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20 December 2017, Volume 42 Issue 6
The Study on the Cases of Diagnosis and Clinical Treatment in Disease by Xu Shuwei in South Song Dynasty
HAN Yi, YU Bo-ya
2017, 42(6):  1-11. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.001
Abstract ( 632 )   PDF (7766KB) ( 114 )  
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Shang Han Jiu Shi Lun written by Xu Shuwei in the Song Dynasty is the earliest medical case book in China. Lei Zheng Pu Ji Ben Shi Fang and Lei Zheng Ben Shi Pu Ji Fang Xu Ji are the representative formulary books that contain lots of medical cases in the Song Dynasty. There are 236 medical cases in three books, containing 124 cases of typhoid diseases and 112 cases of miscellaneous diseases. These medical cases not only reflect that Xu Shuwei paid most attention and prevention on typhoid disease and miscellaneous diseases, but also show the process of the medical clinical disease diagnosis, the change of etiology and pathogenesis of interpretation, the innovation of the prescription drug use and the development of medical academic ideas in the Song Dynasty, which has positive reference significance for the development of TCM syndrome diagnosis and treatment model.
From Chen Liang to Fang Xiaoru:Eastern Zhejiang Scholars’ Explanation of Orthodoxy and Evolution
ZHU Guang-ming
2017, 42(6):  12-18. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.002
Abstract ( 514 )   PDF (4844KB) ( 157 )  
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From Chen Liang to Fang Xiaoru is an important stage of academic development in eastern Zhejiang, they have a unique epistemological value for orthodox discourse. Chen Liang from the world view of righteousness, the popular sentiment, classic culture to distinguish between the Chinese and the Barbarians, and from the perspective of unification,it emphasized the necessity of restoring Central Plains and unifying the whole country. In distinguish the Chinese and the Barbarians, Fang Xiaoru had inherited and developed Chen Liang, and had formed a relatively perfect writing scheme in order to distinguish the Chinese and the Barbarians. At the same time, his distinction between orthodoxy and change has a strong moral color, which reflects the strengthening trend of the influence of Zhu Xi’s theory in the early Ming dynasty.
The Study on the Features and Influences of Wine Culture Communication in Tang Dynasty Literature
BAI Gui, DU Hao
2017, 42(6):  19-23. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.003
Abstract ( 885 )   PDF (3199KB) ( 192 )  
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In the long course of development of Chinese culture, the wine culture can be evolved in the long history. The Tang Dynasty is one of the most prosperous dynasties in China, and the wine culture has been comprehensively sublimated and spread in its flourishing literature. Relying on the strong wine culture in the Tang Dynasty background, with the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty literature as the carrier, in a wide range of communication, the integration of poetry and wine phenomenon is formed taking the path of transmission of media and the path of non-media as the core. In the process of combining dynamic transmission and static transmission, the wine culture itself has been sublimated because of its rich and varied literary works. The research in the literature in the Tang Dynasty is from the perspective of the dissemination of wine culture, wine culture connotation, combined with literature creation psychology theory, through the research of literature in the Tang Dynasty wine culture disseminator and audience, content and path and the dissemination effect, to understand the unique mode of transmission from the new perspective of omnibearing promotion of wine culture in the Tang Dynasty literature.
Aesthetics of Grief and Indignation in Huang Liang Meng Poetry
LIU Zhen-ying
2017, 42(6):  24-30. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.004
Abstract ( 557 )   PDF (4573KB) ( 134 )  
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Grief and indignation is a more ancient theoretical category in Chinese poetics. It is an aesthetic structure taking the strong inner emotion as the kernel,where there is dreamlike longing,the spirit of being towards death,This aesthetic structane is rooted in people’s emotional world,and has the effect of purifying the soal.The aesthetic features of Huang Liang meng poetry include illusory creation of the human life,the different levels of wareal compen sation for the real life,and the insights when people wake up.The aesthetic structure shows a stunning beauty,beauty of fullness,beauty of moving and tragic,And its aesthetic features are nothingness,emptiness and expansion.The aesthetic features of grief and indignation in Huang Liang poetry are rooted the unique social soil of dynastic change or replacement,major life setbacks and failures are the main contents of grief and indignation to express,and the outstanding ability and life accomplishment of the poets are the important conditions for the aesthetic features of grief and indignation to form.
The “Huang Tian Phenomenon”in New Immigrant Literature
2017, 42(6):  31-36. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.005
Abstract ( 503 )   PDF (3816KB) ( 165 )  
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As an important part of the world Chinese literature, new immigrant literature contributes a large number of outstanding literary works for the contemporary literary. The new immigrants as the creation of the new immigrant literature, although there also emerged, such as Yan Geling, Hong Ying, Zhang Ling and other literary novelists, there are also a large number of successful but forgotten writers, and especially Liu Huangtian who is the typical writer of new immigrant writers in North America. Their outstanding literary achievements and academic attention should be a great contrast, according to this situation the author puts forward the concept of “Huang Tian phenomenon”. And the author focuses on historical situation and living space of the new immigrants and the “new immigrant literature” to reflect on the “Huang Tian phenomenon”. By combing the causes of this phenomenon, the author explores the opportunity of the new immigrant literature.
Four Dimensions of Wang Yangming’s Ontology of Conscience
LI Zhen-gang
2017, 42(6):  37-42. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.006
Abstract ( 585 )   PDF (3892KB) ( 174 )  
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Wang Yangming's legendary life has always been inseparable from the “Tao” and “Heart”. Yangming summarized his Theory of Heart and methods as “four principles” in his late years, from the ontology to say “non-being”, from the point of use to say “being”, from the clarity to say “knowing” and from the action to say “object”. From the ontology to Gongfu, it presents the four theoretical dimensions about ontology of conscience, namely absolute, empirical, sensible and practical conscience. Yangming's Theory of Heart is different from Zen, but also transcended the study of Xiangshan.
Zhuangzi’s Thought of “Qiwu” as Value-pluralism
WANG Shao-jun
2017, 42(6):  43-48. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.007
Abstract ( 565 )   PDF (3878KB) ( 168 )  
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“Qiwu” is not to make everything neat and uniform, nor to indicate that all things have no difference on the fact level. Rather, it is to treat all things and viewpoints equally without discrimination, thus to break away from common practices of grading everything, liking or disliking, accepting or rejecting, and compelling others to be obedient or admiring others by discarding his own characteristics. After all, the thought of “Qiwu” is a kind of value-pluralism, which aims to maintain the morphological diversity of everything by stressing its axiological equality, and to gain existential space for everything’s diversity respectively.
“Four-Step” Procedures of Xiongan New District Spheres Radiation and New Developing Ideas in Baoding
MENG Xiang-lin
2017, 42(6):  49-57. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.008
Abstract ( 764 )   PDF (5925KB) ( 215 )  
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The setting Xiongan new district, to a certain degree, breaks Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei long-time pattern of administrative divisions, being the beginning of integrated urban system construction. Xiongan new district is the urbanization growing point of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration, and municipality is its developing trend. The following areas including the counties unit on the west side of the “Zhuozhou-Baoding-Dingzhou” administrated by Baoding city, most parts of Langfang administration region, and northern part of Cangzhou city, can be the areas impacted crucially by Xiongan new district; during this procession, Xiongan new district will construct its metropolis urban system by way of “four-step-extension” procedure. Xiongan new district brings Baoding developing opportunities as well as challenges; the former means Xiongan can provide Baoding with experiences, for Baoding being the neighbor of Xiongan new district; the challenges mean Baoding administrative division has been doing subtraction since Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei developing strategies being put forward. This requires Baoding actively to merge into Xiongan new district, preparing for “Baoding + Xiongan new district” to be “double-center” metropolis; in the hinterland of Beijing-Tian-Hebei forming “three-pillar” new developing pattern.
The Construction of Supporting System of Xiongan New District Phasing out the Non-capital Functions from Beijing
ZHANG Chun-lei
2017, 42(6):  58-62. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.009
Abstract ( 513 )   PDF (3202KB) ( 228 )  
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It is a historic project for the planning and building of Xiongan New District to alleviate the non-capital functions from Beijing and advance the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH)region. To realize the strategic goal, it is necessary to establish a first-class planning system, modern transport system, excellent ecological environment, high-end and high-tech industries, high-quality public services, mechanism of innovation system, green smart city, unique historical culture, etc. Those mentioned above make up the important cornerstone of phasing out the non-capital functions from Beijing together.
Path Selection of Collaborative Innovation between Xiongan New District and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Areas
LI Feng
2017, 42(6):  63-68. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.010
Abstract ( 485 )   PDF (3996KB) ( 160 )  
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The focus of Xiongan New District promoting the cooperation of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cooperation strategy is gathering innovative resources and innovative elements on a global scale, relying on opening up and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei rich scientific and technological resources, building new knowledge and new technology diffusion and interaction of the important hub, exploring new models of scientific and technological cooperation, playing the role of urban green innovation demonstration, and being the important inspection field of design research and development, innovative products and creative ideas in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. Moreover, with the new development concept, building a new model of urban fiscal and finance policy, enhancing the service level of the city, gathering the global talent strategy, innovating the regional cooperation mechanism, promoting the innovation of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region “convergence area” and the “diffusion source” of innovation achievements, Xiongan New District will become a high-vision, high threshold, and high-level innovative national new area.
The Hierarchy Levels of Local Government and Its Fiscal Expenditure Responsibility in China ——Based on the Double Perspective of History and Reality
TONG Guang-hui, ZHAO Hai-li
2017, 42(6):  69-77. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.011
Abstract ( 451 )   PDF (6517KB) ( 157 )  
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Since modern times, dramatic changes have taken place in traditional system of China, driven by many factors such as the process of urbanization and the construction of grass-roots political power. Consequently, even the layers of local governments increase to the level of four, and the types of administrative zones and management system are diverse and complex. The result of this long-term institutional evolution is the basis for our discussion on intergovernmental fiscal relations. Therefore, in a country which owns a large population and vast territory as China, it is time to take measures to adapt to the local conditions, allow multiple fiscal systems to coexist, and adjust fiscal expenditure responsibility according to the factors such as administrative division scope and social economic development of local governments at all levels. In the next stage, the power of local government in our country needs moderate decentralization, while the responsibility for fiscal expenditure needs to be appropriately collected.
Budget Management and Risk Control of Public Private Partnerships(PPP)Projects
WEN Lai-cheng, MENG Wei
2017, 42(6):  78-85. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.012
Abstract ( 532 )   PDF (5054KB) ( 156 )  
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The budget management of government commitment to expenditure responsibilityof PPP projects is an important means to effectively guarantee PPP project construction, operation and control of financial risk.This paper combs the policy documents of PPP projects budget management, and analyzes the existing problems of PPP budget management in China, drawing on the experience of other countries,policy advice based on concerning aspects of perfecting the demonstration system of financial endurance capacity, the establishment and improvement of PPPlong-term budget management system, and standardizing the information disclosure of government budget funds and performance evaluation of PPP projects expenditure budget.
A Study on the Influences of Adequacy of Information on Tax Reform Decision ——Cases of VAT Reform,Personal Income Tax Reform and Real Estate Tax Reform
YANG Zhi-yong
2017, 42(6):  86-92. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.013
Abstract ( 469 )   PDF (4522KB) ( 179 )  
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Many controversies of tax reform decisions are due to information. Tax theory and revenue information has directly influences on tax reform decision. Cases of VAT reform,personal income tax reform and real estate tax reform have been demonstrated to analyze how the adequacy of information affects tax reform decision. Good tax reform decision is based on sufficient information such as tax theory information, tax revenue data, and data processing. The distribution, spread,and obtainment of information and data processing affect tax reform decision, further affect the direction of tax reform. The reformers should use relative information to push the tax reform according to tax reform target.
Research on Effects of Industrial Structure’s Upgrading on Reducing Pension Contribution’s Space
MU Huai-zhong, FAN Lu-lu
2017, 42(6):  93-101. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.014
Abstract ( 495 )   PDF (5100KB) ( 175 )  
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Lowering the rate of pension insurance is an important part of the reform of the supply side—“three down and one fill”, and the upgrading of industrial structure is a macro factor affecting pension contribution’s deviation. The paper analyzes the effects of different industrial structure upgrading on pension contribution’s deviation.The paper found that: extensive upgrading of industrial structure leads to lower employment and income stability, the actual contribution rate of endowment insurance is lower than the theoretical rate of payment, and pension insurance dropping in space; negative influence of industrial structure upgrading to pension contribution is realized by mediating effect, including pension contribution extrusion effect and pension contribution reduction effect; in the realization of the internal structure of technology to optimize the industrial level in the process of upgrading the industrial structure, the negative impacts of the extensive upgrading of the industrial structure on the old-age insurance payment are reduced; with the upgrading of the industrial structure rationalization, the level of old-age insurance fee reduction space also increases. At the same time, the deviation effect of extensive industrial structure upgrading and the incentive contribution effect of the optimization of internal industrial technology structure vary in different regions, and the eastern region is more significant than the central and western regions.
Review, Analysis and Prospect of Occupational Pension System in Organs and Institutions
LONG Yu-qi,LIU Ying
2017, 42(6):  102-108. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.015
Abstract ( 574 )   PDF (4560KB) ( 177 )  
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Organs and institutions’ pension reform and institutions’ classification reform promote the exploration and establishment of occupational pension system directly. In 2015, with the establishment of the institutions and institutions’ basic pension system, occupational pension scheme was formally introduced and implemented. The occupational pension system scheme makes clear provisions on system attributes, system models, coverage scale, fund raising, treatment collection, transfer connection, fund management and service. The establishment of occupational pension system has played an active role in promoting the organs and institutions’ system reform. At the same time, there are still many problems in the system design and management services of the occupational pension system, which need to be further improved. We need to further clarify the patterns and attributes of the occupational pension system, strengthen fairness, improve system design, clear the scheme of dealing with the rights and interests of “the staff”, and improve management services and tax policies.
Analysis on the Behavior Deviation of Farmer’s Decision Choice in the Urban and Rural Resident Endowment Insurance
WANG Xiao-jie, YANG Peng-zhan
2017, 42(6):  109-117. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.016
Abstract ( 433 )   PDF (4393KB) ( 209 )  
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The new rural endowment insurance has been the full coverage of system in 2012,but the behavior that the farmers choose the minimum premium grade restrains the improvement of pension benefit level. Meantime the government taking financial subsidies is failure. Based on this reality, farmers participating behavior decision biases of prospect theory model is constructed in this paper, taking young farmers and among rural adults in two groups as the object of study. According to psychological characteristics including loss aversion, reference dependence, diminishing sensitivity, this paper revealed the response mechanism of farmers' participating behavior deviation and further proposed some advice, including constructing the financial incentive mechanism of the new rural endowment insurance based on availability fallacy, improving the lowest pay grade to break the anchoring effect, and highlighting the positive orientation of the framework effect to improve the performance of the Urban and Rural Resident Endowment Insurance and so on.
The Research Progress and Prospects of Public Value Management Theory
HAN Zhao-zhu, GUO Hong-xia
2017, 42(6):  118-127. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.017
Abstract ( 1208 )   PDF (6807KB) ( 242 )  
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As one of the leading theories of western public governance, public value management theory has been widely concerned by scholars at home and abroad for more than 20 years. Mark Moore, Barry Boltzmann, and Gerry Stock are the representatives of foreign scholars, and Mark Moore is regarded as the representative of the creation of public value, Bozeman as the failure of public value, and Stock as the representative of the new approach to network governance of public value management. Foreign journals also set special discussion of public value, and promote the development of public value management theory. Domestic scholars understand the theory of public value management from the perspective of interpretation and analysis of public value theory, the perspective of government strategic management, the transformation of public administration paradigm, and network governance. Multi angle discussions make the concept clearer. In the performance management and the innovation of government functions, there are many scholars in the study. Through the research of the current situation of public value management theory, the author found the prospect of public value management research in China.
The Development Strategy for Old-age Service in Rural Area from Supply-side Perspective
YANG Yong-gang
2017, 42(6):  128-137. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.018
Abstract ( 503 )   PDF (5944KB) ( 175 )  
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With the deepening degree of aging population and urbanization, a large number of rural labors flow to the city so that rural family endowment service supply function gradually weaken, which is established in the traditional kinship. Further, it is more and more difficult to satisfy the high demand for pension services due to the number of elderly population increasing significantly. Therefore, how to implement the pension service high efficiency, improve the rural old-age service system quality and meet the needs of rural aging population become an urgent need of social development. Based on this background, in the investigation foundation, this article mainly solve the contradiction between supply and demand rural old-age service problem from the supply side and put forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions of the development of rural pension services. This paper gives an analysis on the rural endowment service supply situation in Hebei province. What’s more, it explores the causes of rural endowment service supply imbalance problems. Finally, the paper put forward corresponding countermeasures for the problems existing in the development. Consolidating the social order of the center of services for the aged, paying attention to the multi power incorporated into the endowment supply network, innovating pension supply policy, this paper constructs the rural old-age service supply system and strives to achieve the goal that every old people can live in peace, meditation and comfortable residential environment.
Construction and Implementation of “Internet + Home Care” Service Platform
WEN Hai-hong, WANG Yi-huan
2017, 42(6):  138-146. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.019
Abstract ( 460 )   PDF (4962KB) ( 278 )  
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With the intensification of China’s aging population and aging trend, home-based community care, which takes the family as the core, and relies on community and professional services, becomes the the important means of providing for the aged in China. In order to promote the process of full coverage of community care services, how to lead “Internet plus” thinking into home-based community care services has become a major topic in urgent need of studying both in theory and practice. This paper is based on system theory, third party management theory and Maslow’s theory of needs to construct “Internet + home care” service platform, and puts forward the measures to ensure the efficient operation of the platform including system, funds, personnel and technology as four in one, thus to realize the transformation of home-based community care services from artificialization to intelligence.
The Route of Intervention into the Supporting for the Empty-Nester in Rural Areas through Social Work
ZHANG Ling-quan,CHEN Xi
2017, 42(6):  147-153. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.020
Abstract ( 599 )   PDF (4113KB) ( 212 )  
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Empty-Nester in Rural Areas belongs to a special group which has more difficulties comparing with those in cities and other elders in rural areas. Research found that rural Empty Nester problem is comprehensive and systematic, and under the background of gradually weakening family endowment, how to further stimulate the community family endowment function is the key to relieving the Empty Nester pension problem.From the perspective of social work, constructing a "one two three four"(one center, two professions, cooperation of three forces, four forces linkage )model proving professional service for the empty-nester can provide effective supports for the empty-nester in solving the problems of services support, spiritual support and recovery.
The Structural Analysis of Health Assessment and Its Related Factors of the Rural Left-behind Elderly
YANG Su-wen
2017, 42(6):  154-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.06.021
Abstract ( 487 )   PDF (3975KB) ( 162 )  
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In China, the scale of the rural left-behind elderly is expanding, but their health situation is not optimistic. We need to improve the health status of this group to avoid the old poverty, poverty due to illness and poverty reinstatement due to illness. In order to investigate the mechanism of relationships between health status and its determinations among the rural left-behind elderly, a questionnaire survey was conducted among elderly people left-behind in rural area of Shandong Province. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling to show the structural relationship between them. The results showed that socioeconomic status not only had direct impacts on health status, but also affected health status by community health service level. The related factors were showed different effects on health, including direct effect and indirect effect. Therefore, by forming a joint force of self, family, community and government, we can enhance basic social provision, avoid the risk factors of health in order to improve the health status of rural left-behind elderly.