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10 March 2022, Volume 47 Issue 1
The Optimization of Policies of Health Poverty Alleviation Based on Common Prosperity
HE Wenjiong,ZHANG Xue
2022, 47(1):  1-9. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.001
Abstract ( 425 )   PDF (1331KB) ( 145 )  
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After long-term efforts,especially in the fight against poverty in recent years,the problem of poverty caused by illness and returning to poverty due to illness has basically been solved in China. In the journey of advancing common prosperity,health poverty alleviation will continue for a long time. Therefore,based on anti-poverty and promoting peoples all-round development,it is necessary to realize three changes in policies of health poverty alleviation:from “treatment-centered” to “health-centered”,from “medical assistance” to “disease prevention”,from “the least beneficiary” to “the second least beneficiary”. Accordingly,the focus of optimizing the policies of health poverty alleviation at this stage is as follows:first,the basic medical security system gradually implements a capping system for personal medical expenses;second,strengthen the supply of primary health care services;third,enhance the awareness and ability of personal health management;fourth,pay attention to the mental health of the poor;fifth,build a healthy environment.
The “Double Disordered” Development of Platform Economy and Financial Governance Choice of Common Prosperity Orientation
BAI Yanfeng,LIU Lu
2022, 47(1):  10-23. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.002
Abstract ( 452 )   PDF (1762KB) ( 209 )  
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As the economy enters the digital new normal,platform economy not only improves economic efficiency,but also presents a series of disordered behaviors driven by interests,which has led to structural problems such as impaired consumer rights,unfair market competition,widening income distribution gap and financial gap among regions.Moreover,the disorderly development of platform economy has also led to a lot of financial allocation disorder,which is mainly manifested in the distortion of compulsory tax collection and management in less developed areas,tax evasion in developed areas,excessive financial return,improper tax attribution,etc.The “double disorder” of platform economic development is thus produced and poses a great challenge to the realization of common prosperity in China.To solve this problem,China needs to strengthen the top-level design,and speed up the construction of tax system to adapt to the development of platform economy.With reference to the financial attribution of stamp tax on securities transactions in China,the tax revenue of major taxes such as value-added tax,enterprise income tax and personal income tax of platform enterprises above designated size should be collected by the central government,and classified and implemented accurately.When the effectiveness of tax regulation is insufficient,we can refer to the financial ownership and profit collection mode of central enterprises and appropriately collect after tax profits from platform enterprises according to the principle of “moderately low and classified policies”.On the basis of comprehensively regulating the tax revenue side adjustment,we will optimize the expenditure side adjustment such as transfer payment,social security and fiscal and tax incentives,so as to promote common prosperity with high-quality development.
The Constitution Providing Legal Guarantee for the Whole-process Peoples Democracy
SONG Caifa
2022, 47(1):  24-33. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.003
Abstract ( 585 )   PDF (1395KB) ( 107 )  
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Democracy is a remarkable symbol of the common value pursuit of all mankind and the development and progress of civilization.The whole-process democracy is the essential feature of people being masters of the country.It has complete institutional procedures and complete participation practice,which is conducive to ensuring the effective connection between process democracy and result democracy,direct democracy and indirect democracy,and realizing the theoretical and institutional innovation of socialist democracy.We must construct the interpretation standard of the whole-process democracy of the Chinese people,form the unique democratic discourse system of the Chinese people and the interpretation power of the whole-process peoples democracy,highlight the peoples dominant position of the whole-process democracy regulated by the Constitution,and highlight the organic unity of “governing the country according to the constitution” and “governing the party according to regulations”.The Constitution is the legal guarantee for the realization of democracy in the whole process.The vitality and authority of the Constitution lies in the implementation of the Constitution.Ruling the country according to the constitution and governing the party according to the constitution are the embodiment of the whole-process democracy.The unity of party spirit and peoples nature is the essence of the whole-process democracy.Constitutional supervision is the institutional guarantee of the whole-process peoples democracy.The whole-process democracy marks the bankruptcy of the American Democratic myth.The measures to realize the rule of law in the whole process of peoples democracy are to improve the peoples Congress system reflecting peoples democracy,improve the basic human rights system of the right to survival and development,comprehensively strengthen the partys leadership in the construction of democracy and rule of law,and strengthen the institutional confidence of the whole process of democracy with Chinese characteristics.
Buddhism in Jin Dynasty and the Rise and Acceptance of Li Chunfu School ——On the History of Thought and Literature in the Jin Dynasty
HE Zongmei
2022, 47(1):  34-48. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.004
Abstract ( 466 )   PDF (1546KB) ( 85 )  
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The trend of scholars worship of Buddha ingratiatingly in the Jin Dynasty helped to produce an ideological school in the history of Chinese thought,which is called “Wang Suyu School” by ideological historians,that is,Li Chunfu School.Because of the heretical nature of Buddhism in the orthodox ideological system in ancient China,Li Chunfu,as an influential thinker and writer in the Jin Dynasty,was inevitably criticized and obscured in the history of acceptance.On behalf of the official school of the Qing Dynasty,The General Catalogue for Complete Collection of Four Treasuries strongly criticized the “unbridled” of his heretical thought,while Yuan Haowens Zhongzhou Collection,which advocated the thought of elegance and justice,was “taboo and confused”.In history,famous thinkers and writers involved in Buddhist factors often encountered the fate of weakening or even dying in the acceptance of ideological history and literary history,which was a cultural phenomenon worthy of attention.Buddhism also deeply influenced the formation of ancient documents.The deliberate treatment of characters narration in the biography of Zhongzhou Collection lost the historical authenticity of the characters.The “realistic poet” has become the “ideal poet” described by the author.The so-called “keeping history with poetry” is not an objective “keeping history” but a subjective “writing history”.
Modernising Vision ——On Concepts of Human Vision Underlying Modern Art
Written by Stefan Majetschak, Translated by CAO Hui
2022, 47(1):  49-59. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.005
Abstract ( 471 )   PDF (2627KB) ( 185 )  
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The turn of “modernising vision” that took place at the beginning of the 20th century stems from the profound changes of traditional visual concepts since the 19th century.It aims to liberate people from outdated visual habits.The essence of vision was to be understood not even primarily as mechanical reflection on the existing visible world,but in a fundamental way,as a culturally shaped and historically variable productive processing of perception data.Modern art tries to create a modern visual form through works of art itself,and works of art are defined as the means or tools to realize visual modernization.Artists try to express a new visual view with art——seeing is full of the flow of time,not just the realization of a clear visual order;seeing is not a fixed process of vision,but a more conscious and concentrated observation of the world.From Albrecht Dürers central-perspective to Paul Cézannes multi-perspectivity combining time and space,the latter emphasizes the participation and seeing process of the viewer,and the change of this seeing mode is also the change of the relationship between man and the world.The discussion of visual modernization is still of great significance today.
Scholars on Earth:Philosophical Expression of Chinese Traditional Sage Politics
LI Hongliang
2022, 47(1):  59-65. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.006
Abstract ( 371 )   PDF (1315KB) ( 219 )  
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“Gathering talents to rule the world”is a remarkable feature of Chinese traditional governance concept and a political form with Chinese characteristics.The worldly life of such“sages”is not only the cultivation road from talents to sages,but also their life attitude is an important way for “sages”to influence others.From the perspective of philosophy,the theoretical basis of sage politics mainly includes four aspects:the theory of human nature, based on morality,is generally good;the view of world that heaven and man shall unite into a harmonious coexistence;the view of society that morality and positions should match orderly;a positive and promising outlook on life.All jointly illustrate the philosophical form of Chinese traditional sage politics.
On the Notion of “Universal Unity” of Zhang Shi
2022, 47(1):  66-75. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.007
Abstract ( 410 )   PDF (1354KB) ( 157 )  
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“Benevolence takes all things as one” is an important theoretical innovation in the history of Confucian benevolence.Inheriting this thought,Zhang Shi,a representative scholar of Huxiang school,deepened the proposition theoretically from many aspects.The heart of man is “the way of heaven is in me”,that is,the presentation of natural principles.Since people and all things are derived from the meaning of heaven and earth,we should “push” the spirit of benevolence to all things through a set of “reflexive and sincere” work,so as to achieve the goal of “The people are my compatriot and all things are my friends”.This kind of benevolence is not universal love.It must be realized through a set of practice of being close to the people,being kind to people and loving things.This seemingly separated and divided way of practice,such as differential pattern of love,is a real “great virtue” because it runs through the spirit of Confucianism.
Potential “Male Chauvinism” ——Discussion on Womens Liberation in Ding Lings Creation
LIU Xiangmei
2022, 47(1):  76-83. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.008
Abstract ( 452 )   PDF (1390KB) ( 178 )  
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Ding Lings creative career was closely related to the modernity process of Chinese modern revolution,thought and literature.Her life track was intertwined with the epitome of Chinese women on the road of liberation.From beginning to end,Ding Ling put her life experience and female experience into words and thoughts with the attitude of modern women,and created a large number of female characters:the awakened May 4th daughters Mengke and Shafi;Melin and Mary who lived on the edge of revolution;Miss Three engaged in revolutionary work;Zhenzhen in the revolutionary system;Heini and others trapped in class struggle.On the surface,it was the imperfect social mechanism,the regulations of the revolutionary system and class struggle that oppressed women and brought resistance to womens liberation,but Ding Ling showed readers a clue of male centralism from beginning to end.No matter what coat they wore,the male chauvinism of the male subject was always the most direct weapon to oppress women.In addition to the positive construction of womens subjectivity,Ding Lings deconstruction,disclosure and criticism of male power constituted another fulcrum for Ding Ling to think about womens liberation.
Avoidance Deformation of Chinese about Character Components
2022, 47(1):  84-91. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.009
Abstract ( 433 )   PDF (1393KB) ( 136 )  
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The current Chinese characters becomes more upright and foursquare.To obtain the preciseness and clarity of the glyph,components of characters usually deform.For example,the left component will change Heng to Ti,Shuwangou to Shuti,na to dian,and shu to pie;the upper component will change shugou to shu,dian to heng,and na to dian;the lower component will change pie to shu,and na to dian;the internal component will change na to dian.These deformation are to avoid another component in order to achieve the square of the whole characters.Due to the deformation of configuration and aesthetics,Chinese characters should have the same deformation of the same parts,but there are still some inconsistencies between the Chinese characters and the deformation rules in “General Standard Chinese Characters Table”.Exhaustive statistics are carried out on the deformation in “General Standard Chinese Characters Table”,and the general rules of component deformation are summarized and the special examples are all recorded in order to provide reference for studying and information processing of Chinese characters.
The Core Modal Meaning of Probability Operator“Ke neng” and Methods of Probability Valuation
FENG Junwei
2022, 47(1):  92-100. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.010
Abstract ( 383 )   PDF (1390KB) ( 266 )  
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“Ke neng”is a probability modal operator with the core modal meaning of [+probability].According to “scaling of probability valuation” in probability modality,the range-based regulation of “Ke neng” is “0<X<1”(X means probability,0 means negation,1 means affirmation).Speakers can accurately determine the probability valuation of “Ke neng” by adding degree determiners or co-occurring with other modal expressions.
Strategies for Constructing Scientific Community of Public Health Crisis Prevention and Control Based on Collaborative Perspective
ZHAO Xinfeng,WANG Xin
2022, 47(1):  101-111. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.011
Abstract ( 270 )   PDF (1696KB) ( 124 )  
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In the context of domestic and international efforts to fight the epidemic,crisis prevention and control is regarded as both a medical and health issue and a scientific issue.Due to the thorny,professional,comprehensive and complex nature of public health crisis prevention and control,the collaborative construction of scientific community has become an urgent task.Under the impact of sudden public health events,the scientific community in the public health crisis prevention and control system lacks the agglomeration of distributed forces,the cooperation mechanism among the community and the interaction and sharing among the components of the community.The construction of the scientific community of public health crisis prevention and control in our country should follow the ideals of the collaborative governance,based on the principle of systematicness,integrity and openness,promoting the integration between cross communities,scientific research subjects and scientific systems;and rely on interdisciplinary,cross level,interdisciplinary,cross-regional,cross-sectoral coordination research action to build a collaborative symbiosis scientific community.
Study on Influencing Factors of Rural Land Transfer Behavior in Ecological Function Areas
HU Yanling,LI Lihong
2022, 47(1):  112-123. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.012
Abstract ( 373 )   PDF (1493KB) ( 116 )  
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It is of great significance to clarify the main influencing factors of farmers’ land transfer behavior and promote the matching of transfer intention and transfer behavior for improving land use efficiency and ensuring ecological land supply in ecological function areas.Based on farmer survey data in Hebei Province,the research used the binary Logistic regression model and ROC curve to analyze the infuencing factors of farmers’ land transfer behavior.And the ROC curve was used to test the model effect and define the optimal prediction threshold.Model results display the Youden Index is 32.7% by ROC curve and the corresponding threshold is 0.41,which illustrates the model has a good prediction.The research shows that household size,contracted land scale,main income sources,cognition of land ownership,village topography,village category,and rent are important factors affecting the land transfer behavior of farmers,but the influencing factors of farmers’ land transfer behavior are not limited to the consideration of economic factors.
The Operation Mechanism and Path of the Cultivation of New Professional Farmers from the Perspective of Social Interdependence Theory
ZHAO Yanbin,SANG Lujuan
2022, 47(1):  124-131. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.013
Abstract ( 298 )   PDF (1410KB) ( 177 )  
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It is of great significance to cultivate new professional farmers for promoting rural revitalization and speeding up agricultural and rural modernization.The cultivation of new professional farmers is a complex project involving multiple stakeholders,which requires the joint participation and collaborative interaction of social members in order to achieve the optimization of cultivation.From the perspective of social interdependence theory,this paper analyzes the implication of the cultivation of new professional farmers,explores the operating mechanism of the cultivation of new professional farmers,and puts forward some concrete paths,such as constructing the cultivation community of new professional farmers,improving the efficiency of accurate cultivation,strengthening the integration of industry and education,and perfecting the cultivation incentive system,so as to promote the smooth implementation of the cultivation of new professional farmers.
Research on Organizational Path to Promote Applied Scientific Research in Newlybuilt Universities—— Empirical Analysis based on the Survey of “the Transformation and Development of Local Colleges and Universities” in 2017
LIU Yanlin,GUO Jianru
2022, 47(1):  132-143. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.014
Abstract ( 312 )   PDF (1413KB) ( 179 )  
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Applied scientific research is an important way for applicationoriented universities to serve local economic development.The organizational transformation of local newlybuilt colleges and universities from the aspects of planning,resources and structure can promote the development of applied scientific research.Based on the survey data of “the transformation and development of local colleges and universities” from the Institute of Economics of Education of Peking University,this study adopts the methods of multiple linear regression, binary logistic regression and shapleys decomposition method,the findings are as follows:the indepth organizational transformation at the university level has a significant impact on the teachers belief that the universitys scientific research orientation is applicationoriented;only by the systematic coordination and transformation of university and schools can effectively change teachers scientific research to applicationoriented;organizational transformation has little influence on increasing the proportion of teachers applied scientific research projects,but university can effectively increase the proportion of teachers applied scientific research projects by providing laboratories or corresponding facilities for scientific research.
The Reality Review and Optimization Paths of College Students Legal Education from the Perspective of Space Theory
2022, 47(1):  144-151. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.015
Abstract ( 367 )   PDF (1330KB) ( 147 )  
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Space has a prerequisite basis and significance for observing and understanding social phenomena.From the perspective of space theory,it is found that the existing mode of legal education for college students has clear rationality,but it is alienated from individual experience and life.To a certain extent,the “physical presence” and “psychological detachment” of students cause the cracks in the legal education space of college students,which greatly affects the effectiveness of legal education.This paper discusses the optimization paths like the establishment of a projectbased operation mechanism to provide institutional guarantee for the space intersection between the supply and demand sides of the rule of law education;giving play to the recessive education role of the campus public space to carry out the recessive rule of law education for college students;building a smart education system to realize the coordination of multiple rule of law education spaces;actively cooperating with the education space inside and outside the school to promote the benign interaction of heterogeneous resource space,in order to achieve the effective improvement of the effect of college students rule of law education.
Research on the Cultivation of College Students Legal Awareness in the New Media Era
LU Cuirong,DAI Junlan
2022, 47(1):  152-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.01.016
Abstract ( 378 )   PDF (1341KB) ( 296 )  
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Along with the rapid development of information technology,new media are coupled with the elements of cultivating students awareness of rule of law based on the characteristics of advanced nature,value,functionality and society.In the new media era,the cultivation of college students awareness of the rule of law must be based on the situation,move in response to the situation and follow the trend.The cultivation of college students awareness of the rule of law also faces the difficulties of insufficient investment in the construction of new media,insufficient integration with the old media,weak multi penetration of new media,and few innovative methods.To solve the new problems in the cultivation of college students awareness of the rule of law in the new media era,we can adopt the “12345” strategy,that is,to establish a concept,implement two kinds of integration,strengthen three inputs,use four symbols,and develop five forms,so as to make the cultivation of college students awareness of the rule of law alive and practical,and strive to cultivate socialist builders and successors with allround development of morality,intelligence,sports,beauty and labor and help the construction of a socialist law country.