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25 March 2023, Volume 48 Issue 2
Breaking the Boundary:The Aesthetic Value of The Mustard Seed Garden from a Contextual Perspective
HE Zhipu
2023, 48(2):  24-33. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.007
Abstract ( 146 )   PDF (1381KB) ( 125 )  
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As the teaching book of traditional painting,The Mustard Seed Garden is the result of the production organized by literati painters.It represents the value concept and ideology of literati painting and is sold in the bookstores with a strong commercial atmosphere in Nanjing.The criticism of The Mustard Seed Garden contrasts with the patterning of landscape expression,the realism of woodblock printing,and the convenience of painting learning,which will bring about the generalization and vulgarization of traditional painting,and is an opportunity for the generation of new aesthetic values.Compared with the traditional painting,the learning method provided by The Mustard Seed Garden can help beginners master painting skills and knowledge points in a short period of time and lay a good foundation for staying on track.It also consciously links to the painting methods and paintings of famous artists in history,making it easier to obtain cultural resources.With the help of Li Yu and the promotion of the mustard garden brand effect,The Mustard Seed Garden ends the monopoly of resources in traditional painting learning,breaks the gap between culture and social class,and opens up a path for Chinese painting to become modern and popular.
Yi in Ancient China from the Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics
KONG Xiangling,LIN Qing
2023, 48(2):  34-43. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.008
Abstract ( 80 )   PDF (1356KB) ( 81 )  
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In terms of its interpretation characteristics,ancient Chinese Yi can be divided into “divination”,“Taoism”,“image”,“figure” and “wordless”.Yi,under the five interpretive characteristics,which is formally represented by different schools of thought of “one goes down and the other goes up”,in essence,fully demonstrates the profound understanding of the world by ancient Chinese philosophers,and the great potential of creative transformation and innovative development brought about by this profundity.The study of Yi is a huge system.Its interpretation has made outstanding contributions to the development of ancient Chinese society.To meet the needs of the development of the times,exploring the era connotation of the traditional study of Yi,and build a new interpretation system of the study of Yi will certainly contribute to the development of contemporary society.
The Metaphysical Origin of the Debate between Davidson and Dummetts Realism and Anti-realism
MU Qing
2023, 48(2):  44-51. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.009
Abstract ( 153 )   PDF (1338KB) ( 80 )  
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From the theoretical perspective of the overall evolution of western metaphysics,the word “reality” has a core value.The specific forms of contemporary realism and anti-realism are generated by the different forms of ontology in the philosophical tradition,through the transition of epistemology,and finally turn to language.This provides key support for the clarity of the development of western metaphysics.Realism,which represents the specific forms of different philosophical development stages,will inevitably lead to corresponding anti-realism.This way of forming the metaphysical theme of each stage should be regarded as the philosophical paradigm of “reality—anti-reality”.Under this unique perspective,the overall development of western metaphysics presents the evolution of their specific theoretical forms.The debate between Davidson and Dummett on realism and anti-realism is a new product of the post-linguistic turn of western philosophy based on the theoretical origin and the new development of modern logic and contemporary meaning theory.After Frege and Wittgenstein,Davidson and Dummett started the debate on the issue of reality based on meaning and truth,which determined the common theoretical bottom line adhered to all kinds of realism views of different degrees and forms.The critical point of this theory and the focus of controversy is whether to adhere to the two-value principle.
A Study of “被(Bei)” construction in Malaysian Huayu ——On the Principles and Focus of Huayu Grammar Research
DIAO Yanbin
2023, 48(2):  52-67. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.010
Abstract ( 106 )   PDF (1446KB) ( 30 )  
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Adhering to the concept of taking common grammatical phenomena as the research object,the analysis of this paper about the Malaysian Chinese “被(Bei)” construction is different from previous studies from the two perspectives of realis and irrealis.Based on this,the paper discusses three basic principles of Chinese grammar research:the principle of balance,the principle of universality and the principle of sufficiency.Also,the paper proposes three key points for the further research:to carry out research on common grammatical phenomena,to lay equal stress on both explicit and implicit differences,especially to focus on the exploration of the latter,and to focus on the internal comparative study of Huayu grammar.
On Driving Forces and Mechanism of International Communication of Language
YANG Jincheng
2023, 48(2):  68-76. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.011
Abstract ( 106 )   PDF (1329KB) ( 94 )  
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Language Value is the internal driving force of the international communication of language,and envionmental factors are the external driving force of it.Language value can be viewed in both personal and national aspects,and the environmental factors influencing the international communication of language include political,economic,military-related,cultural,educational,scientific and technological ones as well as those of language policies,language awareness and international enviroment.The mechanism of the driving forces behind international communication of language lies in a process of interactions between internal and external influencing factors,and it takes on the traits of complex networking and nonlinearity.
The Evolution Process and Influencing Factors of Cross-layer Structure “juVsingle
WU Wenjie,ZHANG Shan
2023, 48(2):  77-87. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.012
Abstract ( 114 )   PDF (1380KB) ( 38 )  
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With the help of corpus,this paper investigates and analyzes the source form,development and evolution process and influencing factors of cross-layer structure “juVsingle”,as well as the nature and functions of “juVsingle”.The initial structure of cross-layer structure “juVsingle” is “ju+NP+Vsingle”.NP was omitted under the promotion of the principle of language economy and the “appropriate criterion” of discourse communication,the structure becomes “ju+Ø+Vsingle”.The function of “ju”and “Vsingle” is suspended under the double thrust of ellipsis and external syntactic environment,then pragmatic demand and pragmatic inference lead to the generation of message function of “juVsingle”.Under the action of construction coercion,the “ju” and “Vsingle” in the construction are weakened and changed their own meaning and usage,which is harmony with construction as a whole.At the same time,lexis coerces the construction in turn,forcing the construction of “juVsingle” to have the nature of a verb and part of the syntactic function of “Vsingle”. “juVsingle” has the verbal nature in modern Chinese,and has the functions of evidentiality,topic marking and discourse marking.However,due to the influence of differences and competition of the same kind,the use and development of the internal members of the construction of “juVsingle” is not balanced.
The Logic and Thinking of the Construction of Chinas High-quality Vocational Education System ——An Analysis Based on the View of Embeddedness
WU Xueping,SUN Junhui
2023, 48(2):  88-96. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.013
Abstract ( 122 )   PDF (1397KB) ( 46 )  
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The specific form of vocational education is embedded in the specific social structure and economic system.This “double embedding” determines that the construction of modern vocational education system is the process of vocational education socialization.At present,the social environment,economic development mode,industrial system form and other external environment on which Chinas vocational education depends for its survival and development are undergoing profound changes and adjustments.There are practical problems in vocational education,such as lack of attraction and adaptability.The construction of high-quality vocational education system should follow the construction logic of social embeddedness,political embeddedness,market embeddedness and technology embeddedness.From the perspective of social embeddedness,it should meet the social demand for high-quality vocational education supply;from the perspective of political embeddedness,it should realize the modernization of vocational education governance system and governance capacity;from the perspective of market embeddedness,it should improve the coordination operation mechanism of vocational education system and industrial system;and from the perspective of technology embeddness,it should provide technical and talent support for the construction of modern industrial system.
Back-feeding Talent Cultivation:The New Trend of Social Service Function in Universities and Colleges ——Three-dimensional Progress and Enlightenment of Service Learning in American Universities since the 21st Century
XUE Guofeng
2023, 48(2):  97-105. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.014
Abstract ( 261 )   PDF (1407KB) ( 145 )  
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The social service function of universities and colleges has been paid full attention in the world.How to maintain high quality and effective interaction between universities and society is a topic of concern to universities,government and society.The concept of service learning in the United States,which originated in the 1960s,has received the attention of many countries and universities by restructuring the relationship between “service” and “learning” and advocating social service to feed back talent cultivation.From the perspective of concept dimension,we should pay attention to the development and welfare of teachers,students and communities and directly feed back talent cultivation;from the perspective of system,we should strengthen the system of “politics,school and society” to ensure the diversification of personnel training;from the perspective of practice,we should implement talent training in localization in the process of focusing on the physical construction of central institutions.In-depth understanding and reflection on it can provide new thinking for the in-depth play of social service functions,the overall improvement of teaching and learning quality and the reform of talent training in the construction of Chinas double first-class universities.
The Historical Logic of the Centennial Development of Modern Vocational Education in China ——From the Research Perspective of New Institutionalism
2023, 48(2):  106-115. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.015
Abstract ( 99 )   PDF (1484KB) ( 30 )  
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The centennial development of modern vocational education in China is a historical process of gradual modernization.Using the “historical analysis” and “structural analysis” paradigm of new institutionalism and the “macro-structure-medium institution-microscopic actors” interpretation framework,this paper analyzes the historical evolution process and development trajectory.It can be divided into three periods:“exploration period,development period and reform period” and the development venation of “slow transformation of progressive institutional change,survival and return of radical institutional change,institutional fracture,and adaptive reproduction of progressive institutional change”.Environmental change and our country dominate the generation and practice of modern vocational education system.The concept and cognition of actors are the driving force of institutional change.Collective action and cognitive constraints lead to the road dependence of vocational education development.Chinas vocational education modernization still face
On Japanese Government-Industry-University Collaborative Innovation from the Perspective of National Innovation System ——Based on “Society 5.0” Policy-Oriented Analysis
TANG Yuying
2023, 48(2):  116-123. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.016
Abstract ( 106 )   PDF (1383KB) ( 45 )  
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After more than a hundred years of transformation,Japanese government-industry-university collaborative innovation model has formed a unique national innovative system.Under the guidance of the “Society 5.0” policy established by the government,its development model provides multidimensional effective support and guarantee for the rapid development of science and technology and the operation of achievements in the new century.Effective measures,such as the Japanese governments effective guidance of in-depth industry-university cooperation,scientific positioning of the role of school-enterprise innovation,enterprise R&D investment to improve the efficiency of innovation,and university reforms to consolidate the foundation of innovation,provide important reference value for the construction of Chinas system of science and technology and the deep integration of universities and enterprises.
An Analysis of the Relationship between Realizing Common Prosperity and the All-round Development of Human Beings ——Taking the Relevant Discussions of Marx and Engels as the Logical Starting Point
2023, 48(2):  124-130. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.017
Abstract ( 278 )   PDF (1352KB) ( 47 )  
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Achieving common prosperity and the all-round development of human beings is the common aspiration and unremitting pursuit of generations.Adhering to the lofty ideal of liberating all mankind,Marx and Engels deeply understand the law of historical development and closely focus on the value concept of “people-centered”, which explains that the realization of common prosperity and the all-round development of human beings are intrinsically unified in “value” in terms of value orientation and goal orientation and is as same as “subjectivity” on externalized objects.At the same time,it also explains the mutual promotion of mutual evaluation and measurement between the realization of common prosperity and the all-round development of human beings,as well as the mutual relationship between mutual evaluation and measurement standards,etc.,and explains the relationship between the realization of common prosperity and the all-round development of human beings from multiple levels.
Revolutionary Culture Education of College Students in the New Era: Value Implication,Reality Examination,and Road Promotion
SHAO Yanmei
2023, 48(2):  131-139. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.018
Abstract ( 307 )   PDF (1357KB) ( 62 )  
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The revolutionary culture is created by the people under the leadership of the CPC in the long-term revolution,construction and reform,and is an important part of the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.In the new era,strengthening the education of college students revolutionary culture is of great significance for improving college students cultural confidence,strengthening college students ideological education,and cultivating college students to become new people of the era who are responsible for the national rejuvenation.The revolutionary culture education of college students has achieved remarkable results,but due to the influence of historical nihilism and other factors,there are still some aspects to be improved in the practice of the revolutionary culture education of college students.Based on the new era and new journey,college students should be guided to have a scientific understanding of the revolutionary culture from the ideological point of view,highly identify with the revolutionary culture from the emotional point of view,and enhance the behavioral self-consciousness of inheriting the revolutionary culture from practice,which will not only help to promote the revolutionary culture into the classroom,teaching materials and minds,stimulate the vitality of the revolutionary culture of the times,but also help to deepen the teaching reform of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities.
An Analysis of the Problem of “Dry Lake” in Baiyangdian in the Past 70 Years
YANG Xuexin,REN Huilai
2023, 48(2):  140-148. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.019
Abstract ( 175 )   PDF (1349KB) ( 53 )  
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“Dry Lake” is an important representation of the shortage of water resources and the change of water environment in Baiyangdian.The shallow dish-shaped topography of Baiyangdian determines its weak water storage capacity,large evaporation capacity and large infiltration capacity.As the climate dries,the rainfall decreases,and the water consumption of industry and agriculture in the region increases,the water interception of upstream water conservancy projects is large,and the groundwater overdraft is serious,resulting in a further decrease in surface runoff.A variety of factors have led to a sharp decline in the water inflow of Baiyangdian in the 1970s and 1980s after the wet season in the 1950s and 1960s,and the “Dry Lake” occurs frequently.It is imperative to take “water diversion to the lake” and “comprehensive treatment” to strive to remove the threat of “Dry Lake”.
Reconstruction of the Human-water Relationship in Baiyangdian Area from 1949 to 1978
ZHANG Huizhi
2023, 48(2):  149-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2023.02.020
Abstract ( 66 )   PDF (1409KB) ( 101 )  
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During the period of 1949—1978,the climate of Baiyangdian area changed from rainy to dry from 1965,and human activities superimposed on it aggravated the change of water environment.The interaction between people and water can be divided into three stages:during the period of 1949-1957,the socialist collective forces were recognized by people in the fight against disasters and self-rescue,and the relationship between people and water broke out of the shackles of traditional concepts;from 1958 to 1965,the advantages of the socialist system were further brought into play in the “63.8” flood,but the Great Leap Forward also caused a qualitative change in the water environment of the Lake area;from 1966 to 1978,due to industrial pollution and continuous dry deposition,the human-water relationship began to be explored how to transform to industrialization.In short,under the guidance of Marxist geography theory,learning from the theory and practice of the Soviet Union,combining with the workers and farmers,and through the working method of “practice-theory-practice”,we explored and built a socialist model of human-water interaction.Sports style and the eagerness for success are the biggest shortcomings of the period.