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25 May 2018, Volume 43 Issue 3
The Idea of Keeping Active Defense in the Song Dynasty City
LIU Yong-hai
2018, 43(3):  1-8. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.001
Abstract ( 603 )   PDF (1373KB) ( 192 )  
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All levels of the Song Dynasty military generals, military theorists based on a large number of military struggle practice, summed up a lot of defense thoughts, especially the thoughts of active defense. There was specific performance in four aspects: the first policy is to resist the enemy’s thought; the second is to defend the attack, and have the thought of the combination of attack and defense; the third is to rely on the people, and arouse the people to action; the fourth is to change when the enemy changed, and change in advance of the enemy’s change. Under the guidance of these thoughts, the Song Dynasty achieved many victories in the battle of the city. However, due to the corruption of the military government in the Song Dynasty and the long-term passive defense strategy, these excellent operational ideas have not fully played their due role.
The Study on the Local Chronicles of the Southern Song
WANG Ling-ling,LIU Xiao
2018, 43(3):  9-15. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.002
Abstract ( 744 )   PDF (1306KB) ( 168 )  
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During the Song Dynasty local records had great development in the government’s attention, and there had been new patterns and changes under various reasons. The publishing of local records were generally by the local chief executive initiated the participation of a number of editing personnel, rich in content, and finally published by the government or funded by the official and folk issue. Local records imprinted both conducive to the effective administration of the local government, and conducive to further promote the official ideology in order to achieve the stability of Song Dynasty. But there exist some distinguishing falses in the local records. In addition, the compilation and preservation of the literature have positive significance.
Taoism and Poetry to Life Science ——From the Perspective of Poet Xue Xuan
GUO Wan-jin, AI Dong-jing
2018, 43(3):  16-23. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.003
Abstract ( 464 )   PDF (1359KB) ( 371 )  
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The learned and famous Neo-Confucian scholar Xue Xuan was the first Confucian who could take the sacrifice in Confucian temple and was given the high praise of the first pure Confucian in the Ming Dynasty. This pure Neo-Confucian scholar was not only the model disciple of the Confucian school of philosophy of the Song dynasty, but also an emotive poet. Xue Xuan thought the poem as the secondary thing to spend redundant energy, but the poem became an indispensable part of his life because of his poetry stricken by the scenery, and the things. Whether visiting famous mountains, places of interest or responding with colleagues and friends, Xue Xuan always composed some poems. This Neo-Confucian scholar placed his emotion and ideal on the natural and righteous poems’ world that recorded the course of his mentality.
A Visualized Analysis of Current Research of Yang Jiang’s Writings and Translations based on Bibliometrics
LIU Ze-quan, TANG Jie
2018, 43(3):  24-32. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.004
Abstract ( 565 )   PDF (1812KB) ( 234 )  
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Yang Jiang, as a famous contemporary female writer, litterateur and translator, is well-known for her wide-ranging and high-quality works, including writings and translations. It follows that a considerable amount of research has been conducted concerning her publications. By the method of bibliometrics and using the CiteSpace visualization tool, this paper makes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the literature on Yang Jiang’s writings and translations from 1981 to 2017, aiming at clarifying the state of the art and exploring the space for its expansion so as to fully excavate the profound implication and literary value of Yang Jiang’s works and to objectively evaluate the personality charm and historical status of this female gentleman.
Time Conceptual Usage of Spatial Orientation Words “in front of” and “behind”
WU Wen-jie,Musona Muchinei
2018, 43(3):  33-37. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.005
Abstract ( 697 )   PDF (1260KB) ( 423 )  
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“in front of” and “behind” are a set of basic spatial concepts. In many languages, the words describing spatial concepts are metaphorically directed to the time system. The expression of time system in Chinese borrows a lot of words to express the meaning of spatial concept, in which “in front of” and “behind” show dislocation and asymmetry in the corresponding process of different periods. Through the description and analysis of these phenomena, it is found that “in front of” and “behind” are staggered correspondence and asymmetric distribution caused by the difference of the cognitive perspective and cognitive habits.
The Spread and Influence of Dalton Plan in Japan
ZHU Wen-fu, LIU Shuang-xi
2018, 43(3):  38-44. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.006
Abstract ( 500 )   PDF (1288KB) ( 347 )  
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In the early 20th Century, with the rising of different new educational thoughts and ideas in Europe and America, Dalton plan, as the model of American progressive education reform, along with other western cultural patterns and educational ideas, was introduced to Japan. Japanese new educational scholars carried out thorough studies on Dalton plan and gradually combined it with the new educational movement in Japan, which not only promoted the development of the new educational reform movement, but also had a profound influence on the history of modern Japanese education.
New-Marxism Research Paradigm in Comparative Education
LI Wen-ying,WANG Wei
2018, 43(3):  45-50. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.007
Abstract ( 541 )   PDF (1275KB) ( 191 )  
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New-Marxism Research Paradigm in Comparative Education sprung up in the late 1970s,which focuses on the role of social conflict in school education, claims school education as the reproduction of the social right relation,and advocates the binary analysis of “center-edge”. It adopts the research angle of globalization, focusing on education problems and dilemmas in the third world countries. Besides, it applies the Marxist theory of class analysis, reproduction theory and Lenin’s imperialist theory as research tools. New-Marxism Research Paradigm in Comparative Education helps to expand new research approach and promote the development of Comparative Education discipline; it also helps to deepen international understanding and promote the education fair. However, it runs the risk of extremism and aggression.
From “Technology”to“Spirit”: Establishing Philosophy of Graduate Teaching
XUE Guo-feng
2018, 43(3):  51-56. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.008
Abstract ( 469 )   PDF (1292KB) ( 173 )  
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The important role of graduate education is to cultivate senior talents with high-quality, high-level and creativity. Course teaching is not only a basic way but also a straightforward way. When we look back all sorts of questions about teaching practice of graduate education, and the fact of following with technology but ignoring spirit of teaching theory research, it is necessary to break the traditional ideas and practices of using teaching technology instead of teaching spirit, and meanwhile, to advocate integration of technology and spirit, especially to gradually establish philosophy of graduate teaching, in order to meet the requirements of graduate teaching to cultivate high-level creative talents.
The Legal Methodology under the View of Marx’s Labor Philosophy
HUANG Yun-ming, WANG Bin
2018, 43(3):  57-64. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.009
Abstract ( 530 )   PDF (1300KB) ( 267 )  
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The ontology of Marx’s philosophy is labor ontology, its methodology is dialectics of labor and its historical view is the historical view of labor. Marx stresses to understand the world from the view of labor, and understand the world in the unity of opposites between subject and object; the historical view of labor does not grasp the essence of society through material, but from the production practice of material life known as labor, which does not emphasize that material determines social life, but stresses that the production practice of material life known as labor determines social life. The Marx revolution in legal methodology is not identifying law as a spiritual phenomenon, or emphasizing the decisive role of matter to spirit, but stresses that the practice of material life known as labor is the basic and main social practice, which determines other social activities; thus the review of legal activities as legislation, law enforcement, judiciary and law-abiding, should start from production practice of material life known as labor. Labor is the golden key to all mysteries of the legal phenomenon.
From Daily Reason to Historical Reason then to Conservatism ——Hume’s Sublime Words with Deep Meaning
LI Wei-bin
2018, 43(3):  65-71. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.010
Abstract ( 682 )   PDF (1335KB) ( 240 )  
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It is a productive research path to take natural science as knowledge paradigm, thus regarding Hume as an empiricist epistemological philosopher, but which clouds further study of Hume. By a thorough and integrated study of Hume, we find that Hume takes establishing genuine human science as the final goal, starts from reconstruction in philosophy and establishment of philosophy of common life, then discovers a narrative structure and historicity of ideas and existence at the ontological level, and finally settles in political philosophy of conservatism. In this way, the image of Hume in the heart of countrymen will acquire a completely new outlook, which would provide a new way of thinking of the value and inspiration of Hume’s philosophy.
Logical Analysis on Han feizi’s Theory of Law
LI Hong-liang
2018, 43(3):  72-76. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.011
Abstract ( 628 )   PDF (1258KB) ( 221 )  
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Han Feizi took the law as the core,and built up a theoretical syotem of governing the country,which were in the operation of the kingcraft by rulers.There are three reasons:First,the rule of law of Han Feizi took human nature as the basis,capturing the fundament of political rule.Secondly,Han Feizi relied on Heaven to enhance the authority of the rule of law in theory.Thirdly,Han Feizi combined reality to criticize the Confucian Philosophy, proved the feasibility of the theory of the rule of law from the other side.
Building a Modern Economic System with Innovation
LI Wen-sheng,CHEN Chun-sheng
2018, 43(3):  85-91. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.013
Abstract ( 463 )   PDF (1293KB) ( 279 )  
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This article talks about the effective path and innovation measures of leading the construction of modern economic system with the innovation as the power on the basis of revealing the practical significance, rich connotation and the essential characteristics of building the modern economic system: implementing firmly the strategy of innovation-driven development and building a strategic support of establishment of a modern economic system; promoting the modernization of science and technology governance system and capability and providing guarantee for the construction of a modern economic system; it is the effective way of building the modern economic system by focusing on developing the small and medium-sized enterprises in the real economy.
Promote the Construction of Modern Economic System with Structural Reforms on the Supply Side
2018, 43(3):  92-95. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.014
Abstract ( 515 )   PDF (1242KB) ( 164 )  
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As the Chinese economy shifting from high-speed growth to a high-quality development stage, building a modern economic system that effectively meets people’s needs for a better life has become a strategic goal of China’s economic development in the coming period. At present and for a period to come, the basic way to achieve this strategic goal is to firmly grasp the main clues of supply-side structural reforms and firmly hold onto the development of the real economy, by the effort to win the battle of the supply-side structural reforms to promote the construction of a modern economic system.
A Study on Main Features, Problems and Countermeasures of Hebei Population Outflow: Under the Background of Coordinated Development for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Area
LU Jie-hua, GUO Ran
2018, 43(3):  96-105. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.015
Abstract ( 902 )   PDF (2352KB) ( 744 )  
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Accompanied with the rapid development of China’s economy and the rapid increase of the floating population, as well as the objective reality of the imbalance of regional socio-economic development in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, the form of population outflow in Hebei province also shows its own distinctive features. Generally speaking, outflow population in Hebei mainly flows to the areas with more developed economy or faster development, and the main reason for the population flow is to improve the economic conditions. From the perspective of social demographic characteristics, the proportion of rural population in Hebei outflow population is higher, in particular the male proportion mainly in short distance flow. The floating population is mainly in middle school education level and the junior high school. In order to achieve the target of orderly outflow of population in Hebei Province under the new background of the coordinated development for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the establishment of Xiongan New Area, we need to tackle the negative problems caused by population outflow, such as unbalanced regional development problems, and the problem of left-behind children and the elderly. In order to achieve a balanced development of regional economy, which is crucial to achieve scientific planning and balanced development, there is a need to promote urban construction, provide public services and ensure social security.
Care Status and Negative Behavior of Left-behind Children ——Data Survey based on the Chinese Left-behind Children
HU Hong-wei,GUO Shao-yun
2018, 43(3):  106-114. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.016
Abstract ( 514 )   PDF (1379KB) ( 168 )  
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The care status of left-behind children is an important factor affecting their negative behaviors. Using the data from Survey on Children and Old Adults Left-behind in Rural China in 2016, this study analyzed the actual care status of left-behind children and the association between the actual care status and negative behaviors through Logistic Regression analysis and negative binomial regression approach based on the three-dimension framework of care status(type, capability, action). The results showed that, firstly, the left-behind children had higher incidence of negative behaviors, and negative behavior problems were serious. Secondly, there was a significant correlation between care ability and the number of negative behavior and negative behavior type of left-behind children, as well as between care action and the number of negative behavior and negative behavior type. While there was no significant correlation between care type and the number of negative behavior and negative behavior type of left-behind children. Based on the integrated security framework, this study further analyzed the difference of practical effect on care status of left-behind children from the dimension of care type, care ability and care action, and proposed strategies to reduce the negative behaviors of left-behind children from the perspective of public policy.
Causes and Countermeasures of the Commuting Pressure of Foreign Talents in Megacities
GE Yan-xia
2018, 43(3):  115-122. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.017
Abstract ( 555 )   PDF (1306KB) ( 266 )  
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Commuting pressure is one of the main factors that affect the survival and development of foreign talents in megacities. Based on the analysis of the survey data of the youth population development in Beijing in 2015, the proportion of commuting time exceeding an hour in this group was 63.19%, and the commuting pressure of the group was significantly higher than that of the total population. We further analyze the causes of formation and find that residential location, family structure, employment nature and personal factors all have a significant impact on commuting pressure. Among them, the excessive separation of residential location and employment location is the main reason for commuting pressure, and the trend of family members’ migration also aggravates commuting pressure. It is proposed to speed up the city space reconstruction project, improve the job-housing balance, and encourage employers to provide the nearest accommodation for workers and their families, in order to relieve the commuting pressure of foreign talents and promote the healthy and sustainable development of city.
Long-term Care of the Elderly from the Perspective of Supply and Demand Equilibrium
XU Mei-ling, LI He-ping
2018, 43(3):  123-129. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.018
Abstract ( 564 )   PDF (1657KB) ( 248 )  
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In the trend of aging, with the prolongation of the life expectancy and the change of the family structure, disability, empty nest old man and the old people who live alone show a momentum of blowout, and the elderly long-term care needs become more and more urgent. In this context, the traditional family care function is increasingly weakened, and community, institutions and other social care insurance are not perfect. The elderly’s long-term care needs and supply have been out of balance. This imbalance is reflected not only in the supply and demand, but also in the supply and demand structure. How to take measures from the supply side to ensure the balance of supply and demand of long-term care services is of great significance to the long-term care of the elderly in our country. This article is based on four aspects: family care, community care, institutional care and long-term care insurance, so as to provide constructive suggestions for the balanced development of supply and demand of long-term care services for the elderly in China.
The Practice and Its Enlightenment of the Chinese Scholarship Society
FAN Tie-quan
2018, 43(3):  130-137. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.019
Abstract ( 570 )   PDF (1311KB) ( 327 )  
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Since its establishment, the Chinese Scholarship Society spread cultural knowledge by many ways, which promoted the development of cultural undertakings in modern China. The Chinese Scholarship Society was particularly concerned with education; as a result they founded Xueyi University and Xueyi Middle School with limited funds, and tried other educational activities. Its spirit and courage to explore new ways and publicize education are worth praising. The Chinese Scholarship Society’s attempt at education failed at last, but it is necessary to get a systematic summary of its experience and lessons.
The Three Problems on Wang Wei’s Life Career and Thoughts in Liu Song Dynasty
SUN Yao-qing,JIANG Jian-yun
2018, 43(3):  138-145. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.020
Abstract ( 697 )   PDF (1311KB) ( 359 )  
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According to the history, Wang Wei resigned office because of his disease and the aspiration of not to be an official; while in fact in the background that power families and Wang Clan of Langya became to decline, Wang Wei made the choice to resign office to protect his family and himself. According to the history, Wang Wei died because he treated his brother Wang Sengqian by mistake, he felt guilty and sorrowful to die. But in fact, Wang Wei died because he had been taken Cool Food Medical Powder that was poisoning him for many years. Wang Wei was guided by Confucianism. He had been an official, “honorable and respectful,” and hoped to be the pride of his family. But when he realized that the political situation was not good for himself and his family, he had inherited the old style of the family and stopped at the right time. At the same time, Wang Wei, influenced by the family cultural tradition, also contains metaphysical factors, but the severe political reality determines that this kind of thought cannot occupy the mainstream and can only exist as a regulating agent.
A Study on “JINNIU Prince” Fresco in Buddha Palace, Pilu Temple, Shijiazhuang
2018, 43(3):  146-153. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.021
Abstract ( 594 )   PDF (1286KB) ( 457 )  
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There is few study on fresco in Buddha palace, Pilu Temple, Shijiazhuang, Hebei since the fresco is damaged seriously. Currently, there is no agreement on the story contents presented by the fresco in academia. The paper studies the text source of fresco in Buddha Palace, explores the story of “JINNIU Prince”, and judges some unclear items. By comparing the relation between the Buddha Bunsen story of Buddha Palace fresco and folk Buddhism scriptures, the paper sorts out and explains the fresco of east palace. Combined with the management system of Ming Dynasty Buddhism, it predicts the function of Palace fresco to the society at that time. The comparison of “fresco” and “scriptures” provides new study ideas for rich folk cultural belief and artistic expression in Hebei of Ming Dynasty.
The Contribution of the Hebei Businessmen to the Traditional Chinese Culture ——Taking the Old Book Trade in Liulichang, Beijing as an Example
YANG Hao, LIU Hong-sheng
2018, 43(3):  154-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.03.022
Abstract ( 495 )   PDF (1333KB) ( 308 )  
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At the end of Qing Dynasty, the old book trade practitioners in Liulichang area were mainly Hebei people. They had their unique ways of running the business by taking the books as a way to make friends with scholars. They collected and circulated the old books and made great contribution to the search, excavation, protection and dissemination of traditional Chinese classics. As scholars, they were familiar with the catalogue and editions. Writing books and making catalogue were their expertise and good tradition. In a word, they did much for the promotion of inheritance and dissemination of the traditional Chinese culture, and for the prosperity and development of modern Chinese academic science.