, the Red Cross Society of China had completed the rescue tasks in Suiyuan satisfactorily.
Research on the Construction of Honest Government in China——From the Perspective of Government Information Disclosure
LIU Zhi gang,WANG Yun
2016, 41(2):  126-130. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.022
Abstract ( 474 )   PDF (2991KB) ( 312 )  
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Under the condition of market economy, it is the premise and foundation for the market economy to build a full credit system,and the government honesty is in the leading position in the whole credit system. The construction of honest government needs to improve the concept, system, environment, etc., in which the government information disclosure is an important breakthrough. The history of Chinas government information public legislation is short; in theory there are still problems such as the low rank of legislation, and imperfect content; in practice the public awareness of government is not in place, the organization structure and work mechanism are not perfect and so on. Improving the information disclosure, and building honest government should begin from the three levels to break: on the idea level, to improve the governments responsibility consciousness and citizens right consciousness; on the theoretical level, to improve the legal system of information disclosure; on the practical level, to improve government information disclosure conditions, and perfect supervision mechanism.
The Path Choice of Deepening the Reform of Administrative Examination and Approval System in China
WU Ming, ZHEN Zhen
2016, 41(2):  131-134. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.023
Abstract ( 531 )   PDF (2622KB) ( 378 )  
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The reform of administrative examination and approval system is the objective requirements of the market economy, which is of great significance to regulate the governments power and behavior, and stimulate the vitality of the market. After more than ten years of reform, the establishment and improvement of the administrative examination and approval system reform organization cut a large number of approvals, which greatly stimulates the vitality of the market, and promotes the development of Chinas economy. Meanwhile, during the process of reform there are also some problems, such as the imperfect laws and regulations, the lack of relevant linkage reform, information asymmetry, supporting policy being not in place, the failure of supervision of intermediary institutions and some of the decentralization issues being not convenient, and having not high quality contents, etc. Based on the above, we will need to adjust the laws and regulations, improve the quality of the examination and approval team, strengthen the supervision during and after the event, establish a unified and shared information platform and regulate the management of intermediary organizations, etc.
Public Value Analysis and the Building of Performance Evaluation System of Ecological Construction Projects
NIE Ying
2016, 41(2):  135-140. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.024
Abstract ( 542 )   PDF (3999KB) ( 316 )  
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This paper takes ecological construction project as the study, reflects on the phenomenon of the lack of value in the management of ecological construction projects, which leads to the low efficiency of the project and the waste of resources. The paper thinks the performance evaluation of ecological construction project management should be even more concerned about the publicity value pursuit of its own. Ecological construction projects have different characteristics from other public projects, which are externality and public welfare. Therefore, based on the public value management paradigm, the paper analyzes the public value of the ecological construction project is a value system, which embodies in the values of fairness, democracy, efficiency, economy, sustainability, and ecological effect of interest. Combined with the practice of ecological projects, the paper deeply analyzes the setting, creating and transmitting process of its public value, and constructs the “process and results” ecological evaluation system in order to evaluate the ecological construction projects more comprehensively and accurately.
The Research on Strategic Abilities Ascension of the Chinas Foreign
2016, 41(2):  141-146. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.025
Abstract ( 598 )   PDF (4017KB) ( 386 )  
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Cultural influence is the important embodiment of national soft power. To improve the cultural soft power of China to let Chinese culture be better known by the outside world and enhance the position of Chinese culture in the value system of human civilization, its necessary to build and implement a set of cultural dissemination strategies, including cultural cultivation, revival, development and the international exchanges. The core of this culture strategy is the appropriate tactics selection of cultural exchanges with other countries to achieve the basic goal for prosperity and promotion of international influence of Chinese culture.
A Study on the Policy Reconstitution of Reward and AssistanceBased on the Background of Two Child Policy
Lv Hong ping,Li Li
2016, 41(2):  147-152. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.026
Abstract ( 465 )   PDF (3820KB) ( 273 )  
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The rewarding and assistant policy is the essential part of family planning in China.Family planning has a big adjustment from the policy of one-child to two-child, objectively, requiring the rewarding and assistant policy to have the corresponding adjustment and reconstitution, Which is not only the necessary requirement to complete the integrity of family planning system, but also the implementation to achieve the rewarding regulation in the Law of Population and Family Planning and safeguard the people’s objective need to childbearing in light of policy. Reconstitution and adjustment of the rewarding and assistant policy about family planning should follow the reasonable link, justice and equality, unified policy and the principle helpingon demand. We should focus on the integrity of system, the comprehensiveness of content, and the social nature of resources. We should build the assistant system that the government takes the lead, the department coordinates and the society joins them; we should grasp the points, solve the people’s concern, and complete the corresponding policy, in order to achieve the goal of people’s childbearing desire according to the family planning policy.
A Study on Social Integration of Rural Marriage Migrant Females and Its Influencing Factors——Findings from Nine Provinces in China
Wei Yan,Duan Ting ting
2016, 41(2):  153-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.02.027
Abstract ( 653 )   PDF (4662KB) ( 328 )  
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The rural marriage migrant females encounter the new living environment after marriage, and their social integration will affect individual development and stability of marriage and family. Using the data of “Marriage Migration and Development of Rural Females” conducted in nine provinces of China in 2014, this paper analyzes the current status and influencing factors of behavioral integration and psychological integration of the marriage migrant females in these areas. The results indicate that social integration of rural marriage migration females does not show obvious vulnerability; individual factors and community factors have significant influences on their social integration. Rural female with longer marriage circle, poor mastery of dialect and experience of being discriminated will show poor social integration; the females with higher level of education, no working experience, lower income and longer marriage duration will have higher behavioral integration or psychological integration; the females in the village with higher per capita will have higher social integration. Moreover, behavioral integration of rural marriage migration females has positive effects on their psychological integration.