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22 December 2020, Volume 45 Issue 6
From Logic to Logic Foundation ——An Interview with Professor Wang Lu
LIU Xin-wen,WANG Lu
2020, 45(6):  1-7. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.001
Abstract ( 650 )   PDF (1228KB) ( 296 )  
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As a science,modern logic has been systematically introduced into China since Jin Yuelin published Logic in 1935,and it has been 85 years now.Focusing on the main contents of logic textbooks,the problems that may be encountered in logic teaching,and the methods of teaching modern logic basis,the interview discusses the inheritance of the ideas in Logic by Professor Wang Lus Logic Foundation,the significance of logic to philosophy,and the possible ways of spreading and teaching modern logic.
Aesthetic Autonomy and Criticalness
HE Zhi-pu
2020, 45(6):  8-15. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.002
Abstract ( 660 )   PDF (1180KB) ( 137 )  
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Kants aesthetic “super utility” is the self-discipline of aesthetics.As a special spiritual utility,it is directly reflected in the coordinated operation of spiritual functions.The sociology aspect proposed by Pierre Bourdieu is called anti-Kant.Allen Carlson and Arnold Berleant deny aesthetic autonomy based on humans engagement within the environment,which is apparently flawed.The value of aesthetics in economy and life stems from its autonomy.The merge of aesthetics and life and the application of aesthetic theory in modern history expose the traditional aesthetics flaw.Art aesthetics is also limited due to its lacking in transcendent interpretation.However,art aesthetics does not have a dead end.Aesthetic criticism originates from the mission of art to create new forms constantly.It is realized in the dialectical relationship between itself and the world.Autonomy cannot be understood from the perspective of abstract formalism.It is concrete and contains the whole of aesthetic object.
How “Consciousness” Becomes “Ideology” ——Looking for the Lost “Idea”
LIAO Wei-kai
2020, 45(6):  16-24. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.003
Abstract ( 905 )   PDF (1278KB) ( 256 )  
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With The German Ideology as the boundary,Marxs use and view of “consciousness” is from regarding it as an object with “philosophical specific meaning” which “needs to be understood and recognized” to interpreting it as an “independent” concept corresponding to “real life”.“Consciousness” is the reflection of the existence of human society.Before it is transformed into “ideology”,it must be embodied into “idea” and evolve into ideology in two modes.One has become a “form of consciousness” representing the superstructure,that is,a broad and neutral ideology;the other has been transformed into an ideology with negative implications,which is due to the alienated labor,class construction and other factors,which have produced negative implications in the process of concreting into ideas.
Mr. Beishan,He Jis Neo Confucianism Thought and Academic Path
WANG Su-mei
2020, 45(6):  25-29. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.004
Abstract ( 420 )   PDF (1135KB) ( 147 )  
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This paper mainly discusses He Jis academic thought and academic path.His academic thought lies in “strictly observing the teachers theory”,that is,strictly adhering to the core idea of Zhu Xis theory of heaven,and his academic path mainly lies in studying the “four books” and learning from others strong points and absorbing the opinions of others.He Ji absorbed the reasonable elements of Zhang Zais theory of “Li” and “Qi”.He Ji analyzed the “physical” and “physical” with the method of “seeking knowledge from things”,inherited the ideas of Mencius,Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao,and constructed his own ontology of “Li”.At the same time,He Ji inherited Zhu Xis academic path of combining philosophical and poetic thinking,and taught his disciple Wang Bai the academic path.
On Circumstance-oriented Theory in Chinese Poetics
YIN Xue-ming
2020, 45(6):  30-35. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.005
Abstract ( 393 )   PDF (1151KB) ( 250 )  
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Event situation is an original concept of Chinese poetics,but it has been covered by the traditional theory of lyric artistic conception.Circumstance-oriented theory is a reflection of the secularized life in the field of poetics since the Song Dynasty.Different from the artistic conception which is full of thought,event situation is actually close,which is the aesthetic category of spatialization of time.From the perspective of poetic existence,the purpose of setting up a event situation is to enable people to get rid of the trouble of daily affairs,to feel and experience the life that should be in the poetic world of affairs,so as to purify the soul and promote the life.In-depth exploration and study of the context will not only contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the historical tradition of Chinese poetics,but also contribute to the appreciation and construction of multiple aspects of contemporary poetry and poetics.
Analysis on the Circulation of Political Cadre in the Basic Units of Base Areas during the War of Resistance against Japan ——An Investigation Centered on Fuping County
XIAO Hong-song,ZHANG Yong-gang
2020, 45(6):  36-44. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.006
Abstract ( 361 )   PDF (1262KB) ( 171 )  
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As the footing stones in the base areas during the war of resistance against Japan,the circulation of political cadres in the basic units shows complicated appearance,generally including four ways:upwards,downwards,cross-system and extraterritorial.Each way of circulation has its own unique factors,methods,scales and effects.Generally,it reflects the policy and actual operating situation of political cadres of the Communist Party of China(CPC),and meanwhile,to some degree,it is also influenced by the individual choice of the political cadres.Fuping County,as an exemplary county in the base areas during the war of resistance against Japan,made great stability for the CPC political government.This also made the circulation of political cadres in the basic units more complete pattern,and brings more significance in studying this case.
Achievements and Problems:Study on the Construction of Motor-pumped Wells in Hebei Province in the 1960s and 1970s
YANG Xue-xin,FAN Xiao-dong
2020, 45(6):  45-51. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.007
Abstract ( 518 )   PDF (1184KB) ( 201 )  
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After 1965,northern China experienced a 50-year long drought period.In order to solve the problems of long-term drought in Haihe river basin,the national government made a decision to dig wells to combat drought,which had been brought into the national strategy since 1973,offering key support in funds,equipments and other items.Hebei is the first province to carry out the program in China.During that period,so many motor-pumped wells were carried out by general public,which resulted in a fastest development of motor-pumped wells.In general,great achievements of the construction of motor-pumped wells were of importance in the changes of agricultural industry as well as the situation of southern crops to the north.Meanwhile,the construction laid some problems that call up necessary systematic conclusion and profound rethink.
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Night Fair Economy from the Perspective of History
ZHANG Jin-hua,WANG Mao-hua
2020, 45(6):  52-60. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.008
Abstract ( 373 )   PDF (1264KB) ( 179 )  
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Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Night Fair was first seen in Tang Dynasty.In Tang and Song Dynasties,the majority of night fair was distributed in Hebei Province with a single form.After Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties,Beijing-Tianjin Night Fair emerged all of a sudden and its shape and scale were better than the night fairs in northern regions in the same period.Distribution,shape and scale of night fairs in Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei are obviously different,so they are reflecting the general trend of social economy and urban development in the traditional society of Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei region.Location factors such as political power and status of a city,urban development and transformation and the level of commodity economic development have become important forces influencing the economic growth trajectory of regional night fairs.
A Study on the Family Medical and Illness Activities of the County Official Han Zhongjing in the Late Qing Dynasty
CAO Li-li
2020, 45(6):  61-69. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.009
Abstract ( 422 )   PDF (876KB) ( 177 )  
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Han Zhongjings diary records a lot of contents about the diseases and medical activities in his and his familys daily life.In the face of diseases,Han Zhongjing and his family actively respond in various ways.There are both traditional medical therapies and Taoist sorcery techniques,which are characterized by diversity.Judging from the medical knowledge of Han Zhongjing and his family,they both hope that the medicine will work and believe in the destiny,which is obvious traditional.In the diseases and medical activities of Han Zhongjings family,the imbalance of the power relationship is its distinctive feature.The patients have the leading power in the medical relationship,and the male power is also absolutely manifested in the family medical activities.It is of great significance to investigate the medical activities of Han Zhongjings family to have a deep insight into the daily life of the lower officials in the late Qing Dynasty.
Chinas Economic Growth Accounting Analysis:1978—2018
LIU Xin-jian,CHEN Wen-qiang
2020, 45(6):  70-90. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.010
Abstract ( 414 )   PDF (2143KB) ( 156 )  
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Since the reform and opening up,Chinas economy has experienced 40 years of rapid growth,which has provided many experiences and enlightenments for the innovation of economic theory and macro-management.Based on the authoritative basic data of the National Bureau of Statistics,this paper summarizes the existing research results.On the basis of systematically correcting the data defects,the time series of material capital,human capital and related indicators in China from 1952 to 2018 are calculated at first.Then,the trans-logarithmic production function of Chinas economy is established by using ridge regression technique.On this basis,the change and contribution of capital factor,human factor and total factor productivity to economic growth are analyzed.The analysis shows that the contribution rate of capital factor to economic growth is gradually declining in fluctuation,while the role of human factor is stronger in the fluctuation,and has increased greatly in the recent stage,exceeding the capital factor,and the contribution rate of total factor productivity is accelerating.At present,the contribution rate of total factor productivity to economic growth has exceeded 50%.The main outcomes of this paper are as follows:firstly,the authoritative data and mathematical models are used to provide a rigorous and systematic time series data of relevant variables;secondly,the composition and characteristics of the growth engine of Chinas economy in recent 40 years are revealed more accurately.
Efficiency Evaluation of Financial Expenditure on Poverty Alleviation in the Concentrated and Contiguous Poverty Stricken Areas of Yanshan-Taihangshan ——Taking 22 Counties in Hebei Province as Examples
SUN Ying-lu,GU Yan-fang
2020, 45(6):  91-103. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.011
Abstract ( 413 )   PDF (1398KB) ( 564 )  
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The Concentrated and Contiguous Poverty Stricken Areas of Yanshan-Taihangshan(hereinafter referred to as “Yantai Area”)is one of the main battlefields for poverty alleviation.Studying the efficiency of financial expenditure on poverty alleviation in this area is of great significance for improving the efficiency of the financial poverty alleviation of Yantai Area and China.This paper selects 22 counties of Yantai Area of Hebei Province as the research object,does static efficiency analysis and dynamic efficiency analysis by DEA-BCC Model and Malmquist Index and finds out that there are large differences in efficiency among counties and there is space for efficiency improvement in some counties.Then this paper analyzes the influencing factors of the efficiency of financial expenditure on poverty alleviation in Yantai Area of Hebei Province by Tobit Regression Model,and finds out that the proportion of tertiary industry,urbanization rate,financial revenue and the level of economic development are significantly positively correlated with the efficiency of financial expenditure on poverty alleviation.Finally,this paper proposes some policy recommendations,such as strengthening supervision of financial poverty alleviation expenditure,optimizing the expenditure structure of financial poverty alleviation and constructing a long-term financial poverty alleviation mechanism.
Influencing Factors and Structure Characteristics of Cultural Consumption in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
LIU Yan,LIU Yuan-yuan
2020, 45(6):  104-111. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.012
Abstract ( 391 )   PDF (1188KB) ( 109 )  
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In the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,the cultural and creative industries are still facing many problems to be solved while they have made preliminary achievements. This paper collects the cultural consumption data of regional residents through questionnaires,and uses decision tree algorithm for data mining,aiming to find the influencing factors and structural characteristics of cultural consumption in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Based on this,this paper puts forward some improvement measures,such as creating regional common cultural brand,ensuring the continuous and stable growth of residents income,innovating marketing mode for teenagers cultural consumption market,and cultivating their correct cultural values and cultural innovation ability,which helps to expand the new path of promoting the coordinated development of cultural consumption market in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,create an inter-connected,open and unified regional cultural consumption market,and let regional residents cultural consumption demand become a new market driving force in promoting the supply of cultural products.
The Enlightenment of Swiss Pension System and Its Asset Management Experience to China
SUN Jian-fu,ZHANG Ze-hua
2020, 45(6):  112-121. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.013
Abstract ( 572 )   PDF (1342KB) ( 484 )  
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The Swiss pension system consists of three pillars.Its advanced concept of pension asset management system has played an important role in ensuring the safe operation of pensions and stabilizing economic and social development.Starting from the purpose of improving Chinas pension system construction and fund management,the Swiss pension system and its asset management experience can be used for reference,so as to better balance the responsibilities of the government,enterprises and individuals,and to achieve a fair and comprehensive system for China.It has important practical significance for China to realize a system of fairness,wide coverage and sustainable development of the pension insurance.
Analysis of the Cooperation among Regional Local Governments from the Perspective of Governance
2020, 45(6):  122-128. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.014
Abstract ( 343 )   PDF (1163KB) ( 148 )  
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Faced with the challenges of globalization and the rise of multiple interests,governments at all levels in China have followed the development trend of governance and implemented various reforms to adjust government-society power allocation and relationship,thereby enhancing government capacity and social governance.However,with the strengthening of local governments independent development consciousness and power,cooperation among regional local governments is in trouble.This paper starts from the governance orientation,namely the decentralization framework and the core concept of governance,analyzes the deep mechanism of the inefficient cooperation among regional local governments:the decentralization system and the limitation of individual rationality;accordingly,in order to ensure the efficient operation of regional intergovernmental cooperation,this paper puts forward ways to improve the design of decentralized systems,cultivate citizenship,build a multi-center governance system and establish an effective way based on the network model of governance organizations,to build a regional multi center governance system that is highly integrated with the market,social organizations and citizens under the guidance of regional local governments.
Research on the Role and Path of Telemedicine in Targeted Poverty Alleviation ——Based on the Exploration of Practical Experience in Chicheng County of Zhangjiakou from the Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University
YANG Kai-yan
2020, 45(6):  129-134. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.015
Abstract ( 522 )   PDF (1409KB) ( 687 )  
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In China,more than 40% of the poverty-stricken population are caused by illness and returned to poverty due to illness.Vigorously carrying out medical poverty alleviation is an important part of winning the battle of precise poverty alleviation.However,due to the relative shortage of medical resources and the relatively backward medical level in most poor areas,it is difficult to achieve the poverty alleviation goal only by improving the local medical forces in a short time.Therefore,making full use of the rising telemedicine model has become an important measure to overcome poverty.Based on the telemedicine work carried out by the Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University in Chicheng County,Zhangjiakou City,this paper summarizes the experience and lessons,and puts forward specific suggestions to modify and improve the poverty alleviation work of telemedicine based on the latest achievements of modern telemedicine.
The Influence of Family Socioeconomic Status on Adolescents Self-efficacy ——The Mediating Role of Parental Involvement and the Regulating Role of the Only Child Status
XU Zhu-zhu,GUO Cong-bin
2020, 45(6):  135-145. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.016
Abstract ( 947 )   PDF (1199KB) ( 448 )  
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This study is based on the baseline survey data of freshmen from A university,which is the elite university directly under the Ministry of Education.It used 1107 freshmen as subjects to construct a regulated intermediary model,focusing on the impact mechanism of students high school parental involvement on adolescents self-efficacy.The results show that:(1)There are significant gender differences in the socioeconomic status of students families,and the socioeconomic status of girls families is higher than that of boys;the only child is significantly better than non-only children in terms of family socioeconomic status,parental involvement,and self-efficacy;(2)Parental involvement has a significant positive predictive effect on adolescentsself-efficacy;(3)Parental involvement plays a part of the intermediary role in the impact of family socioeconomic status on adolescents self-efficacy;(4)The one-child status regulates the familys socioeconomic status → parental involvement → the second half of the sense of self-efficacy,that is,relative to non-only children,the only childs parental involvement promotes self-efficacy.
Level Analysis and Reform Practice:Three Dimensions of the Entry Point Design of Ideological and Political Education in Curriculum
SUN Zhao-yang
2020, 45(6):  146-154. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.017
Abstract ( 1211 )   PDF (1258KB) ( 175 )  
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Ideological and Political Education in Curriculum,as an educational concept,work path and institutional arrangement,is an inevitable choice to construct the same mechanism of various professional courses and ideological and political theory courses.In the practice of curriculum ideological and political construction,colleges and universities should start from objectives,institutions and elements,analyze political indicators to design curriculum ideological and political entry points,and continue to promote curriculum ideological and political education reform from the three key factors of curriculum,teaching materials and party branches.According to the work idea of “the overall design of the school—the main responsibility of the college—the leadership of the party branch(teaching and research section)—the specific implementation of teachers—the collaborative participation of teaching supervision and experts”,Hebei Agricultural University achieves the combination of the policy requirements and the schools reality, model driving and all staff following,experience inheritance and method innovation, precise design and divergence,and establish a work system that penetrates the discipline system,teaching system,teaching material system,and management system.At the same time,it pays attention to the comprehensive evaluation of the value leading force,the cultivation of thinking ability,the enthusiasm of student participation,and the demonstration driving effect of the ideological and political construction of the curriculum,so that the construction of ideological and political curriculum achieves a good effect of “Education of all people,Education in whole process,Education in every aspect”.
An Empirical Study on the Relationship between the Development of Vocational Education and Industrial Structure in Hebei Province
ZHAO Jian-ling,ZHANG Jing
2020, 45(6):  155-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2020.06.018
Abstract ( 571 )  
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There is an interactive relationship between vocational education and regional industry.Based on the time series data of Hebei province from 2000 to 2017,this paper uses Eviews8.0 software analysis tool and Granger causality test method to test the relationship between the development scale of vocational education and the development level of the three major industries in Hebei Province.The results show that the development scale of vocational education affects the development level of secondary industry in Hebei province.Hebei vocational education makes insufficient contribution to the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure;there is no positive interaction mechanism between vocational education and the development of the three industries in Hebei province.Therefore,it is necessary to carry out the supply-side structural reform of vocational education and construct the coordinated development mechanism of vocational education and regional economy in Hebei Province.Second,we should optimize the professional structure,adapt to and lead the economic and industrial development of Hebei Province.Third,we should deepen the development of vocational education and improve the quality of personnel training.