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25 July 2016, Volume 41 Issue 4
Original Paper
Research on the Reasons of the Banishment in Daozhou of Cai Yuanding
GU Hong yi
2016, 41(4):  1-7. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.001
Abstract ( 859 )   PDF (4021KB) ( 647 )  
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In the period of “Qing Yuan Dang Jin” of Southern Song Dynasty, neo confucianist Zhu Xi was impeached and dismissed from office. In the meantime, his disciple, Cai Yuanding was imposed a heavy penalty and died in Daozhou because of demotion. On the causes of Cais death, many researchers believed that Cai was implicated just because of the powerful minister, Han Tuozhous inhibition on Zhu Xi, and he was totally innocent. But based on the scattered historical materials in the relevant period especially from the letters of Zhu Xi in the contemporary period, we can find that Cai was penalized severely partly due to the political background in that period but the hidden and direct cause was because of the event that Cai decided to relocate the Jianyang school to Huguosi because of the Geomantic Omen. This made the political opponents accuse Cai as an excuse and also because the event was related to Geomantic Omen, Zhu Xi and his descendants and disciples were all reluctant to reveal the truth behind it, which became the direct reasons of Cais death in Daozhou but the reasons were submerged.
Study on Zaizhi Group in the Song Taizong Dynasty——A Study of Taking Age as the Center
2016, 41(4):  8-14. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.002
Abstract ( 525 )   PDF (2986KB) ( 341 )  
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The ages of Zaizhi Group in Taizong were obviously young, and a large number of Keju origin young bureaucrats were quickly among them. The early staff of Taizong were full of the Privy Council, so the royal politics was new, forming the situation as Jinshi controlling Zhongshu, and the early staff of Taizong controlling Privy Council. The ruling from the prime minister to the Privy Council, the age showed a decreasing trend. However, the prime ministers were mainly the elders, played the important role in the key moment, and directly undertook the task of Tuogu. At the same time, Zaizhi changed frequently, the working period was not long, and the imperial power was strengthened.
On the Framework of Philosophical Analysis of The Critique Outline of Political Economy(To be continued)
GONG Jingcai,WU Xuefei
2016, 41(4):  15-29. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.003
Abstract ( 554 )   PDF (10616KB) ( 129 )  
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From the beginning of 1960s, Marxs The Critique Outline of Political Economy has become the focus of international academic research and debate. Research and debate are in three fields: literature, political economics and philosophy. On the research of history and current status of the field of philosophy people involve numerous topics, labor alienation, free time, social ontology refinement, traces of Hegels philosophy variously. Compared with the ideological practice of The Critique Outline of Political Economy, the shortcomings of the existing research results are obvious: it does not put forward and explore the philosophical analysis framework from the level of consciousness. The philosophical analysis framework is the dialectical relationship between the subject, the object and the two. Marx used the philosophical framework of analysis to examine three processes of capitalist production run: the circulation process for the production of surplus value, that is the exchange of monetary capital and labor ability; the production process of surplus value, namely the material transformation between man and nature; the realizing process of the surplus value, namely the exchange phase between commodity capital and monetary. The results show, capitalist political economy nature, class nature and legal nature, science nature and essence of social history one by one are exposed in broad daylight. Overall,The Critique Outline of Political Economy has an irreplaceable value of Maxism literature, which proposes many challenges for our existing academic research paradigm, and the response to these challenges is our academic responsibility.
From the Perspective of Destiny and Supernatural Beings to See Confucius’Humanistic Feelings
LI Zhen gang, LIU Li bin
2016, 41(4):  30-36. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.004
Abstract ( 620 )   PDF (3901KB) ( 274 )  
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In the Spring and Autumn Period, with the rise of moral consciousness and humane spirit, the Shinto religious ideology changed significantly, and gradually replaced with the humanitarian, human relations, and humanistic care. By means of the Heavens will, Confucius illustrated his ideal, knew the destiny and kept a sophisticated attitude to life. He respected the supernatural beings and kept a distance from them, while this notion of destiny vividly manifested this trend. Confucius view of destiny and supernatural beings contains the spirit of humanism, which is different from Taoist naturalism, as well as Mohist School of utilitarianism. It has had a profound influence on traditional culture and Chinese living in the ultimate concern, value orientation, and mode of thinking.
Characteristics of Laozi’s “Tao” and Its Ecological Interpretation
WANG Sufen,DING Quanzhong
2016, 41(4):  37-42. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.005
Abstract ( 679 )   PDF (3822KB) ( 364 )  
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“Tao” is the ontological basis of Laozi ecological wisdom. “Tao”, bearing such characteristics as the originality, naturality, nothingness, globality, selflessness, resilience, practicalness, is a kind of nonanthropocentric equal value and intrinsic value. The originality of “Tao” reveals the basis of ontology of ecological value; the naturalness of “Tao” shows the ecological mode of existence of the world; the nothingness of “Tao” displays the nonutilitarian ecological value; the integrity of “Tao” illustrates the ecological diversity and unity of the world; the selfless nature of “Tao” embodies the equality of ecological value; the resilience of “Tao” implies the law of ecological world; the practice indicates the farreaching effect of ecological wisdom.
The Spacetime Consciousness under the Artistic Vision of the Renaissance and Kant’s Spacetime View
WANG Zeng yi
2016, 41(4):  43-48. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.006
Abstract ( 676 )   PDF (4192KB) ( 228 )  
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During the Renaissance, time and space have been generally embodied in the artistic creation as a knowledge foundation. Classic case is the perspective method, which isnt used to render the object's objective authenticity, but to present the subjective authenticity matching human's visual perception. According to Kant's inference that object conforms to the knowledge, sensible intuition is the premise and means of the knowledge production. However, the pure form of sensible intuition is characterized by time and space, and bears in the mind. Kant's inference emphasizes that objects should conform to human's mind. This Copernicus cognition is a natural conclusion of Kant's spiritualization of space and time. However, the space time consciousness of the Renaissance requires that objects should conform to human's visual perception. Object recognition is a sensory experience of the world, which conforms to the perspective knowledge, and is also spiritualized. This is the meaning of the time and space consciousness of the Renaissance, which has the meaning of Kants time and space.
Original Meaning and Modern Evaluation of “San Gang”
ZHOU Hao xiang
2016, 41(4):  49-56. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.007
Abstract ( 1039 )   PDF (5153KB) ( 415 )  
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Traditional “San Gang” actually includes two implications. One refers to three ethical relationships, and the other refers to the Three Rules,namely“ruler guides subject,father guides son,and husband guides wife”. “San Gang” includes two ethical principles of unity and Master/Slave, and contains two inherent requirements of abiding responsibility and abiding justice. As the three kinds of ethical relationship, “San Gang” appears as a progressive pattern. “San Gang” establishes the importance of human relations, and stresses that the human bing should be the security of his/her responsibility and morality. Traditional Confucian ethics still enlighten contemporary moral construction. We should take a sympathetic attitude towards traditional culture, and make a more objective and impartial evaluation of it. On this basis, we should explore the lasting value of traditional culture.
The Artistic Expression of Ancient Epic in Ancient China
WANG Chang hua, LIU Jing
2016, 41(4):  57-62. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.008
Abstract ( 537 )   PDF (3706KB) ( 251 )  
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The artistic expression of ancient epic in ancient China is the combination of emotions and reason, which makes the achievements much more than ever before. The poets use the past to express themselves, their ideal and the lessons which they think should be learned from history. The ancient epic combines the expression of history, the expression of knowledge with the expression of emotions, which is linked to the time background of the poets, and has a practical significance. In the backdrop of literature consciousness, the creation of the "poetry affection and yet bonding" argues to promote the ancient epic to be rich in artistic expression. The ancient epic at this point is done with the focus on the narrative and lyric, and the combination between profound history and profound reality, reason and emotion.
Research on Qing Beiyue
XU Wen wu
2016, 41(4):  63-70. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.009
Abstract ( 581 )   PDF (4741KB) ( 208 )  
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Qing Beiyue originated in the Northern Zhou Dynasty; in the Sui Dynasty, was used as the royal sacrificial music; at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty was used for banquets; during the height of the Tang Dynasty, was taken as a JieGuqu, combined with royal horses dance, and coupled with WuMaCi written by Zhang Yue. After the An Lushan Rebellion, as the rapid decline of horse dance show in the palace of the Tang Dynasty, this prosperous music had lost its status. Emperor of Tang Xuanzong composed a song, called new Qing Beiyue for the music of the reed tube. In Song Dynasty, this piece was used as the royal ceremony, was created new tune and turned into words. During the Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty, this piece was used as the Qupai.
A Cognitive Pragmatic Approach to Metonymic Anaphor
JIANG Xiao hong
2016, 41(4):  71-76. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.010
Abstract ( 508 )   PDF (4073KB) ( 258 )  
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Anaphora is traditionally taken as co-reference at the linguistic level, but metonymic anaphor, which belongs to deep anaphora with no clear antecedent, is controlled by pragmatic and cognitive factors. With in the framework of cognitive pragmatics, this paper discusses the mechanism of metonymic anaphora, and points out that in a specific context metonymic anaphora is motivated by speaker’s reference and constructed by means of hearer’s inference. It is the attempt to make an utterance relevant that ultimately establishes the conceptual connectivity between antecedent and anaphor.
Study on the Poetic Integration in the Realism Creation of Cao Yu in the 1930s
2016, 41(4):  77-82. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.011
Abstract ( 621 )   PDF (3547KB) ( 265 )  
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The modernism of Cao Yus plays created in 1930s shows his reference and learning on two kinds of western aesthetic ideology “empiricism”and “expressionism”. This is based on his poetic temperament and poetic character contained in Chinese culture. The plays present the epitome of culture type in the 1930s. Meantime, the formation of his realism of poetization is not only the internalization of western modernism in Chinas cultural tradition of poetry, but also a transitional product of Chinese modern drama from expressionism in the 1920s to realism in the 1940s, which has special significance to the history of modern Chinese literature and modern Chinese theatre.
The Basic Public Service Gap,Causes and Countermeasures between BeijingTianjinHebei Region
WANG Yan jie, RAN Xi
2016, 41(4):  83-90. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.012
Abstract ( 770 )   PDF (5186KB) ( 371 )  
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Based on the summarization and analysis of basic public service gap between Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, this paper points out that the imbalanced allocation of financial resources, manpower and material resources in the public service field, together with the poor ability in regulating and controlling fiscal and taxation system lead to a cliff gap of Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei basic public service, hindering the coordinated development of this area. To narrow the basic public service gap of Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei, and promote the equitable access to basic public service in this area, we must deepen the reform of the finance and taxation system, clarify the relationship between the central and local governments in powers as well as expenditure responsibilities, complete the income division system as well as the financial regulation system between the central government and local government; we also have to improve the tax sharing mechanism of cross district investment and the regional ecological compensation mechanism, and strengthen the financial cooperation and public service projects cooperation of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.
Research on the Association Network of Urban Agglomeration Based on Highway Traffic Flow——Taking BeijingTianjinHebei Urban Agglomeration as an Example
FU Yi ming, ZHAO Yan yun
2016, 41(4):  91-100. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.013
Abstract ( 568 )   PDF (4976KB) ( 302 )  
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This study constructed an analysis method of urban agglomeration association network based on large data of highway traffic flow, applied it to analyze Beijing Tianjin Hebei urban agglomeration, and provided policy recommendations for the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei areas. By empirical analysis, based on Hebei Province highway toll data,the paper established an OD matrix in middle and south of Hebei urban agglomeration, and by combining with the urban GDP, population and geographical location and other factors, the paper did the statistical analysis on the city level and charges station level of traffic flow distribution to reveal the traffic flow characteristics in middle and south of Hebei urban agglomeration and Beijing Tianjin and the surrounding areas; further, by using the gravity model to simulate the traffic flow of urban agglomeration, the application of the large data of traffic flow in the urban agglomeration association network is deepened. The results showed that the distribution of traffic flow in Mid southern Hebei region is differentiation between internal travel which is near and external travel which is border crossing. The association network of Mid southern Hebei region is weak, the degree of integration is root high,the influence range of shijiazhuang is limited,and the core and connection of the network should be strengthened. Finally,the suggestions on accelerating the construction of Beijing Tianjin Hebei traffic big data platform were given for exploring the big data open sharing and economic operation monitoring and early warning and other national big data strategies.
The Construction of Effective Convergence of Public Service Supply and Demand Relations in the Joint Development of BeijingTianjinHebei Areas
CHEN Li sha, SUN Yi fan
2016, 41(4):  101-105. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.01.014
Abstract ( 387 )   PDF (3242KB) ( 280 )  
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The construction of public service supply and demand relations in the joint development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei areas is the important task for the three local governments. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the main influence factors for the joint development, clarify the specific scope of public service projects, determine the evaluation criteria for the effective convergence, make full use of the market mechanism in providing public service, and at the same time, governments should adjust the fiscal expenditure policy, and enhance support ability for the joint development of demand for public services.In accordance with the problem oriented research methods,this paper puts forward countermeasures to meet the needs of public service in the joint development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei areas.
The Evaluation of Sustainable Development of BeijingTianjinHebei Ecological Supporting Area Based on Emergy Analysis——Taking Chengde as an Example
CHENG Fu wei, ZHANG Yuecong
2016, 41(4):  106-113. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.015
Abstract ( 474 )   PDF (4142KB) ( 294 )  
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By energy analysis method, the green GDP of Chengde, a Beijing Tianjin Hebei ecological supporting area is calculated and it accounts for 74.29% of the traditional GDP. The results show that the development of Chengde is at the cost of the natural resources depletion and environmental pollution and there is much room for improvement. By calculating part of emergy indices, carrying on the comparison to the related data from the year of 2004 to 2011, and evaluating its sustainable development, there is a downward trend as for EXI and EISD. The ELR of Chengde is high and technology contents of the industries of Chengde are low, resulting in the waste and destruction of natural resources, which is against the sustainable development of Chengde and plays a bad role in supporting the ecological development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei areas.
The Problems and Improving Countermeasures of Direct Tax Collection and Management in China
SONG Feng xuan, ZHANG Ya kai
2016, 41(4):  114-122. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.016
Abstract ( 715 )   PDF (5617KB) ( 297 )  
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The 3rd Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee points out that the proportion of direct taxes will be increased in the future gradually, the classified comprehensive income tax system WTU be established, the property tax legislation will be accelerated and timely reformed.Thus it can be seen that speeding up the reform of direct tax in China has reached a consensus. However our current taxation system cannot effectively support the levying of direct taxes, leading to having difficulty to reform direct tax. In this situation, this paper starts from the development process and present situation of Chinese direct taxation, analyzes the problems existing in the direct tax collection and administration and puts forward corresponding perfection measures to expect to smoothly advance reform of direct tax and achieve full function of adjusting the income distribution.
Risk Early Warning Research on Internet Finance Department of Private P2P Net Loan Platform
ZHU Qing xiang, WANG Li
2016, 41(4):  123-130. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.017
Abstract ( 709 )   PDF (3276KB) ( 373 )  
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Internet P2P net loan platform develops so far, frequently appears the closure of the platform, and is facing enormous challenges. This paper is based on four dimensions of LAPP analysis method, takes the characteristics of the private internetbased P2P net loan risk as the standpoint, and selects 20 indicators to do empirical analysis. First, the principal component analysis method is used for dimension reduction; secondly, by using a binary logistic regression analysis of P2P net loan platform, 40 private lines are analyzed to construct the risk warning model of T-4, T-3, T-2 and T-1 period; and finally, according to the empirical results of the model of privatebased P2P net loan platform the relevant proposals are put forward.
Study on Environment Efficiency and Its Infulence Factors of Hebei Province
ZHOU Xiao juan, LIU Chao
2016, 41(4):  131-139. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.018
Abstract ( 484 )   PDF (4872KB) ( 288 )  
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The construction of ecological environment supporting zone has benn written in The Planning Outline of Collaborative Development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei. The main purpose is to improve environment quality of air and water resource to offer the environment support to the collaborative development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei areas. Based on the method of linear function transform of DEA, this paper treats environmetal pollutants as “bad” outcomes, so we can get environment efficiency values of each city for Hebei province by using a panel data from 2001 to 2013. Whereafter, the author uses the Tobit model to vestigate its determinants. The study shows, (1)the current environment guality can't adapt to the reguirement of the collaborative to development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei areas, especially Baoding,xingtai and Handan having low environment efficiency,and there are different degrees of low efficiency in resource investment. (2)Some factors may improve the value of environmental efficiency such as per capita income, industrial structure and technology. Meanwhile,the density of population decreased the value. (3)To control environmental pollution involves the mutual effort of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, and the key is to adjust the industrial stucture of Hebei province and energy structare of laying stress on coal to realize the collaborative development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei areas.
The Disunion and Union of the Two Kinds of Curriculum and Teaching Methodology
RONG Yan hong, ZHANG Wan
2016, 41(4):  140-147. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.019
Abstract ( 557 )   PDF (4241KB) ( 297 )  
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In the course of western educational historical development, there have been rationalistic and sentimental cognitive routes in the curriculum and teaching theory since ancient Greece. The paradoxical movement of disunion and union between the two kinds of curriculum and teaching methodology goes throughout the whole history of western education. The study on their disunion and unions historical origins, contradiction movement and historical law not only can help people grasp the essence of curriculum and teaching theory from the macro and the whole point of view, but also can push the currently Chinese curriculum and teaching reform.
The Practical Significance and Strategies of Cultivating Humanistic Quality in Science and Engineering Students
HA Yan, GAO Xiang jie
2016, 41(4):  148-152. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.020
Abstract ( 646 )   PDF (3054KB) ( 385 )  
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For the cultivation of creative thinking, research capacity and the ability to live a happy life of university students, especially science and engineering students, the development of humanistic quality plays an important role. This paper analyses and points out the implication and meaning of humanistic quality of science and engineering students, and the current problems. Through the exploration of the systems, contents, and implementations of humanistic quality of science and engineering students, this paper analyses the strategies of humanistic quality of science and engineering students.
On the International Communication Strategy of “Russia Today” in the Conflict Events——Taking the Response to Public Opinion in Ukraine Turmoil as a Case Study
ZHAO Xiao hang
2016, 41(4):  153-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2016.04.021
Abstract ( 528 )   PDF (4397KB) ( 318 )  
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“Russia Today” (RT) is a Russian state funded and non profit medium that is a dark harse in the field of international public opinion. RT acts as an alternative voice of the western mainstream media in Ukraine Turmoil, and fights with American media in the news information war. In the information war, RT wins increasingly rhetorical power from setting the agenda benefited to Russia and tackling the public opinions actively. Through in depth analysis of RT coping skills of public opinion and international communication strategy,this paper further explores how non western mainstream media respond to public opinion,and how the country uses international communication to play a dominant role in the field of international pablic,in order to give some enlightenments to our country's international communication strategy in international affairs.