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25 March 2020, Volume 45 Issue 2
On the Illegal and Criminal Problems in the Field of Medicine in the Song Dynasty
JIANG Xi-dong,LI Chao
2020, 45(2):  1-8. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.001
Abstract ( 487 )   PDF (1425KB) ( 139 )  
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The academic circles have been talking more about the flourishing development of the Song Dynastys pharmaceutical industry and the remarkable achievements of the legal system construction,but less about the crimes and related laws and regulations in the medical field.The Song Dynasty government had formulated and promulgated a number of laws and regulations in response to violations and crimes in the fields of medical officers,military doctors,folk doctors and medicinal materials.These regulations and systems had a high degree of pertinence and emphasis:they had tighter supervision over medical officers and imported fragrant medicines,and looser supervision over folk doctors and medicinal materials.The above measures did form a relatively complete regulatory system for illegal and criminal activities in the pharmaceutical field at that time.Relevant laws and systems had indeed played a certain role in combating and deterring illegal and criminal acts in the pharmaceutical field.However,the witch doctors in the Song Dynasty were still active and common,and counterfeit and shoddy medicines were still widespread.Taking history as a mirror,the relevant experience and lessons of the Song Dynasty deserve further study by the academic circle.
Restudy on the Crossbow Tactics of the Wu Brothers in Southern Song Dynasty
DONG Chun-lin
2020, 45(2):  9-16. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.002
Abstract ( 659 )   PDF (1436KB) ( 274 )  
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Bow and arrow was once the main weapon in the battle between the Song Dynasty and the northern grassland nomads.The Wu brothers accumulated rich operational experience in the Song Xia and Song Jin campaigns,and had a deeper understanding and experience of the flexible use of “bow” and “arrow” combat,and improved this tactic in the past.Wu Jie created “Zhuduishi” to use the bow and arrow to “Fanxudieshe”,which means individuals operated the crossbow,the echelon rotation exchanged to shoot,and took the initiative to fight.Wu Lin invented the “Multilayer Array Method” combination by using long guns,bows and arrows to shorten the effective range of the bow and the arrow,which gave full play to the crossbow tactics.He also set up obstacles to block the enemy cavalry and two-wing cavalry guards to complete flexible formation changes.This tactic not only achieved the victory of the Battle of Heshangyuan and the Battle of Xianrenguan,blocked the Jin Dynastys plan to invade Sichuan,effectively ensured the security of the Southern Song Dynasty,but also provided the possibility for the development and utilization of the cold weapons of the later generations.
Text Writing and Its Significance of the Painting of “Chibi”
XU Jie
2020, 45(2):  17-25. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.003
Abstract ( 540 )   PDF (1452KB) ( 217 )  
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In the history of Chinese Ci Fu and painting,the former and later Chibi Fu created by Su shi occupies a very important position.Its influence on the later generations has resulted in a large number of imitative works of Ci Fu text and image text,which is the most in the number of historical works of drawing and Fu.“Chibi” as the “motif” of Fu and picture,the image and language image of its imitated works are different and the same,which is decided by the different perspective of reading Fu and picture,because the common point of image reproduction of language image lies in the display of object image,and the difference lies in the difference of time and space,among which the choice and need of the author naturally becomes a focus of art history.From the perspective of painting history,this marks the maturity of literati painting and landscape painting.From the perspective of the history of Ci Fu,it also shows the change of literati Fu from writing things to freehand brushwork.The convergence between them is exactly the significance of the painting of “Chibi”.By tracing and creating the situation of “Chibi” with Fu and painting,we can explore the similarities and differences between Fu and painting and their writing significance.
Literature and Art,Life and Expression: Hebei Literature Journal Northern Culture
JIN Qiang,ZHANG Zi-qian
2020, 45(2):  26-36. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.004
Abstract ( 656 )   PDF (1736KB) ( 248 )  
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The Journal of Northern Culture is a large-scale comprehensive cultural journal published by Xinhua Bookstore(Jinchaji branch store)in the liberated area of Jinchaji,which was edited by northern culture agency in the 35th year of the Republic of China(1946).The contents of the journal involve politics,economy,culture,education and other aspects,and mainly reflect the situation of politics,culture and education in the liberated areas.The main purpose of the works is to expose the corruption under the rule of the Kuomintang,extol the struggle and life in the liberated areas,publicize the land reform and the literature and art movement in the border areas.The coverdesign and internal arrangement of the magazine are unique.The editorial concept is more mature,and there is a wider range of readers.The editorial team of the journal is strong,and the published articles are of high standard.It has a broad literary vision and progressive political significance,especially plays a positive role in promoting the construction of democratic reform and cultural system in the liberated areas at that time.At the same time,the journal is also a precious integrated cultural historical data of Hebei Province at that time.It was also rated as one of the “precious red newspapers before liberation” by the academic community.
Life Anxiety and Literary Taste of Wang Shunans Inscribed Poems
LI Yan-li,YU Guang-jie
2020, 45(2):  37-45. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.005
Abstract ( 427 )   PDF (1427KB) ( 216 )  
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Wang Shunan is an important figure in the modern “Hebei School” poet group.His poetry learning started from Huang Tingjian,and chased from Su Shi to Han Yu and Du Fu upwards,which had many in common with the poetry theory of Tongcheng poets school and Min poets school.After going through the changes of the late Qing Dynasty,his inscribed poems blended with the scribes homeland feelings and generosity,and freely transformed the painters mind,the poets life,and the scribes life ideals in the real and fantastic world of poetry and painting,showing a new realm of the development of descriptive poems since the late Qing Dynasty.The figure-painting poems outlined the self-image in the image and the life mood of the Confucian.The contradictory mentality of landscape painting poems and landscape travels is deeply intertwined,showing the late Qing Dynasty Republican literatis confusion and helplessness of statecraft ideal and the pursuit of personal liberation in official process.His inscribed poems gave birth to the consciousness of “history of painting” in the spirit of “history of poetry”,pursued innocent,natural,elegant and indifferent artistic style with a strong scribe taste,embodied the rare feelings of homeland and life taste of the scribe who had a deep taste of the decent way on the occasion of change.
On the Value Theory of “Neutralization” in Zhouyi ——Focusing on Classics and Biography of Heaven Diagram
LI Zhen-gang
2020, 45(2):  46-55. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.006
Abstract ( 503 )   PDF (1505KB) ( 158 )  
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Yi Zhuan puts forward the value principle of “keeping harmony” from the cosmological point of view,and combines with the theory of position to implement it as a kind of practical wisdom of accumulating potential,abstaining from hyperactivity and being positive for good.The concepts of “middle” and “middle use” in Yi Zhuan are mainly embodied in the biography of Yuci Zhuan in 64 hexagrams and the biography of Xiangci Zhuan in two and five hexagrams.In the structure of hexagram formed by the six trigrams,the first and the fourth ones are in the lower position of the upper and the lower ones,which is similar to “inferior”;the third and the upper ones are in the upper position of the upper and the lower ones,which are similar to “over”,which are not perfect;the second and the fifth ones are in the “middle” position of the lower and the upper ones respectively,which symbolize “middle” in dealing with affairs,which is more auspicious than other ones.Heaven diagram in Zhouyi,Yuci Zhuan,Xiangci Zhuan and Wenyan Zhuan embody the practical value orientation of “keeping harmony and being good”.
On the Concept of Communism in The Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844
CHEN Shi-yu,SONG Hui-chang
2020, 45(2):  56-64. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.007
Abstract ( 1050 )   PDF (1460KB) ( 122 )  
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The Manuscript of Economic Philosophy in 1844 is the earliest text of Marxs systematic argumentation on Communism and an important part of the original context of Marxist concept of Communism.From the perspective of ideological essence,when Marx demonstrated the concept of Communism,he always focused on the issue of “sublation of private property”,which is a key to understanding Marxs Communism.From the perspective of critical construction,the crude Communism regards private property as material property,and treats private property in the way of equalitarianism.In essence,the real meaning of private property has not been understood.Political Communism transcends the crude Communism and regards private property as the self alienation of human beings,but it hides the positive nature of private property.Marx criticized this and put forward his own views of Communism on this basis.Marx believes that the essence of private property is alienated labor,and Communism is not only the development and abandonment of human self alienation,but also the positive development and abandonment on the basis of the historical movement of private property.
On Marxs Anti-poverty Theory
ZHANG Shuang,SHAO Xiao-guang
2020, 45(2):  65-74. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.008
Abstract ( 641 )   PDF (1445KB) ( 123 )  
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Marxs anti-poverty theory is an important part of Marxist theory.Based on the capitalist social production,Marx makes an in-depth analysis of the poverty reality of the proletariat,excavates the source of poverty,and explores and explains the way and realistic direction of anti-poverty.In Marxs view,private ownership of means of production,employment system,alienated labor of workers,pursuit of surplus value by capitalists,class difference and oppression are all the causes of proletarian poverty,and the root of poverty lies in capitalist mode of production.Marx believes that class exploitation and capitalist private ownership should be completely eliminated through the revolutionary practice of proletarian armed struggle,and the Communist public ownership should be established.On the basis of the full development of productive forces and material wealth and in the formation of history,and in the all-round development of human beings in the Communist society,poverty eradication and common prosperity of all mankind should be realized.Marx uses the historical view and method of materialism to investigate the poverty problem in the capitalist society and under the class difference.His anti-poverty theory has prominent class nature,practicality,historicity,and transcendence to the anti-poverty theory of the bourgeoisie.Marxs anti-poverty theory has important guidance and reference significance for the anti-poverty cause in the current stage of social development in China.
The Educational Tradition and Influences of British North American Colonial Colleges
ZHU Wen-fu,YU Yong-mei
2020, 45(2):  75-85. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.009
Abstract ( 664 )   PDF (1452KB) ( 116 )  
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The nine colonial colleges established before the founding of the United States were the beginning of higher education in the United States.Their establishment and development are influenced by European higher education system and the needs of colonial society.They have both strong religious purpose and practical utilitarian purpose.In the early colonial period,the curriculum adopted the knowledge of classical literature and Biblical Theology inherited from the Middle Ages in Europe as a whole.In the late colonial period,the spread of the Enlightenment had an important impact on the North American colonial colleges.The training objectives of the colleges began to meet the needs of the social reality,and the training of practical talents became the demands of the times.The contents of the course began to add science and practical courses to the classical courses dominated by “seven arts”.In terms of management,the system of “off campus board of directors” was adopted,and finally a management mode of higher education with unique American characteristics was formed.The establishment and development of colonial colleges had an important impact on the development of higher education in the United States.It is an important prerequisite to understand the characteristics of American higher education to study the running tradition of American colonial colleges.
The Inheritance and Reform of Value Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China
ZHAO Ying-xia,MA Ding
2020, 45(2):  86-94. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.010
Abstract ( 445 )   PDF (1441KB) ( 187 )  
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After thousands of years of historical accumulation,Chinese traditional childrens values education has formed a complete content system.There are positive and reasonable elements in this system,as well as negative and dross things,which created important cultural conditions for the inheritance and reform of the traditional values education in the primary and secondary schools in the late Qing Dynasty.Under the background of modern Chinese cultural change,this value education inherited the fine tradition from traditional value education,which emphasized “filial piety first”,“moral of loyalty and forgiveness” as well as personal moral cultivation education.Furthermore,it abandoned the decadent educational content of foolish loyalty and foolish filial piety.At the same time,it absorbed western modern justice,public morality,equal rights,abiding by the law and other elements of moral education.On the one hand,the inheritance and reform of the values education in primary and secondary schools in late Qing dynasty and early republic of China were deeply influenced by moral of Confucianism and educational traditions.When the new thoughts and practice of value education produced,the traditional Confucian moral and educational traditions were still deeply rooted.On the other hand,the eastward spread of western learning in the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China caused changes in Chinese traditional culture.These changes promoted the inheritance and reform of value education in primary and secondary schools.In addition,the reflection of cultural ideas and the examination of western morality and culture from modern advanced thinkers and educators on traditional Chinese morality also promoted the inheritance and reform of this value education.
Thoughts on the Measures to Improve the Effectiveness of Ideological and Political Education of College Students in “Internet Plus” Era
HA Yan,WAN Yong-biao
2020, 45(2):  95-100. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.011
Abstract ( 461 )   PDF (1403KB) ( 241 )  
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The Internet promotes the ideological and political education of college students to innovate constantly,expand the field,enrich the means and improve the efficiency,which provides a new opportunity for further strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students.At the same time,the ideological and political education of college students also has some problems,such as the lag of idea mode,the insufficient supply of content,the change of field time and space,the difficulty of rational cognition,the diversity of means and carriers,the weakening of authority status of ideological and political educators,the complexity of internet environment and the enhancement of ideological complexity.In order to solve these problems effectively,this paper puts forward the following countermeasures,including renewing the education ideas to raise awareness of the importance of ideological and political education of college students in “Internet Plus” era,striving to create an innovation platform,expanding the new field of ideological and political education,applying the “Internet Plus” thinking and technology,enhancing the modernization level of ideological and political education technology,strengthening effective safeguards and improving the efficiency of ideological and political education.
Esearch on Judicial Professional Ethics in Ancient China ——From Realistic Problems to Historical Mirrors
CHEN Yu-zhong,WANG Lei
2020, 45(2):  101-112. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.012
Abstract ( 675 )   PDF (1511KB) ( 113 )  
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The ancient judicial professional ethics in China is mainly manifested in the ethical requirements for judicial positions and judicial roles,including not only the external ethical dimensions required by judicial positions as specific institutions,but also the internal ethical dimensions required by judicial work as a special group.The ethics of judicial position is embodied in the system of official selection,examination,judicial evasion and judicial responsibility.The ethics of judicial role requires judicial officials from the principle standard and specific behavior standard of ethics and morality respectively,and renders the ethics of individual role of typical judicial officials.Taking ancient judicial professional ethics as a mirror,modern judicial professional ethics needs to pay attention to the cultivation of judicial role ethics based on the effective distinction between judicial position ethics and judicial role ethics;speed up the “de-administration” of judicial power to form a special judicial professional consciousness;highlight the “professionalization” of judicial professional ethics to clarify the specific application boundaries;ensure that judicial professional ethics has practicality and shows operability,restraint and effectiveness.
On the Incompatibility Between the Right of Publicity in America and the System of Civil Rights in China
2020, 45(2):  113-124. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.013
Abstract ( 453 )   PDF (1471KB) ( 147 )  
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The commercial use of personality elements does not change the nature of personality rights,but reveals the property interests of personality elements.From the historical development of the right of publicity in the United States,it can be analyzed that the creation of the right of publicity is to make up for the lack of the right of privacy.In American law,the right of privacy appears in the common law and is gradually established as the statute law.It is difficult to extract the concept of general personality right.By comparing the ways and effectiveness of the protection of name,portrait personality and other elements in American public right system and Chinese general personality right system,this paper explores whether it is necessary to adopt the independent right protection mode for the commercial interests of personality elements.In China,through the regulation of name right,portrait right,trademark right and anti unfair competition law,we can effectively regulate the property interests of personality elements,so as to achieve the similar protection effect with the American public right system.Therefore,it is not necessary to introduce the system of the right of publicity in order to avoid unnecessary impact on the existing civil legal system of our country.It should be explained that the phenomenon of commercialization of personality right in the tradition of civil law system,and promote the positive use of personality right.
Effects of Socioeconomic Factors on Decline Process of Self-care Ability of the Elderly before the Death
ZHANG Wen-juan,FU Min
2020, 45(2):  125-135. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.014
Abstract ( 447 )   PDF (1808KB) ( 119 )  
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Based on the data of The Longitudinal Survey on the Influencing Factors of Health and Longevity of the Elderly in China,using the mixed linear growth model,this paper analyzes the life self-care ability change track of the dead elderly samples in the seven period survey from 1998 to 2014,and the influence of the social and economic factors in childhood,adulthood and old age on their life self-care ability change process.It is found that the socioeconomic factors in these three periods will have direct and indirect effects on the decline of the elders ability to take care of themselves before they die.Poor social and economic conditions in the early stage will improve the performance of self-care ability of individuals entering the old age through the selective role of death.This mechanism will not affect the change track of self-care ability of individuals,but will indirectly reduce the cost of care for the disabled;rich social and economic resources will also play the role of self-care through improving the internal ability and functional performance of the elderly individuals.The protective effect can reduce the risk of disability and the cost of care;it can also affect the risk of death of the disabled and increase the cost of care.The combined effect of various mechanisms increases the uncertainty of the trend of disability risk in the elderly.
Research on Evaluation of Innovation Ability of Science and Technology Enterprises in Xiongan New Area
MI Ling, LI Yong-kai
2020, 45(2):  136-144. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.015
Abstract ( 379 )   PDF (1887KB) ( 112 )  
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Science and technology enterprises are the important carriers of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements,as well as the important participants in promoting research and development.Scientific evaluation of innovation ability of science and technology enterprises is conducive to the continuous development and expansion of enterprises.Based on the analysis of relevant theoretical studies on innovation-driven development of science and technology enterprises in new areas at home and abroad, this paper constructs an evaluation system of innovation capability of science and technology enterprises by using analytic hierarchy process from four perspectives of R&D investment,R&D foundation,R&D efficiency and modern science and technology,and illustrates the reliability of the evaluation system through empirical analysis.According to the evaluation system,this paper calculates the innovation ability of science and technology enterprises in Xiongan new area at this stage.Compared with the mature new area technology enterprises,the new capability finds its short board and shortcomings,trying to provide useful reference for the decision makers to evaluate and manage the innovation and development of science and technology enterprises scientifically and reasonably.
The Theoretical Source of Basic Problems of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
HAN Zhen-feng,SU Rui
2020, 45(2):  145-153. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.016
Abstract ( 625 )   PDF (1442KB) ( 107 )  
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“What kind of party to build,how to build the party,what kind of socialism to build,how to build socialism,what kind of development to achieve and how to develop” are the basic problems of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The theoretical basis of the basic problems of socialism with Chinese characteristics is Marxism-Leninism.Although Marxism-Leninism does not and cannot answer every major issue of socialist development in todays era,as the guiding ideology of the worlds proletarian party,Marxism-Leninisms relevant theories on the construction of proletarian party,socialist construction and the development of human society undoubtedly provide a theoretical basis for the socialist construction of all countries today,have laid a solid theoretical foundation for the formation and development of the basic problems of socialism with Chinese characteristics,and also provide a theoretical source and action guide for us to scientifically solve the basic problems of socialism with Chinese characteristics today.It is in this sense that Marxism-Leninism is the theoretical source of the fundamental problems of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Todays exploration of the basic problems of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the inheritance and continuation,persistence and development,integrity and innovation of the basic principles of scientific socialism of Marxism-Leninism.
The Basic Basis and the Identification of Socialist Core Values and Implementation Path
WANG Xiao-jun,LIU Yan-fang
2020, 45(2):  154-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.02.017
Abstract ( 848 )   PDF (1405KB) ( 138 )  
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The vitality of socialist core values comes from the common identity and conscious practice of all citizens.The basic basis for citizens to identify with the socialist core values lies in:it promotes the realization of citizens‘all-round values by guiding citizens’behavior choice and practice;as the“greatest common divisor”that condenses the common values of the people of all ethnic groups in the country,it is not only the representation of the main interests of citizens in the new era, but also in line with the common interests of our current society;it not only cultivates the citizen consciousness of the general public,but also provides value guidance for citizens’daily life and work.Based on this,to promote the identification of socialist core values,we need to make concerted efforts on the identification subject,the identification object,the identification environment and the identification intermediary,and make concerted efforts to continuously enhance the long-term appeal and attraction of core values to citizens,so as to realize the political identification of citizens with socialism with Chinese characteristics.