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20 February 2018, Volume 43 Issue 1
The Study on the Dual Functions of the Western Capital and Henan Superior Prefecture
GONG Yan-ming
2018, 43(1):  1-10. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.001
Abstract ( 809 )   PDF (1218KB) ( 305 )  
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Henan was not only a Superior Prefecture but also the Western Capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, which resulted in its dual functions in the Superior Prefecture administrative management and the imperial palace administration. This specific property led to a unique operation mode by combining the management of auxiliary capital and Superior Prefecture which was different from the general management system of the Superior Prefecture and was under the jurisdiction of the Circuits. On one hand, some administrations such as the Regency and the Branch Office were established with the corresponded personnel system; on the other hand, the governmental body of Henan Superior Prefecture remained. The paper comprises of the following elements. First, the history of the Western Capital, the Henan Superior Prefecture and the organizational system of the Western Capital which was first auxiliary capital in the Northern Song Dynasty. Second, the official system of the Henan Superior Prefecture. When making a study of the establishment of the senior officials such as the Governor, the Vice Governor,the Prefect and the attached officials such as the Assistant Prefect, the Judge and the left and right Police Office, it is clear that the government titles of the Henan Superior Prefecture and Kaifeng Superior Prefecture were roughly equal while the government body of the former was much smaller than the latter. Third, the organization structure and the affiliated institutions of the Western Capital Regency. The Regency was established due to the existence of an imperial palace which was a transit accommodation of the emperor inside the Henan Superior Prefecture. One of the differences in the regulations between the Western Capital and the Eastern Capital was that even though the emperor did not go on an expedition, the Western Capital Regency remained at ordinary times while the responsibility in guarding and constructing of which was replaced by arranging demoted or retired officers. The dual functions of Henan Superior Prefecture were caused by a special situation that the Prefect of Henan Superior Prefecture also served as Regent. The Auxiliary Censorate of the Western Capital and the Directorate of Education attached to the Western Capital Regency and assigned to both real jobs and fake jobs did undertake some tasks to arrange the dissident officers and the officers resigned from leading posts. Forth, the Western Capital Branch Official turned into a general term of the officers rather than officers sent by the central government. To be set up for the demoted officials or the officials of merit who were unable to take on the responsibilities due to their illness, the Western Capital Branch Official was a freeloading sinecure with indeterminate stuff number. The Western Capital Regency and Branch Office were among the factors of official redundancy; meanwhile, they also resolved political conflicts of the Northern Song government more or less.
The Research on the Function and Effects of the Imperial Edicts Issued for Outright Advise in the Song Dynasty
DING Jian-jun,Song Ruo-yan
2018, 43(1):  11-17. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.002
Abstract ( 685 )   PDF (5049KB) ( 230 )  
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The imperial edicts issued for outright advise were relatively common political phenomenon in the Chinese imperial era, which were more than other Dynasties in the Song. In theory, they could help the emperors to know the true situation in the folk, and also could show the scene that the emperor and the scholar co-ruled of the country. But in the imperial autocratic system, many of this kind of the imperial edicts only became a mere formality; in the Song Dynasty, they had two main political functions: The first one was to show the enlightened figure of the emperor to his subjects, and the second function were providing convenience for the party contest between the new and old party in the late Northern Song Dynasty: to create public opinion for policy adjustment by the imperial edicts, or by sorting the advice to support own party and attack the others. Although the positive role of this kind of imperial edicts in the Song Dynasty was very limited, but adapted to the need for the emperor to shape the enlightened figure, adapted to the psychological needs of the affected people by the influence of the interaction between heaven and man, and also adapted to the needs of the literati and officialdom to participate in politics, especially the need of the party contest. The imperial edicts for outright advice became a common political and cultural phenomenon under the authoritarian system of the Song Dynasty.
On the Formation of Marxist Case Analysis
GONG Jing-cai
2018, 43(1):  18-24. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.003一
Abstract ( 463 )   PDF (5383KB) ( 162 )  
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There is numerous literature on the methods of Marxist Political Economy, conveying various kinds of miscellaneous viewpoints; however, the method of case analysis has been beyond the horizon. There is no doubt that the method of case study has been employed in the works of Marxist political economy. In terms of nations, the case refers to the Great Britain, the origin of Industrial Revolution, and in terms of social history, the case refers to the typical capitalist mode of production. The method of case study originated in Introduction to Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, in which two premises play a fundamental part, the establishment of Marx’s proletariat standpoint and the study of political economy. The method of case study continues to work in 1844 Economic Philosophic Manuscripts, and then came into being in German Ideology. In the following research of political economy, Marx employed this method to analyze the typical British mode of capitalist production, leading to the masterpiece On Capital, a rationalization of case analysis, that is, “What the more developed industrial country reveals to the less developed country is the future of the latter.”
On the Theory of Legal Value under the Perspective of Marx’s Philosophy of Labor
HUANG Yi-chao,TIAN Hai-jian
2018, 43(1):  25-30. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.004
Abstract ( 545 )   PDF (4579KB) ( 191 )  
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The traditional research on Marx’s philosophy of law was affected by explanation about Marx’s philosophy from The history of the Soviet Communist Party 4:2 of the Soviet Union, which comprehended Marx’s philosophy as substance ontology; therefore comprehended Marx’s philosophy of law ontology as substance ontology; moreover on the basis of philosophy of law substance ontology; then the value of Marx’s law philosophy theory is also understood as material value or objective value theory. The ontology of Marx’s philosophy should be called the practice ontology or the labor ontology, which is to understand the world starting from the social practice or the production practice of material life, which is called labor and is the fundamental characteristics of Marx’s philosophy. Marx’s value theory is not material value or objective value theory, but the unity of subjective and objective of the practical value or labor value theory. Marx’s value of law theory is not objective value, but unity of subjective and objective based on practice value. Marx believes that the legal value is the unity of opposites between subject and object, individual and society, abstract and concrete, class nature and humanity, and ideal and the reality.
Study on Cao Duan’s Essay “Discriminating Perversity” and the Problems of Neo-Confucianism in It
ZHANG Li-wen, GENG Zi-jie
2018, 43(1):  31-37. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.005
Abstract ( 560 )   PDF (4993KB) ( 173 )  
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Through Zhou Dunyi’s interpretation proposed in his Discussion of the Diagram of the Supreme Polarity, the Supreme Polarity(Taiji)came to be viewed as the highest category of Neo-Confucianism. However, the idea that “Without polarity and yet the Supreme Polarity, the Supreme Polarity in activity generates Yang” provoked extensive debates. In his essay “Discriminating Perversity”, in Ming Dynasty Neo-Confucian Cao Duan focused on the statement that “The Supreme Polarity is spontaneously able to be active and still” and raised questions concerning whether principle is “living” or “dead”, the relationship between principle and Qi, etc., which influenced not only the development of the relationship between principle and Qi in the Ming Dynasty, but also the thought of Korean philosopher Yi Toegye, giving rise to debates in Korea concerning principle, Qi, the four inklings and the seven emotions over a period of three hundred years. This paper evaluates the validity of the content of “Discriminating Perversity” by assessing: 1)Whether or not there is any contradiction between the interpretation in Zhu Xi’s Explanation of the Meaning of the Supreme Polarity referred to in “Discriminating Perversity” and that in his Recorded Sayings; 2)Whether or not Zhu Xi’s explanation was in accordance with Zhou Dunyi’s original meaning in his Discussion of the Diagram of the Supreme Polarity; 3)Whether or not Cao Duan fully understood Zhu Xi’s ideas, and if not, what causes lay behind his misunderstanding. In addition, the paper further assesses the influence of Cao Duan’s philosophy on Yi Toegye and Neo-Confucianism in the Ming Dynasty, so as to provided a reasone assessment of the historical significance of “Discriminating Perversity.”
On Huang Daozhou’s Construction of Confucian Gentleman’s Personality
XU Hui
2018, 43(1):  38-43. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.006
Abstract ( 403 )   PDF (4033KB) ( 214 )  
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.In the late Ming Dynasty, personality of Confucian gentleman was collapsed under the influence of social atmosphere and the impact of Yangming School. In order to revive the Confucianism, Huang Daozhou wrote Ruxingjizhuan to interpret and promote benevolence of the true spirit of confucianism in the book of Rites-Confucianism. From the benevolence, heavy tight potential, and self-cultivation, Huang Daozhou expounded Confucian moral thoughts and practice standards, and reestablished personality paradigm and realistic path of “Confucian gentleman”. At the same time, whether at home or as an official, Huang Daozhou, obeying Confucian "personality self-discipline and practicing by himself, promoted the reconstruction of the late Ming Dynasty Confucian personality paradigm.
The New Exploration about University’s Credit System of Extracurricular Education under the Objective of “double-first class” Construction ——A Case Study of Credit System of Extracurricular Practical Education in T University
LI Yi-dan,ZHANG Zhi-bo
2018, 43(1):  44-49. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.007
Abstract ( 491 )   PDF (3931KB) ( 161 )  
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Extracurricular education is the significant part of “double-first class” construction, and is also an important approach to improve talent cultivation quality, which should be incorporated into school personnel training system to form the training model in which the classroom education credit system walks side by side with credit system of extracurricular education, jointly to promote the comprehensive development of college students and carry out the basic tasks of “strengthening moral education and cultivating people”.
Reflections on the Internationalization of Local Comprehensive Universities under the Strategy of “Double first-class” ——Taking“One Province and One University” as an Example
GUO Wei,ZHAO Ming-mei
2018, 43(1):  50-56. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.008
Abstract ( 528 )   PDF (1204KB) ( 288 )  
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Internationalization is one of the important ways to strengthen the comprehensive strength of higher education. It is the historical inheritance of the university, the trend of social development and the need of self-construction.“Double first-class”strategy proposes new requirements for the internationalization of the university. As the vanguard of local colleges and universities, regional higher education pioneer, local comprehensive universities should take this advantage to correctly understand and accurately grasp the international development trend, establish the concept of international education, build a full participation in the pattern, combine the breadth and depth to create the characteristics of international brands, and promote their own "double first-class" construction while boosting regional economic and social development.
British Measures to Deal with School Bullying and Their Implications for China
QU Shu-jie,JIA Bei-bei
2018, 43(1):  57-63. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.009
Abstract ( 621 )   PDF (1342KB) ( 225 )  
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School bullying is a global phenomenon, and it has even evolved into a serious social problem in some countries. In Britain there is a relatively well-established preventive and intervening system for school bullying. Based on schools, this system connects the laws and policies on anti-bully of central and local governments with professional supports from social organizations. It takes advantages of diversified measures of anti-bully to promote student develop healthily in a safe school environment. We may learn some lessons from UK for making relative laws on school bully, establishing punishment system in schools, and establishing a comprehensive anti-school bully system in the whole society.
The Construction Path of the Green Financial System in the Xiong’an New Area
2018, 43(1):  64-68. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.010
Abstract ( 655 )   PDF (3385KB) ( 199 )  
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The green finance is vitally important for the construction of the green wisdom new town in Xiong’an New Area. To lead the pack domestically and internationally, the construction of the green financial system in Xiong’an New Area needs to embark on a new path which can be established from five aspects: green financial pattern,role orientation of the subject of green finance, green financial instruments, green financial environment, green financial services. Firstly, the green financial pattern of “division and cooperation” should be constructed. Secondly, the roles played by three major subjects of green finance should be made clear. Thirdly, a variety of green financial instruments should be taken into use, such as strengthening the implement of green credit in Xiong’an New Area, setting up the green development fund in Xiong’an New Area, issuing Xiong’an green bonds, etc. Fourthly, the favorable green financial environment should be created in different ways including establishing and perfecting the government policy supporting mechanism for green finance, building green financial talents highland and ideological frontiers, reducing the financing cost of green projects, formulating the policy restraining environmental society and financial institutions, etc. Fifthly, the green financial services should be improved by different means, such as developing diversified third-party agencies, constructing multiple green evaluation system, establishing the mechanism for green information sharing, etc.
On the Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Industry in Xiong’an New Area
XU Yong-li
2018, 43(1):  69-73. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.011
Abstract ( 570 )   PDF (3393KB) ( 212 )  
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Xiong’an New Area includes three counties, Rongcheng, Anxin and Xiongxian, and the existing industries mainly focus on traditional labor-intensive and low-value-added industries, showing out many non-adaptive characteristics that leads to a huge gap between the high-end positioning of the future development plan of the new district. The traditional industry of Xiong’an New Area must be transformed and upgraded to make adaptable changes, and reconstruct the commercial ecosystem by the theory of customer value and brand innovation. “Integration of production and urbanization” helps to build up a high-end commercial ecosystem, an international brand and a high-end market. Push forward multidimensional cooperation of production, education and research to create a strong atmosphere of innovation in science and technology. Promote the coupling interaction between modern and traditional industry, and arouse the innovation of industrial organization form, ultimately provide an inexhaustible motive power for the transformation and upgrading of the traditional industry.
Public Economy: A New Understanding from a Perspective of Social Reproduction
ZHANG Jin-wu
2018, 43(1):  74-80. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.012
Abstract ( 486 )   PDF (5118KB) ( 173 )  
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Public economics, with the public goods theory as its core, is one of broad categories of economics developing on the basis of public finance. As a broad category of economics, it should have a higher, more inclusive content hierarchy and a relatively independent content system than the public finance. However, the main content and the research object of public economics are still very much the same as that of public finance, and thus the public economics has not yet developed into a satisfactory advanced one. And its forming foundation, as one of the major reasons, has a great effect on its development. As public finance defines the financial revenue and expenditure activity as the complete government economic moves, it may limit the understanding of public economic perspectives and research filed. As a result, by using the theory of Marxist social reproduction, this paper aims at giving a new understanding of meaning, content and characteristics of public economy from a perspective of the public goods reproduction of public economics, and thus provides a “theoretical entrance” for promoting the content level of public economics and further improving its scientific system.
The Evolution of the Concept of Modern Publicfinancein Contemporary China ——Based on the Perspective of Themulti- relationships among Government, Market and Society
LI Chun-gen,WANG Wen
2018, 43(1):  81-87. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.013
Abstract ( 446 )   PDF (4870KB) ( 180 )  
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As an important tool of the government, market, and even society for allocating resources, public finance is a main hub for connecting the economic system, political system and social system and plays a pivotal role in the process of the whole social resource allocation. Based on the definitions and functions of “visible hand” of government, “invisible hand” of the market and “the third hand” of the emerging social subject and focused on “what the public finance can do”, “what the public finance should do” and other basic questions, this paper respectively expounds the role boundaries of public finance in the relationships among the government, market and society, which is the basis and important mainstay of the national governance, and then introduces and analyses the dynamic evolution of the concept of the public finance under the socialist marketing economy system in contemporary China, based on the perspective of the multi-relationships among government, market and society, and further clarifies the orientation of the modern public finance based on promoting the national governance system and modernization of governance ability.
Division of Educational Authority and Expenditure Responsibility in Governance Oriented Financial Construction
CUI Chao
2018, 43(1):  88-95. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.014
Abstract ( 450 )   PDF (4277KB) ( 145 )  
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Under the three dimensions of “government + market + society”, China is approching a stage of governance oriented financial construction. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of the government, the market and the social organizations when dividing educational responsibility and expenditure responsibility at different levels of government. According to the public intensity of different educational services, the government’s participation is determined. In the meantime,this is no doubt to maintain the corresponding participation of the market and non-profit organizations in educational services. Under the consideration of the intensity range from private service to public service, all kinds of education are sorted into individual training, pre-school education, higher education, vocational education, high school education and compulsory education. The intensity of publicity is positively related to the powers and responsibilities of the senior government; the local government has strengths in information and direct benefit,which is the main power and expenditure responsibility subject; the central government has both power and responsibility of supervision and regulation authority. Having made good use of multiple subjects which contributes to the increase of educational supply and the reduction of financial pressure,we are able to improve the education quality by competitions when producing, supplying and consuming the education services.
The Equity of Revenue Sharing on VAT ——An Analysis Based on Provincial Level
LI Qing, WU Shan
2018, 43(1):  96-104. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.015
Abstract ( 570 )   PDF (4979KB) ( 157 )  
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In order to promote the implementation of “the reform of replacing business tax with value-added tax(VAT)” in all industries and encourage the enthusiasm of subnational governments for the reform, Chinese central government has made some adjustments to the policy of VAT sharing betweencentral and subnational governments. However, these adjustments are merely transitional scheme. Based on the perspective of intergovernmental fiscal relationship, this paper sums up the characteristics of the VAT sharing mechanism from both vertical and horizontal aspects. Through theoretical analysis and quantitative calculations, this paper finds out that the vertical “division before centralization” mechanism and horizontal “origin principle” has led to a growing imbalance inthe allocation of fiscal revenues among provinces, revealing that the damage to horizontal equity is an in herent shortage of the VAT sharing system established since 1994. This paper argues that the key to establish a stable VAT sharing system lies in transferring from the idea of “to be efficient and incentive” to that of “to realize horizontal equity”in terms of the sharing mechanism design instead of seeking a suitable sharing ratio, so as to promote the fiscal equalization among provinces better.
The Research on Pension Service Industry Development under the Supply-side Reform
CAO Li-qian,YIN Ji-dong
2018, 43(1):  105-111. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.016
Abstract ( 504 )   PDF (4998KB) ( 219 )  
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China is rapidly entering the stage of deep aging, the needs of the elderly for pension service is presenting the trend of increasing and expanding in the depth and breadth constantly. In recent years, with the supply side reform deepening, the country has introduced a series of policies aimed at promoting the development of pension service industry in order to guarantee the supply of pension service. However, with the expanding and increasing of the pension service demand continuously, the problem of supply and demand imbalance in the field of pension service has not been effectively solved, thus the development of the pension service industry is restricted in a way. This paper analyzes the development situation of the pension service industry, teases and reveals the current problems faced by the development of the pension service industry, and then puts forward the development path of the pension service industry under the supply-side reform, so as to realize the balance between supply and demand of the pension service, and effectively meet the needs of the elderly pension services.
The Study on the Poverty of the Aging Population in Hebei Province ——A Field Survey Based on 14 Counties of Hebei Province
DUAN Hong-bo,WU Zhen
2018, 43(1):  112-119. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.017
Abstract ( 498 )   PDF (4294KB) ( 200 )  
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In this paper, field investigation is used to study the current situation of poverty among the aging population in poor counties. By visiting 1 083 poor households in 70 villages of 14 counties in Hebei Province, this paper finds that there are many serious poverty problems among the aging population. The poverty problems of the aging population in Hebei province have its own characteristics. Based on the analysis of the related characteristics, we study the causes and put forward some targeted solutions so as to help Hebei Province to win the battle for poverty alleviation and achieve the goal that the people get rid of poverty and become rich.
The Research Way and Prospect of Township Regulations Based on Different Theories
LIU Zhi-qi, LIANG De-you
2018, 43(1):  120-125. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.018
Abstract ( 523 )   PDF (4072KB) ( 287 )  
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The continuous deepening of the research and the continuous improvement of the theoretical pedigree indicate that the practice of rural grass-roots social governance in our country has begun to move towards the theoretical consciousness. Among them, the theory of social governance represented by ethical community theory, rural social theory and folk law theory has become the three logical ways for academic circles to carry out the study of township regulations. However, these well researched and mature research methods have successfully guided the rural social governance in China to achieve "rural transformation". At the same time, there are also some helpless and embarrassing concerns for the lack of reality and theoretical explanations. The logic and governance practice of the development of rural China; on the one hand, calls for the academic circles to go beyond the discipline paradigm to integrate new theories. At the same time, it also looks forward to the theoretical innovation based on regional integration, which can become an inevitable option for the theoretical consciousness of township regulations.
Analysis on the Reform of Rewarding System of Double-track System
LYU Hong-ping, LYU Zi-ye
2018, 43(1):  126-133. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.019
Abstract ( 571 )   PDF (1245KB) ( 332 )  
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The adjustment or reform of the family planning reward and assistant policies is necessary with the change of fertility policy, which should be adhered to the principle of “old way before two-child policy” and “new approach after two-child policy” in the current circumstances. For those families complying with former fertility policy, especially the one-child family, the reward and assistant policies should be carried on in order to honor the CPC Central Committee “open letter” commitment to reflect the credibility of the CPC and the government. But for those families to bear children after the implementation of the “advocating two-child” policy, the “child-rearing allowance” or “maternity allowance” system should be urgent to put into practice, which is not only the recognition and compensation of social value of fertility, but an important guarantee for “encouraging childbirth according to policy”. Now it is time to construct a double-track System for those families of “old way before two-child policy” and ”new approach after two-child policy”, according to the principle of maintaining the national treasury supporting system, fairness and impartiality, ensuring the focus and overall coordination. The fertility supporting policies should be formed systematically to better meet the interests of the families complying with the family planning policy, which might guarantee the smooth implementation of the “comprehensive two children” policy to promote long-term balanced development of population.
Research on the Measurement and Standard of Encouragement and Support for Planning Family in China
HU Yao-ling
2018, 43(1):  134-144. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.020
Abstract ( 432 )   PDF (6442KB) ( 187 )  
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With the implementation of universal two-child policy, it is the general trend to encourage and support the planning family according to the policy. And it is necessary to predict the fertility trend and analyze the population development trend about the prospects of family planning policy reform and the feasible of reward standard. Through calculating the different programs to total demand and reward structure of encouraging and supporting the planning family, the article gives research and judgment to the standard on family planning reward and the reform on related policy.
Study on the Identification of The Elderly about Resolving the Risk of The Aged by “Comprehensive Two Children” Policy
PU Xin-wei,HENG Yuan-yuan
2018, 43(1):  145-151. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.021
Abstract ( 419 )   PDF (4450KB) ( 184 )  
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The“comprehensiv two children” policy is an important measure to optimize the numbers of children and to strengthen intergenerational support. The elderly who have different numbers of children and different generations put forward the empirical view about resolving the risk of the aged by “Comprehensive Two Children” policy. Through the analysis of 12 651 valid questionnaires, it is found that the elderly group has a low level identification about the policy. The key factor influencing the degree of recognition of the elderly is the numbers of children and intergeneration relations, only the elderly with 1-3 children are relatively high in the identification, and other are low; whereas, the elderly who have good relationship with their children generally believe that the “Comprehensive Two Children” policy can resolve the risk of old age; on the contrary, the parents estranged from his children do not agree with the essence role of the policy.
Review and Prospect of Fertility Desire Research in China(1982—2016)
JIA Zhi-ke,LUO Zhi-hua
2018, 43(1):  152-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.01.022
Abstract ( 1005 )   PDF (5457KB) ( 566 )  
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Based on the research findings of fertility desire from 1982 to 2016, this paper generalizes the overall situation from four aspects, such as research area, object, method and content, and then it prospects the research directions and trends of fertility desire in the future. It shows that fertility desire among urban and rural residents has undergone significant changes in China, and the differences of fertility desire have been gradually reduced between different groups, the research method is mainly based on quantitative research and empirical investigation and the research content presents the characteristics of diversification of dimensions and diversification of influencing factors. In the future, domestic research will pay more attention to the relationship between fertility intention and behavior, focus on the follow-up study of the same group using both quantitative and qualitative research methods rationally, and focus on the impact of family policy adjustment on fertility desire change.