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25 January 2017, Volume 42 Issue 1
Original Paper
The Creation, End and Change of Gu Sui’s DramasGAO Xian hong
GAO Xian hong
2017, 42(1):  16-20. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.003
Abstract ( 521 )   PDF (3544KB) ( 161 )  
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As a last writer of Miscellaneous Drama, Gu Sui has created six works altogether. Gu Sui’s works not only can break through the inherent characteristics of dramas in Yuan Dynasty; at the same time “I write my drama”, combine the reality,and show its“life color” by symbolism so as to reveal the different taste from the traditional dramas.
Gu Sui's Educational Concepts and Teaching Art
MA Yu juan, ZHAO Lin tao
2017, 42(1):  21-27. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.004
Abstract ( 574 )   PDF (4572KB) ( 187 )  
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Influenced by early years of educational experience, GuSui’s concepts of elementary and secondary education are mainly presented through the reflection on Chinese tradition and reference to Western ideas.In his many years of high educational teaching activities,GuSui claims to adopt appropriate method according to student’ variability,encourages to explore one’s own ideas, and advocates to combine Chinese with Western cream.Meanwhile,he shows a highdegree of professionalism and a strong sense of patriotism. GuSui' instructive and appealing teaching art has important research and learning value for teachers ,especially classroom teachers.
A Research on the Honorific Title and Posthumous Titleof Emperor Shengzong Yelv Longxv of Liao Dynasty
XIAO Ai min
2017, 42(1):  28-32. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.005
Abstract ( 952 )   PDF (3533KB) ( 227 )  
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Shengzong Yelv Longxv is one of the most successful emperors of Liao Dynasty,who made national strength reach a peak during his reign.In his early succession to the throne,Longxv gained the honorific title of “Notable Saint Emperor”,and then he got the following honorific title:“Heavenly Auxiliary Emperor”, “Virtuous Pious Notable Saint Emperor”, “Vast Brilliant Virtuous Fortunate Reasonable Sincere Pious Sagacious Notable Saint Heavenly Auxiliary Emperor”, “Virtuous Brilliant Heavenly Fortunate Great achievement Reasonable Sincere Pious Sagacious Notable Saint Heavenly Auxiliary Emperor”. His posthumous title is “Brilliant Fortunate Pious Xuan Emperor”. The Eulogy of Shengzong Emperor and record of the people in the Song Dynasty can supplement The History of Liao Dynasty. But the people in the Song Dynasty mistook that Shengzong Yelv Longxv’s honorific title“Heavenly Auxiliary Emperor” was his posthumous title. The honorific title and posthumous title of Emperor Shengzong Yelv Longxv show the phenomenon of cultural mixture between the Han nationality and the minority nationalities,proving Qidan’s emperor was the monarch of Han nation and all ethnic groups in Liao Dynasty, and reflecting the government’s policy that “Ruling the Han nationality with the Han system, ruling the ethnic groups with the ethnic groups system”.
Identification and Correction of the Deeds of ChengLin in Northern Song Dynasty
LIAO Yin,XIAO Chonglin
2017, 42(1):  33-40. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.006
Abstract ( 1074 )   PDF (5907KB) ( 237 )  
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Cheng Lin was an outstanding politician in Song Renzong period. Due to being too strict, he was met with hostility and disgusted from political opponents. His political opponents deliberately manufactured or transplanted various negative rumors. As a result of being spread too widely, these negative rumors gradually became undoubted “fact”’, such as the Feng Shiyuan case and Wu Hou Lin Chao Tu event. The planting and slandering covered and distorted the image of Cheng Lin, so the article is intended to restore a true image of Cheng Lin and make a real politician play its proper role in history.
Folk High Schools Movement in Nordic Countries and its Educational and Social Influences
ZHU Wen fu, NI An ru
2017, 42(1):  41-45. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.007
Abstract ( 954 )   PDF (3120KB) ( 185 )  
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Folk high schools are uniquely Scandinavian institutions for adult higher education. From the beginning to the end of the 19 century, a remarkable movement of folk high school took place in Nordic countries. The movement went through three major phases within a century: enlightenment, early practice and expansion. The folk school movement not only brought a boom in Nordic adult higher education, but also had far reaching influence on educational and social secularization, massification and modernization in Nordic countries.
Challenges and Countermeasures of Global Adult Learning and Educational Development——Based on the Analysis of GRALEIII
LIU Fengyue
2017, 42(1):  46-53. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.008
Abstract ( 529 )   PDF (4809KB) ( 202 )  
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In 2016, as a result of the efforts of the international community towards the Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030, the Third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education( GRALEIII) was published by UNESCO to show important contributions that global adult learning and education made in health and welfare, employment and labor market, civic and community life and other areas. At the same time, global adult learning and education are facing a certain challenge in evaluation information collection, financial resources input, attention of vulnerable groups, promotion of adult literacy, professional protection of workers, equality of gender education and other aspects , and these challenges are lasting and need to be addressed urgently. Adult learning and education should play its own advantages, dare to respond to these challenges, and actively adapt to social development requirements, in order to promote a wider range of economic, social and human development.
A Research on the Wetlands’ Aesthetic Valueand Its Landscape Construction
2017, 42(1):  54-60. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.009
Abstract ( 567 )   PDF (4938KB) ( 257 )  
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The wetlands are not only ecological habitation for human survival, but also suitable for human race as cultural homeland.To rebuild the harmonious relation between man and wetlands,we should revaluate its aesthetic value, discuss the design principles and effective schemes to create the landscape of wetlands and construct wetland park, improve the cultural character and aesthetic level of wetland tourism, protect and cherish wetlands from multiple dimensions such as love, respect and needs. And it is our biggest recognition of cultural value that we can give to wetlands.
On the Philosophical Implication of Zhuang Zi’s “Wildness”
XU Chun hua
2017, 42(1):  61-66. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.010
Abstract ( 686 )   PDF (3898KB) ( 237 )  
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The term “wildness” in Chuang tzu such as“wild horse”,“wild deer”,“wildness of Guang mo”, “wildness of Kuang Lang”, “wildness of Dong Ting”, “Wildness of Xiang Cheng”, “wildness of no one”, “wildness of Wu Ji ”is “the word of expression”. Grasping the true nature of the “wildness” through the excavation of “purifying the heart” and “oblivion” thought,demonstrate the charm of the philosophy of freedom. It is beneficial to return to the spiritual journey of life nature, experience and understand its perfection itself. It has more positive value and lasting significance for us to construct a simple and natural, beautiful and musical life vision.
The Modern Value of Fang Dongmei’s Life Philosophy
XU Jin zhe,ZHANG Wei
2017, 42(1):  67-71. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.011
Abstract ( 440 )   PDF (3386KB) ( 231 )  
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As a member of the new Confucianism,Fang Dongmei has founded a life philosophy system. The life philosophy is not only suitable for his age, but also suitable for the contemporary society. Meanwhile, the culture view taking life philosophy as the core provided enlightenment to today’s cultural development. Finally, Fang Dongmei's understanding of the relationship between human and universe or nature reflects his ecological thoughts clearly that provides profound enlightenment to people about the increasingly prominent ecological problem. Therefore, this article includes three aspects “eliminating confrontation and recovering value”, “keeping the root of national culture and breaking through the Confucian orthodoxy ideas”, and “natural harmony and ecological implication” to explore the modern value of Fang Dongmei's life philosophy.
The Contiguous Operations of Chinese Fir in Forest Region ofSoutheastern Guizhou During the Period from Qing Dynasty
LIU Qiugen, ZHANG Qiang
2017, 42(1):  72-78. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.012
Abstract ( 567 )   PDF (4151KB) ( 240 )  
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“Qingshuijiang Instruments” showed that the contiguous operations of Chinese fir in forest region of Southeastern Guizhou are realized primarily by mountain farm tenancy, lot planted, soil stocks trading and trading in other ways. Chinese fir contiguous business played an active role in fire prevention, fir management and economies of scale and so on.
The Civilian War Service Mobilization of the CPCin City During the War of Liberation——A Case Study of Harbin City
WANG Dong, WEI Zhe
2017, 42(1):  79-85. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.013
Abstract ( 404 )   PDF (4720KB) ( 260 )  
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During the War of Liberation, the Communist Party of China called on urban regimes of liberated areas to organize the mobilization of civilian war service to support the frontline. Under the circumstance of lacking experience and with the relevant instructions of the CPC Central Committee and the Northeast Bureau, Harbin Municipal Party Committee experienced a long term exploration. To represent the interests of city dwellers, they proposed the public slogan at first. The sophisticated systems of requisition and mobilization were also established. Finally, they mobilized the city residents to support wartime service work effectively through ideological guidance and material compensation.
On the Actual Amount of the Indemnity of the Opium War
JIN Yuan yun, LI Guo qiang
2017, 42(1):  86-91. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.014
Abstract ( 668 )   PDF (3945KB) ( 223 )  
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There is no dought that the British asked for 21,000,000 silver dollars as indemnity for the Opium war however,there are different opinions on how much Qing government actually paid.The British asked for the indemnity of the Nanking Treaty in dollars,but the Qing government paid it off in taels. The actual amount of the indemnity can’t be added up together, because there were different conversion rates and scales in different periods. By examining every item and recounting the amount in an unified standard, we can get the actual amount of the indemnity:15,058,100 liang measured by Caoping fine silver,14,689,400 liang measured by Guangping fine silver,14,792,700 liang measured by Central Bank fine silver,and 14,646,500 liang by customs scale.
The Political and Legal Issues of Environmental MonitoringCooperation in Beijing Tianjin Hebei Areas
MENG Qing yu, BI Xiao bo
2017, 42(1):  92-101. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.015
Abstract ( 549 )   PDF (6854KB) ( 140 )  
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Environmental monitoring is the basis of environmental protection, and it is the legal responsibility of the administrative department of environmental protection. In order to achieve the first breakthrough in the ecological environmental protection of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, the three places should cooperate and support each other in the environmental monitoring political and legal system. But there are still many problems in the current legal system of environmental monitoring policy, such as system construction being not synchronized, the main reform not cooperating, the monitoring object being not consistent, testing standards being not unified, monitoring procedures being not clear and monitoring results being not standardized Conforming to the future development of the national environmental monitoring system, we should draw lessons from the beneficial experience of the foreign environmental monitoring system. We need to research and determine the unified monitoring quality management system to build the regional ecological environment monitoring network, and to lay a solid foundation for political and legal basis for the breakthrough of “unified monitoring” through the collaborative development of the environment monitoring system between Beijing Tianjin Hebei.
Studies on the Countermeasures and Barriers in the Process ofLabor Market Integration in Beijing Tianjin Hebei Areas
CHENG Xin xuan, WU Chen jing
2017, 42(1):  102-107. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.016
Abstract ( 494 )   PDF (3568KB) ( 257 )  
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With the rapid development of regional integration in Beijing Tianjing Hebei areas, the extent of regional market integration deepens gradually. The efficiency of labor resources allocation determines the efficiency of the operation of market integration because of labor market as the important part of regional market. However, the speed and scale of labor mobility is restrained by some factors such as the difference of urban and rural, difference of industries and social welfare and so on, which also decrease the efficiency of labor resources allocation, and influence the effects of coordinating development. Therefore, improving the extent of labor market integration is very crucial for the development of the whole region. In this paper, the author describes the development status of labor market integration and also analyzes the influencing elements. Compared to capital market and product market, the extent of labor market is lower because of the household registration system and social welfare. Furthermore, the author puts forward some measures to promote the reasonable mobility, improve the integration of labor market and accelerate the harmonious development such as improving social welfare system, adjusting the industrial structure and promoting employment service system and so on.
The Study on Feasibility of Establishing Dispute SettlementMechanisms for Administrative Agreements——Taking Beijing Tianjin Hebei as a Sample
WANG Baozhi, ZHANG Weiying
2017, 42(1):  108-113. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.017
Abstract ( 432 )   PDF (4317KB) ( 224 )  
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The dispute settlement mechanisms are the last barrier for administrative agreements to truly make use of their advantages, and these mechanisms have not been established in practice while the dispute settlement mechanisms are in great need due to a large number of emerging administrative agreements. However,there is jurisprudential evidence that is the basis of establishing dispute settlement mechanisms,and the successful experience in reality can be made use of as well.Furthermore, there is a space for its existence in the soil of our legal system. Therefore, dispute settlement mechanisms for administrative agreements could be established by using the mode and specific remedies corresponding to the situations in our country.
On the Mode of Production and Optimization of Public Economy
QI Shou yin
2017, 42(1):  114-120. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.018
Abstract ( 506 )   PDF (5962KB) ( 182 )  
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The public economic production mode and the production mode of public goods are two important issues that haven’t been studied and elaborated in neither Western economics nor Marxist economics. However, the study on public economic production mode and its optimization path is of great academic value. It not only contributes both to the establishment of Marxist paradigm and Chinese style public economic theory system, but also propels the practice of national governance modernization. Based on the theoretical inference——that public economic production relationship plays an stimulative or an impeditive role is achieved by employment mechanism for public sector’s , the decision making mechanism for public goods’, the allocation mechanism of public resource, the distribution mechanism of labor, responsibility and rights, and the incentive mechanism in it, this paper studies on the constitution, inner contradictions, classification and core elements of the public economic production mode, and did tentative discussion on the basic path of its optimization.
Evaluation of Hebei Province Logistics Industry CompetitivenessBased on Combined Weight and TOPSIS Method
GUO Zi xue,WANG Lan ying
2017, 42(1):  121-130. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.019
Abstract ( 438 )   PDF (5274KB) ( 204 )  
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A new method based on combined weight method and TOPSIS method is proposed to improve the effectiveness of regional logistics industry competitiveness assdssing. The index system for evaluating the Hebei province logistics industry competitiveness is proposed. The method of combined weight of the evaluating index is put forward. On the basis of the study, a new method based on combined weight method and TOPSIS method for assessing the Hebei province logistics industry competitiveness is developed, and the logistics competitiveness of 12 provinces and cities is empirically analyzed using the method above. The results show that the overall competitiveness of Hebei province logistics industry is in a relatively backward position, and there is greater room for improvement.
The Functions Of Modern Economy Personality Mouldingof the Dissemination of Television Economic Information
LU Jun, LI Ling
2017, 42(1):  131-136. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.020
Abstract ( 437 )   PDF (4278KB) ( 224 )  
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With the establishment and constant improvement of the market economy system in our country, people attach importance to economic development, at the same time, also pay more and more attention to the development of people. People are not only the main body of economic development, but also are the goal of economic development. Economic and social development needs the development of human potential, which needs the support of modern economic personality with independence,innovation,freedom and openness. However, under the influence of the traditional culture, there is a lot of dross in the traditional economic personality, which is not suitable for market economy development and hinders the transformation and development of the economy and society. The dissemination of television economic information, through the guidance of the concept of modern economy, the leading of the rational economic behavior, and the reinforcement of economic ethics, promotes the evolution of the economic subject from the traditional economic personality to the modern economic personality.
The Characteristics and Content System of theObject of Forensic Accounting Appraisal
QI Jinbo
2017, 42(1):  137-144. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.021
Abstract ( 585 )   PDF (4621KB) ( 191 )  
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The unclearness of identification object and its constitution has seriously hindered both the development of forensic accounting appraisal (FAA) theory and the standardization of related practice business over the years. In view of the multidisciplinary nature of FAA, an integrated study was carried out from the visual angles of accounting, law, identification and so on. The object of FAA was futher confirmed as the financial accounting facts involved in a case that need to be proved and are identifiable. It consists of financial facts and accounting facts. It is characterized by correspondence to specific case, possibly involving in multi accounting subjects. The identification of financial facts includes the substantialistic existenceness and authenticity of financial operation, the domain involved in a case, the flow track and flow mode of capital, the capital amount, the conformity of capital and physical property flow to those involved in the case, as well as the stakeholders' capital changes.And the identification of accounting facts includes the compliance of accounting behavior objects,the accthenticity,correctness and legality of accounting behaviors,the domain and method involved in a case of accounting behaviors as well as the viriation amount of rights and interests of related subjects.
Analysis on the Program Optimization Pathof Illegal Evidence Exclusion Rule
ZHOU Shu xia, MA Hong liang
2017, 42(1):  145-149. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.022
Abstract ( 421 )   PDF (3251KB) ( 169 )  
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There are some problems for the illegal evidence exclusion rule on running of the program in the judicial practice and in the initiating procedure. Besides, there are many problems in trial procedure’s operation, such as lack of independent prepositive procedure of the illegal evidence exclusion, procuratorate’s proof way needing to be further perfected, illegal evidence proving standards needing to be specific, unclear legal relief way and so on. All these make the rules in the trial procedure too formalized. Therefore, the hindering factors of program initiation should be eliminated. The illegal evidence exclusion in the trial program should be substantialized further in order to implement human rights and justice better.
A Reaction Time Based Study on Negative PragmaticTransfer of Second Language Learner
HOU Xiao zhou,Zhu Lin
2017, 42(1):  150-155. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.023
Abstract ( 461 )   PDF (3861KB) ( 265 )  
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The negative pragmatic transfer of Second Language Learner has been focused by many researchers for a long time. And they studied and discussed this phenomenon from various perspectives. From the learners’ cognitive psychological perspective, this paper tries to explain the generated process of this phenomenon in the pragmatic module structure of learners by reaction time experiment. There are 60 English majors (freshmen) participated in the experiment, and the experimental corpora are edited Family Album USA by software.
See Day and Night from the Perspective of theEducated Youth Literature
GAO Jing
2017, 42(1):  156-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.01.024
Abstract ( 560 )   PDF (3424KB) ( 202 )  
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Among works featuring life style of the educated youth generation, Day and Night by Han Shaogong has a unique style of his own. This novel dropped the established ideological image of the educated youth generation while focused on the true life of the generation and revealed the original life itself. Also it changed the narration method from recalling the educated youth life practice to the contemplation and reflection of present life of the generation. On the literary form, this novel overturned the traditional model of emotional clues, but adopting fragmental, scattered perspective to connect all aspects concerning life of the educated youth, thus brought more exploring spirit in the pattern of writing.