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25 October 2022, Volume 47 Issue 5
Xiong Shilis Thoughts on Learning
GUO Qiyong
2022, 47(5):  1-7. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.001
Abstract ( 239 )   PDF (1299KB) ( 55 )  
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Xiong Shili distinguishes between philosophy and science.On this basis,he strictly distinguishes between philosophical knowledge and scientific knowledge.He believes that the two belong to different levels,philosophical knowledge belongs to “qualitative intelligence”,and scientific knowledge belongs to “quantitative intelligence”.“Qualitative intelligence” is the understanding of the noumenon of universe and life,and “quantitative intelligence” is the understanding of function.In terms of learning,Xiong Shili believes that the method and construction of thinking are closely related to peoples moral cultivation.He emphasizes the interaction and integration of thinking and moral cultivation,that is,the so-called “intersection of thinking and moral cultivation”.
The Complex Implications of the Differentiation between “Fiefdoms” and “Counties”
PENG Xinwu
2022, 47(5):  8-15. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.002
Abstract ( 327 )   PDF (1324KB) ( 95 )  
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History has shown that the “consanguinity barrier” desired by the system of fiefdoms is a double-edged sword,which includes the danger of “internal strife”.Although the system of counties has been the basic rule since the Qin Dynasty,there are great difficulties in managing a large empire with a single county system.Therefore,the emergence of “coexistence of two systems” and “synthesis of two systems”,which could maintain centralized rule while taking into account the “affection for ones kin”,became inevitable.The debate over fiefdoms and counties also often involved ethical judgments of “public” or “private”.Despite the different views of the debaters,they have exposed the fact that the monarchs of the past dynasties have always achieved their own “selfishness” in the name of the “public world”.Throughout the history of fiefdoms and counties,it is clear that under the despotism,the only way to have peace between the top and the bottom is to have disparity of power between the ruler and the ministers,while the implementation of fiefdoms is bound to mutual suspicion,confrontation and hatred between the ruler and the ministers.Hence,it is particularly important to deal with the relationship between centralization and decentralization.
Between Experience and Apriority ——Also on the Historical Mission of Intellectuals
LIU Jingxi
2022, 47(5):  16-27. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.003
Abstract ( 217 )   PDF (1434KB) ( 117 )  
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In the process of seeking the universal law of human civilization progress and obtaining the universal value of human civilization,how to avoid both the empiricism error of “reason doesnt depart from facts” and the apriorism error of transcending time and space is obviously a major theoretical problem that has not been clearly recognized and solved in the academic circle so far.Like empiricism,apriorism,which is completely divorced from the empirical basis,tends to be extreme and absolute.The organic epistemology or universalism epistemology,which is formed by the unification of the experience and apriority,may be a more reasonable cognitive approach,and the intellectuals,especially the humanistic intellectuals,owe this historical mission to fulfill.The social responsibility and unique advantage of the intellectual group,which is different from other classes,lies in that it takes the necessary logical thinking training as the premise,goes beyond the empirical knowledge,through the possession of knowledge to obtain the ideological power,and with the insight obtained by the organic combination of transcendence and experience,it critically understands and predicts the development trend and prospect of things,and makes the necessary early warning and prospect for the social reality and its development prospect.At the same time,in the diversity of the development of things,exploring,discovering and abstracting common experience knowledge and civilization achievements are far higher than specific experience knowledge,that is,the universal concept that reflects the truth and rationality of the development of things,finally accumulates into common civilization achievements transcending time and space,and then returns to promote social progress.
On Freges Thought of “Generality” ——From the View of Sentence Schema
ZHANG Yanjing,ZHENG Jiaping
2022, 47(5):  28-35. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.004
Abstract ( 347 )   PDF (1397KB) ( 106 )  
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“Generality” is the initial symbol of Freges Conceptual Notation.Freges discussion of “generality” is actually about the discussion of the universal quantifier.Based on the symbol of “generality”,he explains the universal quantifier from the perspective of modern logic.Under such an explanation,the universal quantifier is a language sign that expresses generality of thought.The sense of the universal quantifier is a part of thought.The reference of the universal quantifier is a second-order concept,which limits the(first-order)concept by limiting the individual domain.Using Conceptual Notation, Frege revealed the logical form of sentences expressing generality in natural language. With the help of Professer Wang Lus sentence schema,Freges thought of “generality” can be analyzed from three levels: language, sense and reference.Freges thought of “generality” is of great significance to modern logic and philosophy of language.
To be the “Master” Worthy of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in the New Era ——The Study of General Secretary Xi Jinpings Important Speech in Renmin University of China
XIAO Guiqing
2022, 47(5):  37-43. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.005
Abstract ( 221 )   PDF (1369KB) ( 143 )  
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To cultivate new generation who are worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation,teachers of ideological and political theory courses need to be good “classics teachers” and “human teachers”.It is the higher requirement for educators in the new era to strive to be a unifier of “classics teachers” and “human teachers” who are proficient in “preaching,teaching and dispelling doubts”.To create a high-level ideological and political theory course,teachers of ideological and political theory courses need to strengthen their sense of integrity and innovation,inspire students with thorough theoretical analysis,persuade students with thorough ideological theories,guide students with the great power of truth,and cultivate useful talents who support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system for generations,and are determined to fight for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics for life.Teachers of ideological and political theory courses should strengthen the awareness of capital and government,grasp the correct political direction and academic guidance,work hard on the construction of the “three systems” of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics,absorb and learn from the excellent traditional Chinese culture and the positive achievements of foreign philosophy and social sciences,continue to strive for cultivating socialist builders and successors,and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,and continue to write a magnificent chapter in the cause of education.
New Exploration of Practical Teaching of Ideological and Political Theory Course in Colleges and Universities ——Thoughts on the Teaching Mode of “Micro-film”
TIAN Pengying
2022, 47(5):  44-51. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.006
Abstract ( 428 )   PDF (1372KB) ( 177 )  
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Since the new era,General Secretary Xi Jinping,standing at the strategic height of training new generation to shoulder the responsibility of national rejuvenation,regards ideological and political theory courses as the great power of the country,and has repeatedly stressed the need to use useful and flexible resources to promote the unification of “small classes” and “large classes”,and promote the reform and innovation of “big ideological and political courses”.The practical teaching mode of micro-film follows the law of ideological and political education,teaching and educating,and the law of student growth.It unites the teachers leading role with the students subjective role.Guided by teachers,it enables students to educate themselves.It is a beneficial way to explain deeply,thoroughly and vividly the ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities,a green channel to guide contemporary young students into contemporary Chinese Marxism and Marxism in the 21st century,and an effective way for young college students to carry out self-education.
Theory and Practice of Strengthening College Students Party History Learning and Education Using Micro-film as a Carrier
2022, 47(5):  52-60. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.007
Abstract ( 333 )   PDF (1332KB) ( 51 )  
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Strengthening the study and education of college students party history is of great and far-reaching significance for cultivating the builders and successors of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.With the advent of the new media era,micro-film has gradually become a new carrier of morality and talent cultivation in colleges and universities.Using micro-film as a carrier to strengthen college students party history learning and education not only has outstanding advantages,but also faces certain practical challenges.Using micro-film as a carrier to strengthen the education of college students party history learning,it has formed the practical characteristics of “the positive interaction between teachers and students,the integration of theoretical interpretation and practical exploration,and the two-way construction of educational content and educational form”;and revealed the effectiveness and value of the organic unity of “political and academic rationality,value and knowledge,explicit education and implicit education”.
The Massacre without Trace ——Historical Records and Historical Facts Centered on the Anti-Yuan Incident in the Late Song Dynasty
WANG Ruilai
2022, 47(5):  61-70. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.008
Abstract ( 350 )   PDF (1404KB) ( 65 )  
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One month after the collapse of Yashan in the Southern Song Dynasty,the Yuan Army was still resisted by the soldiers of Song Dynasty in many places,and in Nanan,Jiangxi Province,a fierce battle also took place.As a result of fierce resistance,all kinds of local records showed that they were brutally slaughtered,and Songshiyi was quoted as such.On the other hand,Yuan History recorded that “no one was slaughtered”.According to such contrary records,which is right or wrong? Tracing back to the historical source,the records of Yuan History are taken from a tombstone written by Yao Sui.This massacre that did happen has been made without trace in this tombstone.Since Yao Sui was a great writer in the literary world of Yuan Dynasty,his tombstones records were also highly trusted.Reversing the facts is not true to history.In addition to being misled by the fable materials,benevolence is the subjective motivation to stop fighting or rewrite the history for Yao Su.In any case,the rewritten facts entered the mainstream historical records,which had a great impact on later generations.The Ming and Qing Dynasty documents and several newly revised Yuan history followed this theory.This case triggered the thinking of how to pursue the historical truth at the time of research,and the vigilance of the inscriptions and the attention to the historical materials of the other chronicles were also prompted again.
Research of the Deeds of Li Guobang in the Ming Dynasty ——Centered on the Gaoyang Inscription Collected by the Hebei Academy of Social Sciences
FENG Jinzhong
2022, 47(5):  71-80. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.009
Abstract ( 344 )   PDF (1576KB) ( 89 )  
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The Li clan is one of the four great families of Gaoyang,and the origin of the Li clan began with the fifth ancestor Li Yan,but the prosperity of the Li family began with Li Guobang,who was the key figure in the rise of the Li family.Although he served as the Chief Cabinet Officer,there are few records of him in Ming History.Among the rubbings of Gaoyang inscriptions in the collection of Hebei Academy of Social Sciences,there are two inscriptions about Li Guobang,which can supplement the insufficiency of historical records.Based on these two special ancestral records,combined with handed down classics and other inscriptions,this paper combs and inspects Li Guobangs life and official history,and adds some important missing parts.As for the relationship between Li Guobang and Wei Zhongxian,which has always been mysterious,it is believed that although Li Guobang was rewarded and promoted by Wei Zhongxian,he was not a eunuch or a fighter against the eunuch.Under the special political environment at that time,Li Guobang could not get rid of his relationship with Wei Zhongxian,so it was beyond discussion.At the same time,due to the suspicion of emperor Chongzhen,he could not escape the fate of being dismissed as Prime Minister.
The Formation of Naming of Yuhuangmiao Culture and Its Ethnicity
2022, 47(5):  81-90. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.010
Abstract ( 529 )   PDF (1367KB) ( 262 )  
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Yuhuangmiao culture is an important archaeological culture distributed in the mountainous area of northern Hebei from the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period to the middle of the Warring States Period,which belongs to the main representative of the late northern bronze culture discovered so far in the eastern section of the Great Wall in northern China.The formation of the name of Yuhuangmiao culture is a history of discovery and research of this culture,and it has gone through many twists and turns due to being mixed with nationality cognition.The issue of ethnicity has always been a hot issue of this culture.Combined with the understanding of the location of time and space and the source of culture,this culture is located in the western region adjacent to the Sanggan River Valley.It is the remains of the Dairong tribe.Dairong is a new tribe formed by taking the Di people as the main body and integrating many people from different sources.The composition of the population and its change process should be very complex.The name of Dongqu nationality located in the hinterland of Yanshan is still difficult to be identified for a time.It is likely that this is the historical process of Dairong and Shanrong coexisting and Dairong gradually replacing Shanrong.
A Free Soul Wrapped in Love Stories ——Centered on Mao Duns Wild Rose
HUANG Qiaosheng,XIN Ling
2022, 47(5):  91-99. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.011
Abstract ( 371 )   PDF (1392KB) ( 105 )  
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After the ebb tide of the “Great Revolution”,Mao Dun fell into a state of confusion and disillusionment about his future.He reflected on his revolutionary process,had a new understanding of the personality emancipation thought formed in the May 4th period,and then analyzed the problems in the revolution.During his stay in Japan,the identity of a revolutionary “bystander” made him summarize the revolutionary movement he had just experienced with a rational and objective attitude,eliminate the remaining feudal thoughts among the revolutionaries,and promote class consciousness,which became the main driving force to stimulate his creation.In Wild Rose,he analyzed the resistance that prevented the revolutionaries from realizing their ideological independence with five marriage and love stories,and expressed his desire to coordinate the relationship between “group” and “oneself”.
The Ideological Connotation of Li Shangyins Ancient Prose and Its Influence on His Parallel Prose Writing
KUANG Xiaoman
2022, 47(5):  100-107. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.012
Abstract ( 299 )   PDF (1326KB) ( 129 )  
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In the late Tang Dynasty,ancient prose declined and parallel prose revived.Li Shangyin,who started with ancient prose,paid tribute to Linghu Chu,a master of parallel prose,and turned to parallel prose to help the world.However,Li Shangyin had the morality of ancient prose in his heart.His ancient prose creation is not only influenced by the essence of Han Yus ancient prose thought,but also has an independent and sober literary and moral concept and stylistic awareness.Although Li Shangyins ancient prose has few surviving articles,it involves a rich variety of styles.The texts,mainly focusing on argumentation,lyricism and human narrative,have their own characteristics.The argumentation text is sharp,the lyric text is smooth,and the human narrative writing is simple.Influenced by the concept of ancient prose,his parallel prose not only pursues the colorful stylistic essence of parallel prose in the Six Dynasties,but also integrates the elegant and positive tone of ancient prose,which is moving with emotion.Compared with the parallel prose of various schools in the late Tang Dynasty,his parallel prose is unique.
The Impact of Academic and Social Integration on Starting Salary of Professional Postgraduate Students
GUO Congbin,TANG Xu
2022, 47(5):  108-119. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.013
Abstract ( 320 )   PDF (1523KB) ( 91 )  
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As the main channel to train high-level application-oriented professionals,the quality of professional postgraduate education is crucial to the development of national economy.This study uses the data of the sampling survey of capital universities conducted by the Education Working Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and School of Education of Peking University in 2016,and uses descriptive statistics,multiple regression,intermediary effect model and other methods to analyze the impact of academic integration and social integration on the starting salary of professional graduate students.The results show that: First,the family economic situation is better, and the academic and social integration degree of the two-year students and the students majoring in humanities and social sciences is higher.Second,the academic and social integration of professional postgraduates has a positive impact on the starting salary of employment.In addition,the starting salary of students is also affected by gender,academic system,family economic status and other factors.Third,professional ability and personal ability play an important intermediary role in the impact path of academic and social integration on starting salary.
Dilemma,Innovation and Guarantee of Precision Medical Poverty Assistance under the Background of Stable Poverty Alleviation
NI Zhiyu,CAO Qun
2022, 47(5):  120-127. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.014
Abstract ( 572 )   PDF (1476KB) ( 76 )  
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With the successful completion of the task of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in 2020 and the successful conclusion of the battle against poverty,China has entered the era of stable poverty alleviation.The consolidation and expansion of the achievements of poverty alleviation and the comprehensive promotion of the rural revitalization strategy have become the focus of rural work in the next stage,and the stability of poverty alleviation is also a major challenge that needs to be considered urgently at present.At the stage of precise poverty alleviation,the problem of basic medical security for the poverty-stricken population in rural China has been basically solved,but the situation of relative shortage of medical resources and relatively backward medical level in most poverty-stricken areas has not been comprehensively improved.Some poverty-stricken areas have problems such as backward medical equipments and insufficient drugs,and the overall medical and health level still has great room for improvement.Therefore,in terms of medical treatment,in order to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation and promote the final comprehensive revitalization of rural areas,we need to continue to make efforts to continuously promote the improvement of the overall medical level in rural areas.Combined with the situation of on-site counterpart assistance,this paper analyzes the problems existing in the current precision medical assistance,and based on the practical experience of precision medical assistance,innovatively puts forward the four-level linkage precision medical assistance mode of “province,county,township and village”,so as to further optimize the path of precision medical assistance.
Social Service Satisfaction of Community Residents and Its Normalization Path from the Perspective of Population Mobility
LI Wangwang,FENG Shuaishuai
2022, 47(5):  128-138. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.015
Abstract ( 250 )   PDF (1452KB) ( 230 )  
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Public social service satisfaction is an important reference index for the supply-side reform of social services.Based on the data of the “Investigation on the Change of Residential Space of Floating Population and the Status of Social Service System”,this paper conducts a modeling analysis on the current social service satisfaction status and influencing factors of floating population residents in urban communities in China.The findings are:(1)Nearly 60% of the respondents are satisfied with the social services in the communities where they live,but there are regional differences;(2)The imbalance between supply and demand of community social service projects is serious,and among all the ten community social service projects,there are as many as eight projects with imbalance between supply and demand;(3)Factors,such as living space level and urban social integration,have a very significant impact on residents satisfaction with community social services.The research suggests that we can help solve the current supply-side problems of community public services in China by improving the communication channels for social service supply and demand and constructing a hierarchical supply system for social services.
How CMNEs Construct Opportunities in the Overseas Emerging Markets under the Situation of “Dual Disadvantage” ——A Longitudinal Case Study from the Perspective of Network Theory
ZHANG Chaomin,ZHANG Shuangcai
2022, 47(5):  139-152. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.016
Abstract ( 248 )   PDF (2254KB) ( 32 )  
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Under the dual disadvantage situation of “outsiders” and “latecomers”,how Chinese multinational enterprises(hereinafter referred to as “CMNEs”)activate the locked overseas markets by “building opportunities” has become a focus topic of academic and industry attention.This paper takes the exploratory case study method,and sorts out the expansion process of case enterprise(TRANSSION)in overseas emerging markets such as Africa and South Asia,in order to deconstruct the internal mechanism of CMNEs opportunities in overseas emerging markets.The research finds that:(1)CMNEs overseas market opportunity construction is a process for enterprises to transform potential opportunity sets and develop them into real concrete opportunities.With the continuous iteration of opportunity forms,the cognitive focus of enterprises will also change,and show a dynamic transformation track of “insight-focusing on pain points-reflection”;(2)Driven by different cognitive focus,CMNEs match them through three key actions:rapid connection,unexpected matching and co-creation,and finally realize the prototype landing,opportunity correction and opportunity development maximization of overseas opportunities.Based on the perspective of “cognition-action”,this paper refines the theoretical model of CMNEs opportunity construction in overseas emerging markets,which has practical enlightenment and guiding significance for Chinese enterprises to expand in emerging markets.
The Characteristics,Diffusion and Logic of “Fanquan Effect”
PENG Huanping,LIU Niannian
2022, 47(5):  153-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2022.05.017
Abstract ( 597 )   PDF (1323KB) ( 159 )  
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Under the coercion of contemporary idol industrial capital and social media platforms,the cultural practice of “Fanquan” has become a carnival ceremony for digital labor and offline support around idols.“Fanquan effect” is a phenomenon in which members of Fanquan continue to start carnival rituals and immerse themselves in it in order to acquire and accumulate emotional energy.At present,“Fanquan effect” has spread from fan-based groups to many fields such as economy,politics,and culture,and has become a social phenomenon that cannot be ignored.The diffusion logic of “Fanquan effect” needs to be clarified urgently.The dissipation of purpose and significance in postmodernism,the diffusion of mental anxiety in personal growth,and the popularity of false integration among young people in small towns are the deep logic of the “Fanquan effect” spreading to other fields.