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25 July 2018, Volume 43 Issue 4
Lu Jiuyuans Thoughts and Life Practice
XU Huai-lin
2018, 43(4):  1-8. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.001
Abstract ( 565 )   PDF (1218KB) ( 293 )  
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Lu Jiuyuan was an outstanding thinker in ancient China, the consistency of the doer and educator. From his childhood he had great ambition, and he paid great attention to the reality of life. He was concerned about peoples livelihood and diligent in administration. He lectured in Xiangshan Jingshe and became a model of private academies. It is not true to describe Lu Jiuyuan as “subjective idealism”. The dispute between Zhu and Lu is the reflection of Lu Jiuyuan’s academic competitiveness, and it is also an indelible proof of his academic influence.
Research for the Influence of Family Culture on the Thematic Orientation of Gu Sui’s Novels
SUN Sheng-cun
2018, 43(4):  9-18. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.002
Abstract ( 567 )   PDF (1225KB) ( 419 )  
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Gu Sui was born in a prestige family at Qinghe County in Hebei Province. The Gu family cultural characteristics include three aspects——ploughing and reading, and being refined and vulgar; families living together, and being good at introspection; being happy in doing good, and caring for the sufferings of the people. These characteristics has had a influence on Gu Sui’s novel creation. The thematic orientation of Gu Sui’s 12 novels can be divided into four aspects—the worship of female excellent quality; the special attention to family life; the description of rural life; the object lesson of Confucian classics. It’s very obvious that the thematic orientation was influenced by family culture.
Decoding the Flaneur in the Literary Tradition of Britain of the 16—19 Century
SUN Jing
2018, 43(4):  19-27. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.003
Abstract ( 556 )   PDF (1269KB) ( 285 )  
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As an approach to urban space, the image of flaneur has been developed in a unique way with strong local features. The urban literature at the turn of 16th and 17th centuries witnessed the origin of flaneur that could be regarded as a way to observe cities. Journals and magazines from late 17th century to early 18th century further cultivated this tradition, functioning as enlightenment by sophisticated prose. Poetry by Wordsworth at the turn of 18th and 19th century revels, focusing on nature and countryside, reflected the urban disease in Britain in a different way. Therefore, three forms of flaneur, ranging from literary pamphlets to prose and poetry, collaboratively reveal the development of English middle class, and finally present their social anxiety.
Analysis on Double Point of View of What Maisie Knew
LI Wen-juan
2018, 43(4):  28-33. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.004
Abstract ( 752 )   PDF (1220KB) ( 494 )  
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As an American psychological realism novelist with a strong sense of innovation, Henry James successfully applied the third person limited as the major point of view and the third person omniscient as the minor in the novel of What Maisie Knew. He focused on the visual experiences and mental activities of the center of consciousness that played the roles as register of impressions and little wonder-working agent. The transition from her looking to watching presented the cognitive growth. Meanwhile the mental activities of other media characters were depicted to keep the information completely delivered. The innovation had a tremendous influence on James’s late writing style, so What Maisie Knew was acknowledged to be the milestone in James’s writing career.
Marxs Deep Ecological Criticism on the Alienation of Capitalist Labor ——To Mark the 200th Anniversary of Karl Marxs Birth
BAO Qing-de, YAN Hong
2018, 43(4):  34-42. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.005
Abstract ( 645 )   PDF (1270KB) ( 119 )  
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In The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, Marx made a deep theoretical explanation of the alienation relationship between man and labor, man and man, man and nature under the capitalist system, and put forward a sharp ecological criticism. It is pointed out that nature is the natural premise and biological basis for human existence and development, man is an organic component of nature, and labor production is the real link between realistic relationship of human beings and nature. The existence of private ownership in capitalist society leads to the emergence of alienated labor, which intensifies the oppositional conflicts between man and nature. To overthrow the capitalist system, eliminate private ownership, establish communism and realize the effective combination of naturalism and humanitarianism is the fundamental way to solve the problem of human and nature.The ecological criticism of the alienation of capitalist labor by young Marx's Manuscript is of great significance to the construction of ecological civilization in China.
Moral Paradox from the Point of Logic
LIU Ye-tao, LIN Yi-fei
2018, 43(4):  43-49. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.006
Abstract ( 652 )   PDF (1207KB) ( 278 )  
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Moral paradox is ubiquitous as a special phenomenon, and there are all kinds of disputes as a research topic. Based on another weigh on the relation between moral paradox and logical paradox, it can be further clarified that moral paradox is not true logical paradox. From the point of “contradiction equivalence can be built”, Moral paradox does not contain real logical contradiction. Comparing moral paradox with deontic paradox and rational action paradox shows that moral paradox is the real issue concerned about action, so it is not “theoretical fact”, which is the second reason that moral paradox is not true logical paradox. Rather, moral paradox, which in fact is the selection of action dilemma, characterizes a kind of Paradox-Like Action Dilemma. Therefore, proper solutions to moral paradox should appeal to theories about practice and action.
“A Community of Shared Future for Mankind”: “Mankinds Common Welfare” in Risky Period
LI Jin-shu, HOU Yu
2018, 43(4):  50-56. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.007
Abstract ( 677 )   PDF (1204KB) ( 115 )  
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Due to the threat of many risks, Xi Jinping puts forward a community of shared future for mankind, which is our common welfare. A community of shared future for mankind advocates dealing with risks together including all civilizations, as well as emphasizes on giving people practical care with practical actions. It calls for co-construction and sharing and using many kinds of communities to disperse the threat of risks. It learns from historical experiences and explores the continuous motivations for human solidarity.
Research on the Basic Structure and Path of “Smart City” Construction in Xiongan New Area ——Based on the Perspectives of Place and Flowing Space
YANG Hui-liang, YANG Xiu-dan
2018, 43(4):  57-62. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.008
Abstract ( 550 )   PDF (1342KB) ( 377 )  
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Smart city construction has become the main development goal of urban construction transformation and upgrading, and the construction of “world-class, green, modern and smart city” is also one of the primary planning goals of the construction of Xiong’an New Area. Based on place and flowing space perspective, this paper puts “people” in the central position of the construction of “Smart City” in Xiong’an New Area to construct the New-type Smart City Construction System model(NewSNE model)from the perspective of constructing the social-natural-economic urban ecosystem, including the new type of social subsystem with human and flowing space as its core, new ecosystem integrating technology into natural material and human, and the new type of economic subsystem with information, knowledge and technology as its core. From information fusion, technological innovation, humanistic emotion, and space-time layout, this paper puts forward the concrete feasible path of “intelligent city” construction in Xiong’an New Area.
Talents Aggregation in Silicon Valley in US and Its Implications to Xiong’an New Area
MU Gui-bin, HUANG Min
2018, 43(4):  63-69. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.009
Abstract ( 761 )   PDF (1215KB) ( 400 )  
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Silicon Valley in the US at present is a global innovation center of the whole world. Firstly this paper reviewed the development and ways of gathering talents of Silicon Valley and its present status. Then the developing law of Silicon Valley was deeply analyzed. Based on the findings, the implications to Xiong’an New Area are addressed including platform construction, environmental development, university construction and spiritual cultivation.
Research on the Path of Innovation Driven Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Industries in Xiong’an New Area
TIAN Xue-bin,LIU Tian-en
2018, 43(4):  70-75. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.010
Abstract ( 585 )   PDF (1178KB) ( 288 )  
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After the building of Xiongan New Area rose to a national strategy, more rigorous restraints have been exercised on resources and environment, and hence the urgency is seen in industrial transformation and upgrading. This paper explores several common views of industrial transformation and upgrading, and analyzes the present situation and problems of industrial development in the new area. And it further puts forward the following suggestions: striving to develop headquarters economy; moving up to the high end of the industry value chain; promoting industrial transformation and upgrade; cultivating and expanding high-end and high-tech industries; innovating supportive policies; attaching importance to human capital investment; intensifying policy support.
Executive’s Pay Gap, Product Market Competition and Corporate Social Responsibility
YUAN Ze-ming, WANG Pei-lin
2018, 43(4):  76-86. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.011
Abstract ( 562 )   PDF (1244KB) ( 174 )  
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As an important strategy of the company, social responsibility has received extensive attention from academics and practitioners in recent years. This article takes A-share listed companies that released social responsibility reports from 2009 to 2016 as research objects, and discusses the relationship between executives’ pay gaps and corporate social responsibility. The study finds that: within the company, there is a negative relationship between the horizontal pay gaps and corporate social responsibilities, while vertical pay gaps are positively related to social responsibilities. In the highly competitive industries, the promotion of horizontal pay gaps and vertical pay gaps will weaken the performance of corporate social responsibility; with the further research we find that the level of the corporate social responsibility deteriorates with the increase of the external pay gap of executives. The conclusion of this paper enriches the factors that influence corporate social responsibility, and has some references value for the formulation of executive compensation policy.
Research on the Social Capital in the Western Minority Areas of China
LIU Gui-ying
2018, 43(4):  87-94. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.012
Abstract ( 699 )   PDF (1207KB) ( 75 )  
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Research on social capital in the western minority areas in China has important values. This paper reviews the current research, which is focused on the characteristics and traditional form of social capital in western areas, problems in social capital and the following construction measures, and concludes the drawbacks in the current research such as the lack of systematic quantitative research, absence of the concern for the localization study and the internal differences, the weak explanatory research, and lack of in-depth analysis on social capital construction measures. The research of social capital in the western minority areas should be based on the empirical study of localization, perfect the descriptive study, strengthen the interpretative research, and need more practical and in-depth analysis on the countermeasures of social capital construction.
The Research on Technology-Financial Space Agglomeration and Economic Effect —— Based on Empirical Analysis of Spatial Econometric Model
SONG Bao-lin, ZHANG Hong-yuan
2018, 43(4):  95-102. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.013
Abstract ( 391 )   PDF (1234KB) ( 307 )  
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Based on the science and technology finance in Hebei Province, this paper sets up a method to measure the level of the development of science and technology finance. At the same time, the article takes the scientific and technological financial agglomeration as the research object. The problem of technology financial agglomeration is applied to the field of regional economic growth, and empirical analysis is carried out by constructing different spatial econometric models. Finally, in order to promote the balanced development of regional economy, local government needs to establish an appropriate scale of scientific and technological financial agglomeration and enhance the quality of agglomeration.
Obstacles and Countermeasures to the National Coordination of Urban Workers Basic Pension
DENG Da-song, XUE Hui-yuan
2018, 43(4):  103-112. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.014
Abstract ( 516 )   PDF (1339KB) ( 419 )  
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At present, the coordination level of basic old-age insurance for urban workers in most provinces is still at the stage of provincial transfers, so the pensions cannot be adjusted across the country. There is an urgent need to realize the national coordination of basic pension. National coordination of basic pension will face many problems: the fiscal division system has led to the consolidation of local interests; it will discourage the motivation of pension collection for fund surplus areas; the underpinning pressure of central government is big; it may easily lead to reverse transfer payments; inter-provincial old-age insurance policies vary greatly. It is suggested that the central government should make up its determination to break the current pattern of interests, first implementing central transfers system, and then gradually making its transition to national coordination; carrying out the mode of “central basic pension + local basic pension”; clarifying the division of powers and responsibilities between the central government and local governments and implementing vertical management; levying social security tax; and improving the relevant supporting policies.
Research on Effect of the Adjustment of Wage Statistics Caliber on Reducing Pension Contributions Room
2018, 43(4):  113-125. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.015
Abstract ( 474 )   PDF (1269KB) ( 140 )  
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Reducing pension contribution rate is the basic requirement of supply side reform and important task of improving pension system, and reducing pension contribution is influenced by pension fund balance and fiscal subsidies capacity. This paper constructs the equation of the endowment insurance payment and payment actuarial model, the endowment insurance payment, the consumption expenditure and the economic growth, and empirically testing the direct and indirect effects of the adjustment of the social average wage statistical adjustment on the pension insurance. The study found that the adjustment of the social average wage statistical caliber will reduce the endowment insurance payment base of individual industrial and commercial and flexible employment personnel, the greater the income gap will be between urban and private enterprises, and the more decrease in the base of payment; the adjustment of statistical caliber has a direct effect on the reduction of endowment insurance the adjustment of statistical caliber reduces the net difference between the payment and payment of the insured, and reduces the income gap of the pension insurance in the unit; the adjustment of the statistical caliber has an indirect guarantee effect on the pension payment, the decrease in the base number of the endowment insurance, the reduction of the amount of the individual industrial and commercial households and the payment of the flexible employment pension insurance, and the increase of its disposable income and consumption expenditure to promote economic growth and improve the financial subsidy ability of old-age insurance.
Difficulties and Solution of Centralized Support for Rural Five Guarantees ——Based on the Investigation of the Elderly Nursing Home in Shandong Province
YUAN Shu-hua, WANG Yuan-yuan
2018, 43(4):  126-132. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.016
Abstract ( 493 )   PDF (1245KB) ( 174 )  
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Rural old people with five guarantees are the most disadvantaged group in the current aging population. The quality of life of the five guarantees for the elderly is related to the development of Chinas old-age care and people’s livelihood. Rural nursing homes, as the main way to solve the problem of the old-age pension for the five-guarantee elderly, shoulder the heavy responsibility of the grassroots. This article is based on the survey of elderly nursing homes in LY County, Shandong Province, and affirms the effectiveness of this centralized support method. It also finds that there are many problems in the operation process. The main manifestations are inadequate infrastructure construction in nursing homes, low maintenance standards, and services. Problems such as monotonous content are mainly due to narrow sources of funds, lack of professional nursing staff and management personnel, and imperfect management and operation systems for nursing home. In order to solve this dilemma, it is necessary to strengthen government functions and encourage diversified investments; strengthen the construction of professional teams; improve management and operation systems and improve service levels.
The Governance Model in the DT Era: The Digital Government and Data Administration in Development
WANG Xiao-yu,WANG Hong-yu
2018, 43(4):  133-143. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.017
Abstract ( 537 )   PDF (1457KB) ( 356 )  
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The reform of government governance is synchronized with the development of the times and the needs of the people. In the DT era, building a digital government and implementing data government affairs follows the evolutionary logic of political development and is the best choice for smart governance. The digital governments system architecture and innovation mechanism highlights the new forms of governing the country, managing the government, and serving the public. It also presents a multidimensional and functional picture of data government affairs, which can reduce the cost of decision-making, enhance the rationality of public administration, the responsiveness of government governance, the scientific nature of policy operations. It is true that digital government and data government affairs still need some improvement strategies. To this end, it is necessary to improve the mental structure, strengthen the principles and norms, and establish an effective strategic mechanism to guarantee the implementation, so as to stimulate the positive energy of big data and promote the economic and social transformation and development; all parties enjoy more balanced and fuller interests.
A 20-year Approach to Media Convergence Research in China
HANG Li-xin, ZHANG Xiu-li
2018, 43(4):  144-153. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.018
Abstract ( 539 )   PDF (1244KB) ( 502 )  
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The scholars research on media convergence has been driven by “phenomenon”, which represents an evolutionary trend from concepts and definitions to phenomena and regulations during the 20 years from 1996 to 2017. There are four aspects of research achievement aggregation focusing on the research of media convergence’s subjective, supporter, practitioners and users, industry and policy which presents phenomenal features inconsistent with the technical pioneering. In other words, it is a research of time-consuming and lacking knowledge fusion on media convergence. The study of media convergence in China has insufficient attention to the media convergence technologys leading nature and it may be resulted in the risk that productivity determines production relations in the research logic. The study of media convergence in the field of journalism and communication has not formed the research orientation of knowledge fusion as a whole, and knowledge innovation is put in a tight spot. Therefore, media convergence needs to develop interdisciplinary research. The lack of technological pioneering is the main reason that led to the academic research of journalism communication discipline lagging behind the media practice in China.
The Significance and Dilemna of New Media Philanthropy
GAO Jing-hua
2018, 43(4):  154-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2018.04.019
Abstract ( 647 )   PDF (1195KB) ( 255 )  
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“New media philanthropy” is a new kind of charity phenomenon, which can be divided into three forms: “individual new media philanthropy”, “organization new media philanthropy” and “platform new media philanthropy”. It is very different from traditional philanthropy in terms of subjects, communication, methods of fundraising, transparency of information, social supervision, resource integration and charitable incentives. It has a lot of positive significance, such as shaping the charitable culture of everyone involved, creating the new ecological environment, forming the new interaction pattern between the government and citizens, changing the patterns of charitable giving, returning to its folk nature and so on. But at the same time, there are some development dilemmas including harsh criticism, sustainable challenges, damaging the dignity of the recipients and the limitations of the crowd and information. As an irreversible form of philanthropy, “new media philanthropy” is a feasible approach to modern philanthropy and should be developed in the direction of regularization and organization.