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04 May 2021, Volume 46 Issue 2
What Is Called “Philosophy”? ——On the Relationship Between Life Confucianism and Philosophy
HUANG Yushun
2021, 46(2):  1-8. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.001
Abstract ( 675 )   PDF (1180KB) ( 123 )  
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In term of its awareness of problems,that is,its concern for social problems,the ultimate goal of Life Confucianism is the construction of “sub-metaphysic philosophy”,the points of which are “the Chinese Theory of Justice” as a fundamental ethics and “Civic Political Confucianism” laid the foundation by the former.This kind of “philosophy” usually refers to the principle part of a certain discipline field,such as “political philosophy”,“moral philosophy”,and even includes the so-called “language philosophy” as analytical philosophy,which is thinking about is a sub-metaphysic realm of the beings.But according to Martin Heideggers definition,the more rigorous concept of “philosophy” is the metaphysics that is mainly the traditional ontology,which is thinking about all the beings as a whole,in which the most typical is Hegelian philosophy characterized by “reflexion”.In Life Confucianism,they are the constructions of the universal “Change Ontology” and “Transcendental Ontology” aiming at modernity.The relationship between this “metaphysic philosophy”and the above-mentioned “sub-metaphysic philosophy” is the foundation-laying relationship of “the Metaphysic One→the Sub-metaphysic beings”.However,according to Heideggers thought of “double foundation-laying”,what both metaphysic philosophy and sub-metaphysic philosophy are thinking are the beings,that is,they both face the further inquiry of “how can the beings be possible”;and according to Heideggers thought of “ontological difference”,the above philosophies of “beings” needs to be laid the foundations by the thought of “Being”.This thinking of Being is not philosophy,but “the task of thinking” after “the end of philosophy” as Heidegger said.In Life Confucianism,it is “the theory of Life as Being” or “the theory of Life”,which is about “pre-being”.Therefore,Life Confucianism is not philosophy,or far more than philosophy.However,just as Heideggers “thinking” is also known as “Heideggers philosophy”,the thought of being contained in the broadest concept of “philosophy” can also be called “Being philosophy”.In this sense,Life Confucianism can also be called “life philosophy”.
The Triple Implication of the Thought of “the Unity of Man and Heaven” Implied in The Analects of Confucius
ZHANG Naifang
2021, 46(2):  9-16. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.002
Abstract ( 1158 )   PDF (1151KB) ( 251 )  
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The real idea of “the unity of man and heaven” is far from being formed in The Analects of Confucius,but Confuciuss attitude towards heaven is clear.He kept a respectful distance from its mystique and acted with respect to its divinity.Reflected in the relationship between man and heaven,it implies a multi-level thought of “the unity of man and heaven”,which specifically includes the three logical levels of “Heavens will and mans inheritance”,“Heavens enlightenment and mans combination”,“Heavens order and mans success”.In the level of “Heavens will and mans inheritance”,heaven is the mysterious heaven that lies outside the activity of mans life; In the level of “Heavens enlightenment and mans combination”,human beings are in harmony with the divine virtue of heaven; In the level of “Heavens order and mans success”,the sacred heaven and human are both verified and achieved.The integration of the three logical levels in the text has laid a foundation for the later thought of “the unity of man and heaven”.Through the inheritance and development of Confucian scholars in later generations,the unique way of thinking of the Chinese nation hao finally formed,and the spirit of taking responsibility of todays China has been achieved,with the courage of rational and positive responsibility,the wisdom of comprehensive consideration,and the joy of voluntary responsibility.
Taoist Thought in Jungs Psychoanalytic Psychology
ZHANG Yu,WANG Jingyang
2021, 46(2):  17-24. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.003
Abstract ( 981 )   PDF (1115KB) ( 835 )  
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Jung’s concern for the soul and redemption made him transcend the prejudice of western culture and meet the thoughts of Taoism.Taoism focuses on the problem of human existence,and the ultimate goal is to let people become themselves,which provided Jung with the source of inspiration,became the turning point of his academic life,and helped Jung realize the unique construction of psychoanalytic psychology.A series of categories and concepts in Jung’s theory were branded with the Oriental culture.Jung thought dialectically about the relationship between Eastern culture and the Western world.He appreciated the spiritual cultivation methods and wisdom of Eastern culture,and believed that westerners must be open to Eastern culture if they want to recover their forgotten and lost spiritual home.
On the “Integration”of Du Fus Style Writing
WANG Zhangcai
2021, 46(2):  25-32. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.004
Abstract ( 561 )   PDF (1161KB) ( 253 )  
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Chinese culture attaches importance to “harmony” and “integration”.In stylistics,harmony and integration are mainly manifested in the style of harmony.The highest form of harmonious style is Dacheng Style.Dacheng Style is the result of random,harmonious and integration of all styles.Dacheng is “perfect”.Du Fu is called “JiDaCheng”,which was mainly reflected in the style of writing.The degree of “integration” of Du Fus writing was also different in different styles.Du Fus poems can be described as “JiDaCheng”;Du Fus fu can be described as “JiZhongCheng”;Du Wens article can be described as “JiXiaoCheng”.The general direction of “integration”of Du Fus style writing is right,but “JiXiaoCheng” and “JiZhongCheng” still need to be upgraded to the state of “JiDaCheng”.
The Protection and Communication of Hebei Dialect Culture from the Perspective of Cultural Confidence
LI Yahong,LI Yanling
2021, 46(2):  33-39. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.005
Abstract ( 727 )   PDF (1093KB) ( 266 )  
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Hebei dialects inherit precious and rich traditional cultural heritage,and Hebei dialect culture is an important part of Hebei traditional culture.The protection and communication of Hebei dialect culture is of great significance to the cultivation of cultural confidence in Hebei Province.However,according to the investigation,the protection and communication of Hebei dialect culture is facing a great dilemma.Measures can be taken to construct a cultural protection and communication system of Hebei dialect in order to establish a high degree of cultural confidence in Hebei province.
The Composition of Multimodal Metaphor and Cultural Connotation of Public Crisis Cartoons ——Taking Cartoons of Wuhan Combating COVID -19 Epidemic as an Example
ZHANG Qiaotong
2021, 46(2):  40-47. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.006
Abstract ( 559 )   PDF (1159KB) ( 340 )  
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By adopting a cognitive linguistics-oriented and multimodal metaphor-based approach,the metaphors and metonymies in three different public crisis cartoons will be analyzed with the consideration of genre features and social context in this paper.The cultural connotation behind their source domains and target domains will be explored to obtain a better understanding of their multimodal information and cultural values.Meanwhile,the genre scope of multimodal studies is therefore expanded to verify and supply relevant theory of conceptual metaphor,providing beneficial revelation to the prevention,management and treatment of public crisis.
The Deepening,Differentiation and Fragmentation of the Digital Industrial Chain Exacerbated by the COVID-19 Epidemic
LIU Cheng,XU Ziyan
2021, 46(2):  48-56. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.007
Abstract ( 648 )   PDF (1222KB) ( 511 )  
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Under the impact of COVID-19,the digital industrial chain shows some unusual development trends.This is mainly reflected in the following three aspects:First,the deepening of the digital industrial chain.The shutdown of offline economy has promoted digital enterprises to expand their sphere of influence,accelerated the expansion of digital industrial chain in public service and manufacturing industry,and also forced traditional enterprises to move their business and personnel from offline to online,which greatly accelerated the digitization process and in fact played a role in supporting economic growth.Second,the differentiation of digital industrial chain.On the whole,the digital industrial chain tends to be more refined and specialized,but there is a divergence among industries.Hotels,restaurants,films,tourism and other industries are more seriously affected by the epidemic despite their high degree of digitalization.Moreover,the differentiation between digital and non-digital industries is intensified.Producer services such as commercial buildings are facing digital impact.Online office and online education may overturn peoples dependence on geographic business districts,headquarters economy and CBD,and rewrite the economic and industrial structure.Third,the digital industrial chain is broken.The epidemic has aggravated the breaking trend of the industrial chain of the digital economy,and Europe and the United States have continuously blocked the import and export of digital technologies and products and equipments.This has caused long-term negative impacts on the global division of labor and distribution of Chinas digital industrial chain,which deserves the great attention of the government and enterprises.
Fiscal Decentralization,Political Promotion and Land Finance ——Research on Panel Data of 279 Prefecture-level Cities in China
YANG Runbo
2021, 46(2):  57-65. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.008
Abstract ( 528 )   PDF (1194KB) ( 382 )  
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With the increasing risks at home and abroad since 2020,enterprise bail-out and livelihood improvement become popular topics again.The problem of high land conveyance fee and housing prices brought about by the phenomenon of local land finance has also aroused widespread concern.Since the tax-sharing reform has not yet achieved the coordination of financial and administrative powers,local governments have paid more and more attention to land finance,which can bring respectable revenue,in the process of striving to expand financial resources.This paper uses the panel data of 279 prefecture-level cities from 2000 to 2016 to further analyze the impacts of local fiscal decentralization on land finance.The study shows that an increase in the level of expenditure decentralization will significantly increase the revenue and acreage of local land conveyance.It indicates that local governments are striving to expand financial sources as expenditure responsibilities increase.While the level of revenue decentralization will have a positive effect on the average price of land conveyance,this may be due to the premium brought by better developed economy.Meanwhile,under the incentive of turnover tournament,local officials will be more inclined to attract investment by land.As a consequence,in the process of optimizing the operation of land finance,the central government needs to appropriately divide the expenditure responsibilities between the central and local finance,strengthen support for local finance,and strengthen budget performance management.At the same time,fiscal expenditure should be more proactive,ensure the achievement of tax cuts and fee reductions,and alleviate the burden on private economy.
Research on the Performance Evaluation System of Industrial Poverty Alleviation Fund ——Taking J County as an Example
DUAN Hongbo,LIU Jinhui
2021, 46(2):  66-78. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.009
Abstract ( 459 )   PDF (1293KB) ( 125 )  
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The document No.1 of the central government of 2020 proposed that we should deepen our efforts to help our minds and support our intelligence,stimulate the endogenous driving force of the poor,consolidate the results of poverty alleviation,and resolutely win the battle against poverty.As the most direct and effective way of poverty alleviation,industrial poverty alleviation can stimulate the endogenous power of the poor people to get rid of poverty,and continuously enhance the hematopoietic function of poor areas.It is an important way to achieve high-quality poverty alleviation.In this paper,combined with the current policy requirements of Chinas industrial poverty alleviation fund performance evaluation,the Balanced Scorecard(BSC)is used as the tool to build the evaluation index framework,and the analytic hierarchy process(AHP)is used to set the index weight to build the performance evaluation system of industrial poverty alleviation fund with the income growth of poor households and help satisfaction as the core.The process,effect and capital operation of poverty alleviation in J county in 2019 are applied to the performance evaluation system of industrial poverty alleviation funds in this paper.The performance evaluation of industrial poverty alleviation funds in J county is carried out from four dimensions:peoples satisfaction,capital efficiency,capital management and learning and growth.The evaluation conclusions are drawn and improvement suggestions are put forward.
The Dynamic Model of Consolidating the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation in Post-poverty Alleviation Era
WU Yu,XU Yuanbo
2021, 46(2):  79-84. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.010
Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (1232KB) ( 166 )  
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In 2020,China won the fight against poverty and entered the era of post-poverty alleviation.In the post-poverty alleviation era,how to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and prevent people back into poverty again is of great significance for achieving high-quality poverty alleviation,promoting rural revitalization and promoting regional economic development.Based on this,this paper puts forward a two-step development dynamic model of “economic resources collection-economy activation” to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation,discusses its mechanism,and puts forward the feasible path to implement the model.
Analysis on the Structure of Chinas Educational Informationization Policy Structure in the New Century ——Based on the Perspective of Grounded Theory and Co-word Analysis
DUAN Aifeng,WU Yuqing
2021, 46(2):  85-96. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.011
Abstract ( 429 )   PDF (1650KB) ( 206 )  
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As the government behavior of regulating and standardizing the educational information activities,educational informationization policy is of great significance for the better implementation of educational information and the prediction of future development situation to systematically explore its policy structure system.From the perspective of grounded theory and co word analysis,this paper makes two-level coding and cluster analysis on the national level educational informatization policy texts in 2000-2019,and extracts the structure of Chinas educational informatization policy,which mainly includes six aspects:informatization talents,informatization fund support,informatization infrastructure and application,informatization teacher education and informatization resources.From multi-dimension analysis,this paper explores the relationship and function between the main clusters,puts forward some policy suggestions,such as strengthening the investment of funds and paying attention to the training of informationization talents,so as to provide reference for the further development and improvement of education information policy and the formulation of future policy.
The Development and Transformation Path of Running Non Local Cooperative School District from the Perspective of Resource Dependence Theory
YAN Shan,GUO Jianru
2021, 46(2):  97-106. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.012
Abstract ( 439 )   PDF (1199KB) ( 285 )  
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In the past 40 years,non local cooperative education has been developing and transforming.From the perspective of resource dependence theory,the cooperative school districts in different places are faced with the soft academic resources and environment system provided by the school headquarters and the funds provided by the local government.Under the two different resource environment systems,the cooperative school districts in different places are facing structural resource dilemma,mainly including insufficient funding resources,limited stock and increment of academic resources.Therefore,in the dilemma of resource dependence,the non local cooperative school running campus has to constantly seek transformation,and obtain the continuous resource support from the school headquarters and local government through the ways of innovating relationship,expanding scale,highlighting characteristics,strengthening cooperation,and improving governance,so as to promote the realization of the transformation goal.Based on the theory of resource dependence,this paper analyzes the factors and mechanisms that affect the development and transformation of the cooperative school running.It is believed that the resource dependence provided by both the school and the local government determines the development and transformation of the cooperative campus.
Development Dilemma and Promotion Path to the Governance of Postgraduate Education from the Perspective of Multiple Streams Theory
WANG Mei,ZHANG Xinning
2021, 46(2):  107-113. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.013
Abstract ( 376 )   PDF (1175KB) ( 144 )  
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Postgraduate education bears the historical mission of cultivating high-level talents. The construction of postgraduate education governance system has become an important issue in the reform and development of postgraduate education. With the help of John Kingdons multiple streams theory, this paper puts forward an analysis model of postgraduate education governance to understand the policy agenda setting, and discusses the development dilemma of postgraduate from the three sources of problem stream, policy stream and political stream. The study finds that the initial conditions of the focus event, the power contradiction of the governance subject and the limited role of the policy community are the obstacles to the opening of the policy window. In order to further improve the modernization level of postgraduate education governance in the new era, the government should pay attention to the problem stream and constantly improve the ability of postgraduate education governance; colleges and universities should integrate political stream and actively explore the mode of postgraduate education governance; supervisors should participate in the policy stream and put forward measures to improve the governance of postgraduate education.
Framework,Practical Characteristics and Trends of the Global Teacher Professional Development:Analysis Based on TALIS2018 Report
YU Sha
2021, 46(2):  114-122. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.014
Abstract ( 1169 )   PDF (1143KB) ( 1029 )  
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In the global wave of education reforms,teacher professional development is the most effective way to improve the quality of teachers,and it is also an education problem that needs to be solved urgently in various countries,which is deeply concerned by the international community.The framework for teacher professional development hasconstructed 11 themes and five “pillars”.It based on the survey data of the third round of TALIS project conducted in 2018,the TALIS2018 report released by the OECD focuses on the professional development of teachers and the professionalism of teachers as the core.The practice of teacher professional development under the global perspective has the common characteristics of achieving continuity,high job satisfaction,carrying out cooperative activities and possessing teaching autonomy.The international organizations represented by OECD are committed to promoting global education governance,the future professional development of global teachers will show the trend of convergence of professional standards,improvement of information and communication technology capabilities,enhanced professional cooperation,and demonstration of teacher leadership.
Research on Demand-oriented Health Service Model for the Elderly in China
HU Yaoling,WANG Guangzhou
2021, 46(2):  123-132. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.015
Abstract ( 421 )   PDF (1305KB) ( 170 )  
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In the context of rapid aging of population,the issue of health services for the elderly has aroused major concerns from the government and society.The current imbalance in the supply and demand of health services for the elderly is a structural imbalance.The root cause is that changes in the social and economic environment,disease spectrum of the elderly,and lifestyles of the elderly,have not been fully considered in the system design and service project arrangement.Health services cannot be transformed into effective supply.It is necessary to establish a bottom-up scientific decision-making and dynamic adjustment mechanism based on the demand of health services for the elderly,to promote the demand to advance from a balanced state to a new state of equilibrium,and to effectively improve the effectiveness of health services for the elderly,and then to improve the health and quality of life of the elderly.
Research on the Stratification of Leisure Diversity in the Youth Group
LI Zhong
2021, 46(2):  133-140. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.016
Abstract ( 442 )   PDF (1186KB) ( 411 )  
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In modern society,with the increase of popular leisure products and the value of leisure diversity,young people begin to participate in a wide range of leisure activities.The social stratification from the perspective of leisure taste is gradually dissolving,and a social stratification phenomenon based on the leisure diversity is forming in the youth group.Based on the data of Chinese General Social Survey in 2015,this paper examines the relationship and path between social class and leisure diversity among the youth.The results show that,firstly,the social class has a significant positive impact on the leisure diversity of young people;secondly,working hours and income play a mediating role in the impact of social class on leisure diversity.
The Theoretical Dilemma and Historical Interpretation of the Separation of Three Rights ——From the Perspective of Comparative Study of the Tenancy in Perpetuity System in the Traditional Society
ZOU Yasha,TIAN Qing
2021, 46(2):  141-149. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.017
Abstract ( 561 )   PDF (1183KB) ( 691 )  
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The separation of three rights is a major institutional reform and innovation put forward under the situation of insufficient supply of land ownership structure system with the separation of two rights.“Separation of three rights” means that a number of rights,such as collective ownership of land,contract management right of land and management right of land,coexist on land.Its right structure is incompatible with the strict property right system,leading to many theoretical disputes.The root of the theoretical conflict lies in the incompatibility between the multiple values of land and the ownership system.Based on the consistency between the tenancy in perpetuity system in the traditional society and the separation of three rights in the structure of rights and the function of system,the tenancy in perpetuity system has historical significance in the distribution of land rights and the setting of system.From the perspective of historical inheritance and development,it is advisable to amend and improve the principle of one thing one right to adapt to the development of social reality,set the land management right as the real right and use the inherent vocabulary in practice to solve the problem of linkage between the new and old laws.
The Evolution of the Opinion on Bankruptcy in Modern Britain
YUAN Yuehua
2021, 46(2):  150-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2021.02.018
Abstract ( 492 )   PDF (1176KB) ( 418 )  
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Bankruptcy is a common economic phenomenon in contemporary Britain,and people will look at it in a normal way.This opinion of bankruptcy in Britain was mainly formed in modern times.In early modern times,people regarded bankruptcy as a criminal act,and the bankrupt as a criminal.People regarded bankruptcy as a shame in ethics and morality.In the 18th century,the opinion of bankruptcy guilt began to fade.With the economic and social transformation in Britain and the rise of Evangelism movement,the opinion of bankruptcy innocence was formally formed.People no longer regarded bankruptcy as a crime,but gradually accepted it as the result of the failure of normal business.The bankruptcy law no longer aims at preventing bankruptcy fraud.