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07 October 2021, Volume 46 Issue 5
Textual Studies on the Chinese Character “YI”
YANG Baozhong
2021, 46(5):  1-11. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.001
Abstract ( 631 )   PDF (2015KB) ( 111 )  
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We think the character “YI” is a mistake of the character “隋” in Hengfang Stele of Han Dynasty,“褘隋” has the same pronunciation as “委蛇”,which is in MaoshiGaoyang.According to Yuan Xingzong,Lishi holds that the character “褘隋” comes from Han Shi Neizhuan;Han Shi did not disappear in the reign of emperor Xiaozong of Song Dynasty.Those,who think that Han Shi disappeared after the Five Dynasties or between the Zhenghe and Jianyan or had disappeared for a long time in the Song Dynasty,are all wrong.
Individualistic Appeal in the Context of Collectivism ——On “Yanan New Trend of Literature and Art”
TIAN Jianmin
2021, 46(5):  12-25. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.002
Abstract ( 427 )   PDF (1638KB) ( 201 )  
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It is inappropriate and inaccurate to call the exposed literary trend in Yanan in the early 1940s as “Yanan literary new trend.Because this trend is not “new”,it is actually the continuation or reappearance of the May 4th Enlightenment literary tradition in the special historical context.Although these exposed works show the modern consciousness of opposing feudalism and conservative with scientific reason,they reflect the real thoughts,emotions and mentality of certain social life sides and specific knowledge groups in a specific historical period.However,its individualistic appeal was not suitable for the collectivism required by the history at that time,and it took the peasants and workers and peasants cadres as the objects of ridicule and criticism,which led to a serious contradiction between them.Therefore,it is against the historical facts to completely deny its literary value and positive significance,or to talk about its modern consciousness and unique contribution instead of history.
The Academic Characteristics of Chuci in the Transition Period of Modern Times
LI Jinshan
2021, 46(5):  26-35. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.003
Abstract ( 297 )   PDF (1385KB) ( 261 )  
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Great changes have taken place in the research ideas,methods,categories and achievements of Chuci in modern times.From the perspective of research philosophy,the study of Chuci has changed from intuitive thinking to logical thinking,and from the traditional study of Confucian classics to scientific research;in terms of research methods,it breaks through the traditional research methods of intuitive perception and analysis and induction of Chuci,and approaches the research field of Chuci with Marxist methodology and psychological research methods;from the perspective of research category,some research contents of Chuci mythology,Chuci archaeology,Chuci culture and Chuci gender,which never appeared in ancient Chuci studies,have appeared in scholars research vision;from the perspective of research results,the research results of Chuci have broken away from the traditional forms of chapters,sentences,notes,sparseness,essays and notes,and appeared journal papers and academic monographs.The topic setting conforms to the modern academic standards,the content argumentation has strict logic,and the academic vision goes beyond the traditional scope.
Review,Reflections and Theoretical Innovation of the Research of Lao Tzus Philosophy
LI Zhengang
2021, 46(5):  36-45. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.004
Abstract ( 348 )   PDF (1362KB) ( 487 )  
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Lao Tzu is the most influential philosopher in China and the world.The Taoist philosophy initiated by Lao Tzu and the values and ideals advocated by him,such as the universe being derived from Tao and nourished by virtue,living a simple life with minimal desires and maximum absorption in nature inaction,modesty,concession,kindness and tenderness,benefiting matters without competition,reverence for life,and peace of the world,have a long history and benefit both in ancient and modern times.Carrying forward the universal value of this precious historical and cultural heritage cannot be divorced from the self-reflection,theoretical innovation and practices of contemporary scholars.In order to inherit and innovate Lao Tzus philosophy,it is necessary to fully understand the research status of Lao Tzus philosophy,the history of the research of Lao Tzus philosophy,Taoist culture,and to summarize,analyze and clarify the origin and developments of the history of the research of Lao Tzus philosophy,the outstanding achievements,important issues,theoretical gains and losses in the researches of Lao Tzus philosophy,from the Republic of China to the new period of reform and opening up.Only in this way can we focus on the spirit of the times,track the academic frontier,transform the problem consciousness,innovate the theoretical paradigm,academic thought and research method on the basis of sublating the predecessors,and push Lao Tzus philosophy and Taoist culture to a new realm.
On the Ideological Resources of Marxs Paris Manuscripts
GONG Jingcai
2021, 46(5):  46-53. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.005
Abstract ( 438 )   PDF (1368KB) ( 71 )  
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Since Marxs Paris Manuscripts was officially published in 1932,it has always been one of the hot issues in the international academic circles.The core is how to understand the theory of humanitarianism and alienated labor.Researchers think that this is the theme of Paris Manuscripts.This is the result of pure philosophical context understanding,which is not in line with Marxs ideological reality at that time.Paris manuscripts is an economic philosophy context of the organic unity of political economy and philosophy.Its theme is to question and criticize the bourgeois private property system.The formation of this theme is directly related to the ideological resources that Marx relied on when he wrote Paris Manuscripts.The representative ones are bourgeois economics,young Engels economics,Feuerbachs philosophy and Hegels philosophy.The historical evidence of the study of Paris Manuscripts shows that researchers either ignore the objective existence and influence of some ideological resources,such as bourgeois economics and young Engels economics;or make a distorted judgment on the influence of some ideological resources,such as the judgment on Feuerbachs philosophy and Hegels philosophy.As a result,the context and theme of Marxs Paris Manuscripts are misunderstood.If we pay attention to and study the ideological resources on which Marx wrote Paris Manuscripts,discover and reveal the subtle and complex internal relationship between them,we can more easily enter Marxs mental world at that time,and then accurately and comprehensively understand the economic philosophy context and theme of Paris Manuscripts.
Characteristics,Foundation and Contribution of Chinese Culture ——On Derk Boddes Basic Understanding on Sinology
CHENG Zhihua
2021, 46(5):  54-63. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.006
Abstract ( 524 )   PDF (1603KB) ( 126 )  
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Boddes study of Chinese culture covers a wide range,but the core focuses on four aspects:firstly,Chinese myths do not have a complete “myth system” unlike western culture,and take “fragments” and “historicization” as the state of existence.Secondly,although Chinese people are not good at logical thinking,they have obvious “categorical thinking”.Thirdly,the important feature of Chinese language is ideograph,which has an important impact on the shaping of Chinese culture.Fourthly,the “dominant ideas” of Chinese culture are embodied in the views of “supernatural world”,“natural world” and “human world”.Although the four aspects are relatively independent,they are all based on “harmonious cosmology”,which can contribute to the peaceful development of mankind.What is valuable is that Bodde studies Chinese culture on the premise of multiculturalism.Therefore,he not only saw the shortcomings of Chinese culture,but also recognized its advantages.
The Status of Productivity of the Song Dynasty in the World History
JIANG Xidong
2021, 46(5):  64-73. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.007
Abstract ( 585 )   PDF (1439KB) ( 257 )  
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The development of global productivity can be divided into four stages.In the first stage,the most developed region was the Middle East;In the second stage,southern Europe,India and China caught up,each with its own advantages and characteristics.The superiority of the third stage was in the east.The Song Dynasty was the most developed and unparalleled.The advantage of the fourth stage is in Europe and America.No one country or region can always be ahead of the world.Countries and regions have their own advantages and characteristics of the industry,but being advanced in the early days does not mean that it can always be developed,and there is no lack of catching up.The invention,improvement and popularization of technology are equally important.Among the many factors that pushed Europe to take the lead in the “industrial revolution” and modernization,gunpowder,compass and printing in the Tang and Song Dynasties played particularly important roles.
A Brief Discussion on Inter-ethnic Food Culture Exchange in the Liao,Song,Xixia and Jin Dynasties
WANG Shanjun
2021, 46(5):  74-81. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.008
Abstract ( 608 )   PDF (1609KB) ( 309 )  
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During the period of Liao,Song,Xixia and Jin Dynasties,various ethnic groups of different economic forms in China obviously represented the intermingling of diets of the farming people and the nomads in the process of mutual exchange of food culture.On the one hand,grain food that the farming people mainly relied on played an increasingly important role in the daily life of the nomadic people.In addition,the non-staple food,fruits and drinks all had a wide range of influence on the nomadic people as well.On the other hand,dairy and meat products,which were the staple food of nomads,had gradually become the non-staple food of farming people.Some kinds of non-staple food of nomadic peoples,such as vegetables,fruits and dietary utensils,especially the dietary mode of joint meal system had varying degrees of influence on farming people.Simultaneously,the ethnic groups with the same economic form often had their own characteristics in food culture,and they communicated with each other among ethnic groups and regions.The inter-ethnic exchange of food culture in daily life not only promoted the development of lifestyle of various ethnic groups and the progress of the social economy,but also powerfully contributed to the development of the consciousness of mutual identification among all ethnic groups.
The Development and Reform of U.S.Higher Education:A Historical Review
WANG Dinghua
2021, 46(5):  82-88. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.009
Abstract ( 775 )   PDF (1441KB) ( 255 )  
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In order to achieve prosperity,higher education needs to adapt to the economic and social development,follow the law of education,and constantly explore and research.Americas higher education was born in the wake of Columbuss discovery of the American continent and the ensuing massive immigration.It featured different patterns in different periods.Though profoundly influenced by England and characterized by considerable variations across colonies and institutions,higher education during the colonial period nevertheless laid a solid foundation for future development.From Independence to the eve of the Civil War,the separation of powers in education was established,which led to diversity in funding sources and educational models.The establishment of Morrill Act and land-grant universities from the second World War to the Civil War,and the introduction of sequent bills marked the formal entry of American higher education into a period of great development.Between the end of World War II and the end of the 20th century,The G.I Bill,the establishment of community colleges,The National Defense Education Act,and The Higher Education Act together brought about an unprecedented boom in U.S.higher education.The 21st century has witnessed continuing reform and innovation in higher education,as evidenced by myriad laws,policy reports,and action plans.To study the development and reform of American higher education and learn from its historical experience and lessions is of great practical significance to countries committed to enhancing the quality and competitiveneses of high education.
The Perspective of Japan in Comparative Education ——An Analysis of Higuchi Tyouichis Ideas on Comparative Education
LI Wenying
2021, 46(5):  89-97. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.010
Abstract ( 322 )   PDF (1415KB) ( 98 )  
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In the early 20th century,the urgent need to learn from foreign educational experience led to the initial formation and rapid development of comparative education in Japan.With the influence of European and American comparative education,comparative education in Japan entered the development period of emphasizing “factor analysis”.As a distinguished representative of comparative education research expert in Japan during this period,Higuchi Tyouichi not only illustrated the basic theories of comparative education,including its nature,purpose,function,and research methods,but also revealed the fact that comparative education research helped to clearly understand the discipline function of education in Japan.He strongly advocated the study of foreign education characteristics,developed the “factor analysis” method in the field of comparative education,initiated the research paradigm of the topics in comparative education,expanded its research objects and fields,and finally led the comparative education in Japan into the road of systematic development.Higuchi Tyouichis ideas on comparative education has introduced the perspective of oriental culture into the world comparative education research,and has made outstanding contributions to the development of comparative education in Japan and the world.
Construction and Implementation of Provincial Monitoring Service System for Teaching Quality in General Universities ——Based on the Practice of Hebei Province
HU Baoli
2021, 46(5):  98-105. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.011
Abstract ( 341 )   PDF (1058KB) ( 246 )  
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The monitoring of teaching quality of provincial general universities is an important part of the national higher education quality guarantee system.The high level of teaching quality monitoring service is an important hand to support the development of provincial higher education.This research has combed the development process of the quality monitoring system of higher education in China,analyzed the status of the construction of the quality monitoring service system of higher education at the provincial level in China,and combined with the development of teaching quality monitoring service system in collegeo and universities in Hebei province to dissect the framework design,implementation path,construction process and effect of the teaching quality monitoring service system for general undergraduate colleges and universities,and reflect on its future development.
The Advantages and Functions of Chinas Population Swing Space in Building a New Development Pattern
WANG Jinying
2021, 46(5):  106-121. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.012
Abstract ( 1004 )   PDF (1666KB) ( 222 )  
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Facing the changes unseen in a century and the challenges of the COVID-19 in the world,there can be seen that the uncertainty of the international development environment is increasing,the political bureau of the Communist Party of China(CPC)has proposed that it is necessary to accelerate the establishment of a “dual circulation” development pattern in which great domestic economic cycle plays a leading role while international economic cycle remains its extension and supplement.In order to create and form a new development pattern,it should take the population size,age structure,human capital and population spatial distribution into consideration and explore their unique advantages in high-quality economic development from the comprehensive perspective.The paper found that:The huge market utility formed by Chinas huge population could promote and bring the refinement of social division of labor to foster the economic growth;Huge population size can provide stable and sufficient effective labor supply,human capital and talent reserve for economic and social development,and it can also provide the human capital support and the market demand conditions for the technological innovation and progress;By making full use of Chinas advantages of the swing space and the characteristics of the regional development differences,it could achieve the industrial upgrading and echelon transfer,maintain the integrity and coordinated development of the industrial system and optimize the allocation of human resources and natural resources.Therefore,even in the situation of the population aging and the negative population growth,as long as giving full play to the advantages of the huge population in the total supply and demand,the domestic and foreign demand,the investment and consumption,the export and import,there will be able to promote the domestic circulation and create a new development pattern where domestic and foreign markets can boost each other,so as to ensure the high-quality economic development.
The High Quality Development of Chinas Free Trade Area: The “Meshing Point” to Realize the Mutual Promotion of Domestic and International Double Circulation
CHENG Xinxuan
2021, 46(5):  122-129. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.013
Abstract ( 391 )   PDF (1433KB) ( 113 )  
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Under the impact of the COVID-19 and the uncertainty of the world economic development,President Xi Jinping put forward the development pattern with domestic circulation as the main body and domestic-international double circulation to promote each other.First of all,it defines the high-quality development of free trade area,and points out that the high-quality development of Chinas free trade area is the “meshing point” to realize the mutual promotion of domestic and international double cycle.It also demonstrates from four aspects:the construction of regional value chain of Chinas free trade area,the expansion of market scale,the strengthening of integration depth and the promotion of liberalization degree.Finally,from the perspective of the construction of free trade area,the paper puts forward the policy safeguard measures to realize the mutual promotion of domestic and international double circulation.
On the Legal Nature and Effect of Holding Stock Rights on Behalf of Others
LIU Junhai
2021, 46(5):  130-142. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.014
Abstract ( 871 )   PDF (1482KB) ( 321 )  
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When the Companies Act is about to be revised for the sixth time,clarifying the legal nature and effect of the holding of shares on behalf of others will help to realize the dynamic balance and the same frequency resonance between the encouragement of investment and the maintenance of transaction security.In view of the Trust Laws recognition of the independence of the trust property and the strictness of the trust obligation,unless there is a special agreement between the dormant shareholders and the nominal shareholders,the trust relationship should be used to explain and sort out the equity holding relationship.We should fully respect and effectively protect the effectiveness of equity holding on behalf of others based on the modern concept of rule of law that “it can be done without prohibition”.The effectiveness of the relationship includes two dimensions:internal and external.In terms of internal relations,we should vigorously promote the spirit of contract and trust culture,and comprehensively consolidate a series of rights of dormant shareholders,such as the right to know,the right to profit,the right to adjust the equity exercise strategy,the right to cancel the equity disposal,the right to remove the nominal shareholders,the right to participate in governance and the right to manifest.As far as external relations are concerned,externalism is the basic principle to resolve the conflict of rights between dormant shareholders and bona fide third party.The system of bona fide acquisition is applicable to the situation of holding shares on behalf of others,which helps to maintain the security of transactions and improve the liquidity of shares.In the process of enforcement,dormant shareholders should also yield to the bona fide creditors rights of nominal shareholders.If the creditor of the nominal shareholder knows or should know the relationship between the nominal shareholder and the dormant shareholder,the principle of externalism is not applicable.In order to respect the autonomy of the parties,we should adopt the value orientation of “the principle is effective,the exception is invalid” for the validity of the stock rights.In order to strictly limit the scope of invalid equity holding agreement,it is suggested to introduce “three-step” thinking and accurately identify the validity norms.The referee should be more cautious when invoking “public order and good custom” to confirm the invalidity of holding shares on behalf of Others.
Theoretical Logic and Practical Prospects of Enhancing the National Legal Awareness
MENG Qingyu
2021, 46(5):  143-153. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.015
Abstract ( 290 )   PDF (1441KB) ( 108 )  
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Actively cultivating the concept of the rule of law is an inevitable requirement for the implementation of the comprehensive rule of law.Therefore,we must establish a goal,that is,legal belief,which is expressed in the form of legal compliance,legal respect and legal worship,and in the content of rule consciousness,democratic concept and contract spirit;use two mechanisms,namely,legal moralization and moral legalization;and adopt three paths,namely,institutional incentive at the normative level,process experience at the practical level and publicity and education at the spiritual level.Among them,the system incentive mainly uses the moral legalization mechanism to train legal compliance;process experience and publicity and education mainly use the legal moralization mechanism to cultivate legal respect and legal worship.Actively cultivating the peoples concept of rule of law is a systematic project.In practice,we must fully implement the rule consciousness,democratic concept and contract spirit,realize the close cooperation and mutual promotion among the three paths,and finally form a systematic joint force to shape the socialist culture of rule of law with Chinese characteristics.
The Substantive Openness of Judicature in China and Its Guarantee
CHEN Yuzhong
2021, 46(5):  154-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.05.016
Abstract ( 470 )   PDF (1393KB) ( 58 )  
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Based on different requirements and situations,open justice could be divided into comprehensive openness,partial openness,procedural openness, resultant openness,formal openness and substantive openness.By reinforcing open justice,the Supreme Peoples Court has achieved the transformation from trial openness to comprehensive openness,from procedural openness to openness both on procedure and result,so we could say that the system of open justice in China has been unified and generalized tentatively.However,it should also be noted that the important links and contents,including the basis of adjudication,a few different opinions of the collegial panel and the judicial committee,are still not open.The lack of substantive openness will inevitably affect the effect of openness and restrict the realization of the ultimate goal of judicial openness.The realization of judicial openness,especially the realization of judicial substantive openness,requires not only the construction and improvement of various information platforms of courts at all levels,but also the guarantee of deepening the reform of the judicial system and the support of innovating the judicial working mechanism.From the current point of view,we should focus on solving the problems that the judicial process information is not really fully open,the basis of judgment is not fully open,and a few different opinions of the collegial panel and the judicial committee are not allowed to be open.