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25 May 2017, Volume 42 Issue 3
Original Paper
The Origins and Spread of Paper Shadow andLeather Silhouette in Bianjing
CHENG Minsheng
2017, 42(3):  1-6. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.001
Abstract ( 723 )   PDF (1295KB) ( 437 )  
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There is a clear record of historical data that paper shadow and leather silhouette were born in Kaifeng during the Northern Song Dynasty. Kaifeng, the capital of Northern Song Dynasty, had the most prosperous lanterns and the richest nightlife at that time. New historical materials showed that the shadow puppetry had been performed on downtown streets on Lantern Festival in Kaifeng of early Song Dynasty and attracted Emperor Song Taizu’s view. It made the precise history of shadow puppetry been moved up for more than 50 years. The earliest props of Kaifeng’s shadow puppetry were carved characters, which were made from white paper. Then the material of props were upgraded to colorful sheepskin quickly. As a new civil literature, the shadow puppetry played an independent art form in Kaifeng at the same time. It created a new era of classical film and formed another achievement of the capital’s comprehensive culture and comprehensive function. Many professional shadow puppetry teams were active on the stage of Kaifeng and the fans appeared as well. After the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty, Bianjing’s shadow puppetry spread throughout north and south and got universal development. Shadow puppetry spread to Persia and other places during Mongol Yuan period. It also came to Europe in the eighteenth century and developed into film up to modern times. As Bianjing's contribution to Chinese civilization, shadow puppetry is also the contribution of Chinese civilization to the world.
Further Exploration of the Clerks in the Local Government on theCommunication During the Song Dynasty
GAO Ke li
2017, 42(3):  7-14. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.002
Abstract ( 765 )   PDF (1352KB) ( 697 )  
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The clerks were the important groups. They were active around the local officials who became the intermediaries between the officials and the people. They constituted the understructure of the local government. From the mid term of the Northern Song, the clerks’ professionalization became more prominent which made them the new influence in the local politics. The clerks were familiar with the routine and affairs of the local government. They held the communication between the officials and the people through the documents and the positions. At the same time, the clerks came from the people and contacted with the people. Consequently they were drawn over to the local upper levels. And the local officials were dependent on them, and kept them within bounds which avoided their domination of the communication between the officials and the people.
Hexagram Bi in Chow Yi and the Reconstruction ofLiterary Ideas in the Six Dynasties
YUAN Ji xi, LI Xiao qing
2017, 42(3):  15-21. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.003
Abstract ( 607 )   PDF (1319KB) ( 524 )  
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Being the top achievement of the Six classics, Chow Yi elaborately elucidates the wonders of life and myths of essay, thus significantly exerting influence on the development of literature later on. The concept of reading astronomy to sense the change of political and social situation and observing humanity and convention to master the whole world in Tuan Zhuan ( a part of Bi in Chow Yi) and aesthetic view of Bai Bi not only provided the paradigm and standard of aesthetics for ancient writings, but also reflected and impelled the change and reconstruction of aesthetic tastes in Wei and Jin dynasties.
The Dissemination of Chinese Language in Modern Europe
YU Pei wen
2017, 42(3):  22-27. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.004
Abstract ( 650 )   PDF (1316KB) ( 501 )  
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The dissemination of Chinese language in modern Europe is closely related to European sinology development. The paper, firstly, makes a sketch of European sinology development; then, discusses respectively European Chinese language learners, Chinese language teaching methods employed in Europe and Chinese language learning and teaching areas, Chinese textbooks used by European language learners, and the compiling of Chinese textbooks and Chinese dictionaries; lastly, points out that teaching Chinese as a foreign language in modern Europe is in close connection with European sinology development, and the areas of Chinese language dissemination diversify in different periods and have a tendency of wide spreading. In the future, the transmission of Chinese language is likely to be in closer and closer connection with European Chinese Studies.
Chinese Film and Television Resources and ItsApplication in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
WANG Yuexin
2017, 42(3):  28-32. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.005
Abstract ( 753 )   PDF (1277KB) ( 834 )  
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the ultimate goal of teaching Chinese as a foreign language is to enable students to learn the language knowledge,and skills, and to understand the national culture of the target language. Chinese films and television dramas have rich language and cultural resources, fresh language scenes and background information provides a true language environment for the students to learn Chinese language . This paper puts forward some suggestions of teaching Chinese as a foreign language by analyzing the characteristics of Chinese films and television.
A Study of the Status Quo and Countermeasure of College EnglishTeachers’ICT based Teaching Competence in Hebei Province
WANG Jinghua,HAN Hongmei
2017, 42(3):  33-37. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.006
Abstract ( 586 )   PDF (1276KB) ( 275 )  
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As our society has become an "era of information", this has created a new kind of need for teachers' knowledge structure and teaching competencies. As an important aspect of teachers' professional development, teachers' ICT based teaching competence is a key factor in the success of education and teaching reform. Therefore, researchers and practitioners in teachers' professional development need to explore new development strategies with the purpose of increasing teachers' ICT based teaching competence. This paper studies English teachers in six colleges and universities in Hebei province as research objects. Based on research, this paper explores the status quo of teachers' ICT based teaching in the new era by means of questionnaires and interviews: teachers' attitude toward ICT based teaching, teachers' ICT knowledge and ICT based teaching competence, and the status quo of ICT based teaching resources and environment. Meanwhile,through the analysis of the influential factors in the ICT based teaching, this paper puts forward development strategies for teachers' ICT based teaching competence at different levels: carrying out training activities to enhance the teachers' ICT based teaching competence, increasing the awareness of teachers' learning autonomy, and creating a favorable ICT based teaching environment.
Research on the Development Path of the General Education Curriculumin Chinese Comprehensive University Under the Media Situation
XU Shen yu
2017, 42(3):  38-42. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.007
Abstract ( 504 )   PDF (1272KB) ( 323 )  
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On the basis of the introduction of the new media situation that the general education in fine arts faced with in comprehensive universities, the author analyzed dialectically and comprehensively the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional general education curriculum of fine arts, and revealed the causes of the problems existing in the traditional general education of fine arts, and then explored the new path of the development of the general curriculum of fine arts in comprehensive universities in China from the aspects of curriculum objectives, course contents, curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation. Take the opportunity of China’s college general education development, and use scientific and technological progress means to reform and improve the effectiveness of education and teaching, so as to promote the healthy development of general education of fine arts in Chinas colleges and universities.
Comprehensive Evaluation on the Administrative Capacity of Endowment Insurance in Vertical Management—— On the Basis of Investigation and Analysis of Shaanxi Province
XI Heng, WEI Yu
2017, 42(3):  43-51. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.008
Abstract ( 525 )   PDF (1357KB) ( 256 )  
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The administrative ability directly affects the implementation of the pension insurance system. This paper selects 23 indexes to investigate the administrative capacity building of 120 pension insurance institutions in Shaanxi Province through questionnaires, interviews and field investigation. And through the extraction of common factors and multiple linear regression analysis, it is found that the factors that impact the pension agency capacity include the basic capacity building, ability of information management building, supportive capacity building, internal control capacity building and capacity building for external communication. At the same time, the data shows that in Shaanxi Province, the overall administrative capacity of pension agencies is relatively good, overall there is still room for improvement; but the score of individual indexes as the flow of personnel, funding and other social management is relatively low, the administrative capacity should be further improved from the aspects of implementing the staff rotation system, guaranteeing the funding channels, exploring the service outsourcing and exploring the unified social insurance management mode.
Research on Basic Public Service Abilityand Its Influencing Factors——Taking Social Security Agency in Hanzhong City
2017, 42(3):  52-62. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.009
Abstract ( 520 )   PDF (3222KB) ( 213 )  
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The paper established social security service capacity evaluation model on the basis of the balance score card theory, considered and established assumes of the impact of some factors such as institutions construction, human resources, financial support, internal management, and administrative culture. The social insurance agencies questionnaire data from both downtown and county of Hanzhong were used to hypothesis testing, and a conclusion was drawn that human resources, administrative culture, institutions construction, financial support and internal management factors have obvious impact on the service capacity of the social security administration department, and their significance decrease successively. Therefore, the following five suggestions should be concerned: constructing dynamic adjustment of staffing system, setting “serve the insured” culture, strengthen the information construction, improving the internal management system standardization, and constantly enhancing the handling ability.
A Satisfaction Research of Organization of Social Insurance Service——With the Investigation in Taiyuan
ZHAI Shao guo, CHEN Shi han
2017, 42(3):  63-71. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.010
Abstract ( 484 )   PDF (1340KB) ( 370 )  
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Social security is an important part of China’s basic public services, social insurance is the core content of social security which plays an important role in the relationship building of national livelihood. This study regard the subject of social insurance as the research object, use factor analysis and regression analysis to concentrated variables and determine the contribution of variables in the evaluation of satisfaction basing on the evaluation index system we designed. The results show that quality of service, public complaints, public expectations, basic services and public trust are the five key elements of the evaluation of public service of social insurance insured subject, among which the public expectation scores the highest. In this paper, two dimensional micro subject of bottom up evaluation research perspective was complementary with the top down macro policy system, which certainly has a reference for the follow up study.
Countermeasures on Boosting Hebei’s Construction of the“Industrial Transformation &Upgrading Test Area”
LENG Xuanrong
2017, 42(3):  72-80. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.011
Abstract ( 511 )   PDF (1328KB) ( 286 )  
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Industrial transformation and upgrading is the main tone of Hebei’s work in the “13th Five year Plan” period. Whether Hebei can successfully achieve industrial transformation and upgrading, is not only related to the completion of the objectives and tasks of the “13th Five year Plan” period, but also determines whether it will play a demonstration role for the industrial transformation and upgrading of the whole country .Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the connotation of industrial transformation & upgrading test area, deeply understand the main tasks and development priorities of industrial transformation & upgrading, and to promote the reform and innovation of the experimental area. These are the key aspects of accelerating the construction of “industrial transformation & upgrading test area”.
Some Ideas on Hebei’s Construction of the “New Urbanization andUrban Rural Integrated Demonstration Zone”
LIU Xiaohui
2017, 42(3):  81-87. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.012
Abstract ( 684 )   PDF (1315KB) ( 392 )  
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The construction of New Urbanization and Urban Rural Overall Development Demonstration Zone in our province should be based on the accurate grasp of its connotative requirements. We should consider The overall situation of Beijing Tianjin Hebei coordinated development and the reality in Hebei province, adjust and optimize the pattern of urban and rural spatial development, keep county as a focal point and a breakthrough, promote the transfer of agricultural population to urbanization, fill the short board, and strive to achieve urban and rural development and urbanization transition.
The Construction of “Beijing Tianjin Hebei EcologicalEnvironment Support Zone”of Hebei Province
MU Yongfu
2017, 42(3):  88-96. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.013
Abstract ( 594 )   PDF (1414KB) ( 301 )  
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The ecological environment support area of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province is one of the four major functions of Hebei Province. Owing to the growing demand for environmental capacity and ecological space of Beijing Tianjin Hebei area, the construction of the supporting zone of ecological environment in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region is closely related to the improvement of the regional environmental quality and the enhancement of the ecological products supply capacity, which is conducive to growth of the regional green quantity , the upgrading of the industrial restructuring and the optimizing of the environment of economic development. However, both challenges and opportunities exist in the process of the construction of ecological environment in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. The author proposes that under the pressure and motivation, four supporting systems of this supporting zone——environment support, industry support, cultural support and system support shall be constructed as soon as possible to accelerate the ecological civilization integration process.
The Countermeasures of Constructing the ImportantBase of Modern Commercial Logistics in Hebei
PENG Xiaojing,SONG Guoxue
2017, 42(3):  97-104. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.014
Abstract ( 542 )   PDF (1849KB) ( 301 )  
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In this paper, the conditions, opportunities and challenges of the construction of an important base in Hebei national modern logistics are analyzed, and it is put forward that the important base construction in Hebei national modern logistics should focus on three keys words: “ national, modern and important”, and efforts should be put forth to strengthen the supporting infrastructure, orderly classify the large logistics carrier construction, strengthen regional cooperation with Beijing and Tianjin, strengthen system innovation, policy support and service guarantee.
The Historical Examination of the Harnessing and Developmentof the Water Resources in Baiyangdian Lake
LIANG Songtao,JIANG Shan
2017, 42(3):  105-111. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.015
Abstract ( 565 )   PDF (1318KB) ( 551 )  
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Baiyangdian lake is a very important marshy ecosystemin north China plain, and the most important ecological resource in Xiongan New District. Since the Northern Song Dynasties, the Chinese government of all historical periods continuouslyexercised administrative jurisdiction over Baiyangdian for different needs, so as to the Baiyangdian became the ecological area integrating sightseeing and agricultural production. The paper starts with the literatures and information to expound the a thousand years’ changes courses, it will discuss three parts, first, established the system of military defense, second, built dams and opened up wasteland to develop the agricultural production, third, organized local natural and cultural scenery and the accompanying installation to carry on the functions of sightseeing.This article analyses the countermeasures and experience which the Chinese government of all historical periodsgoverned and exploited Baiyangdian, the aim of the article is to provide historical references for the Xiongan New District rulingthe Baiyangdian lake’s water resources.
The Heart of Yanzhao: Positioning Changes of Xiongan Area inChinese Political Geography Unit System.
JIA Wenlong
2017, 42(3):  112-117. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.016
Abstract ( 1020 )   PDF (1305KB) ( 550 )  
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From the Spring and Autumn period to the Ming and Qing dynasties, Xiongan Area belong to lowland plain and lake crisscross landform, which is not suitable for large scale agricultural development and human settlements, thus it is difficult to be a big city in ancient times.But Xiongan Area is in the central part of north China plain, next to connection channel with the Mongolian plateau, the northeast plain the north China plain, is a important traffic hub for the north nomadic people and central plains farming people,geomorphicfeature means it is important for military defense, while it is also rich in agricultural products. Therefore, with the change of China's ancient capital, Xiongan Area keeps taking a very important position in Hebei, playing different functions, also profoundly affectsthe progress of Chinese history.
The Welfare Effects of Tax Deferred Endowment Insurance
BAI Yanfeng,DONG Yupu
2017, 42(3):  118-125. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.017
Abstract ( 590 )   PDF (1331KB) ( 328 )  
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With the deepening of the aging degree, the pressure of the social endowment insurance system of our country is highlighted. At present, however, the “multi pillar” endowment insurance system does not achieve the balanced development. In order to reduce the whole society’s dependence on the primary endowment insurance, further expand the supplementary endowment insurance on the basis of enterprise annuity and occupational pension, it is urgent to promote the development of personal supplementary endowment insurance hoping for the sustainability of the system. According to international experience, tax preference is an effective tool to encourage individuals to be insured for it. From the perspective of welfare, EET model with the tax deferred, compared with the current TEE model, can provide a significant increase in the utility for the insurance holders. Correspondingly, government, to a certain extent, can gain welfare compensation from the increase of tax revenue and decrease of subsidy if the citizens insurance consciousness increases significantly in the new model and the tax system is improved. Meanwhile, the insurance industry, as the third main social body, can embrace the prosperity due to the policy situation. And accompanied by an increase in employment, investment expansion and effective prevention of foreign exchange risks caused by foreign life insurance, the utility of the whole society can be enhanced in a broad sense.
Empirical Analysis of the Impact of PopulationAging on Technology Progress
GUO Ruidong, ZHAO Lingrui
2017, 42(3):  126-135. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.018
Abstract ( 801 )   PDF (1349KB) ( 332 )  
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In this paper, total factor productivity and its factors of China’s 31 provinces were firstly calculated by using DEA Malmquist index approach. Then China’s provincial data was used to empirically research for the impact of population aging on total factor productivity. The calculation of total factor productivity showed that annual growth rate of China’s total factor productivity from 2000 to 2013 was 2.5%, and technological progress was the main drive improving total factor productivity while the effect of technological efficiency was limited. The results of empirical research found that population aging had a negative effect on total factor productivity, namely, population aging would restrict the improvement of total factor productivity. In addition, the results of empirical research indicated that GDP growth rate, factor inputs ratio, R&D inputs and openness had negative effects on total factor productivity, while industrial structure had a positive effect on total factor productivity.
The Development Strategies of Senior Apartments in Hebei Provincein the New type Urbanization Process
2017, 42(3):  136-142. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.019
Abstract ( 550 )   PDF (1305KB) ( 221 )  
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In the new type urbanization process, the development of senior apartments should comply with the people oriented value orientation. The seniors’ demand should be taken as the essential starting point of research and the seniors’ quality of life should be improved. Using the questionnaires and field interview, this paper analyzed the demanding state of senior apartments of some seniors in Hebei Province comprehensively. The problems such as unclear orientation, incomplete facilities, lack of funds, weak operation capability, low service quality, and lack of evaluation and supervision are pointed out and should be solved quickly. The following strategies are put forward. With the orientation of satisfying various pension demands of different seniors, and with the basics of improving seniors’ quality of life, the developing idea of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing should be adhered to, diversified construction of senior apartments should be enhanced, and specialized senior apartments such as green type, and intelligent type should be built. The sharing economic platform should be forged, resources support in many ways should be obtained, reasonable price mechanism should be constructed, operation capability of senior apartments should be enhanced; professional service team should be fostered, and professional service standard should be improved; the third party evaluation and government regulation should be strengthened in order to promote the benign development of senior apartments.
The Current Problems and Reform Countermeasures of Institutional Management System in Tourist Destinations in China
WANG Yu cheng
2017, 42(3):  143-148. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.020
Abstract ( 875 )   PDF (1278KB) ( 1249 )  
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Tourist attractions are regarded as the central part in industrial chain of tourism and the core element in tourism. Hence, tourist attractions plays an important role in tourism development. Recently, the tour attractions have made great progress in development and management, however, there are still many restrictive factors. Among these negative factors, these problems in management system are highlighted, mainly including overlapping administration, inefficient management, and indefinite power and responsibility, and so on. From supply front reform perspective, the institutional innovation of tourist attractions should focus on the improvement of market’s function in resource allocation and activate mostly the effective potentials of current resources to improve comprehensive effectiveness of tourism.
Study on Constructing Dynamic Management Systemof Scientific Researching Program in University
WANG Yan yu,LU Xiu ping
2017, 42(3):  149-154. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.021
Abstract ( 762 )   PDF (1279KB) ( 250 )  
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Universities are not only places to gather and cultivate high level intellectuals, but also a vital highland for scientific research. With the constantly increasing attention being paid to scientific research and more and more researching program being carried out, universities not only have put more efforts in researching program management, but also focused more on the management approaches. Only through enhancing the sense of service and professional competence of program administrators, following scientific and dynamic rules of administration, constructing dynamic management system of researching program, managing program dynamically and paying attention to the assessment of each segment in program management, can more researching program be set and accomplished, the excellence and transformation rate be increased and research capacity be enhanced.
Discussing Nomadic Production Mode and Its EcologicalBalance Dimension from Ecological Environment History
CUI Si peng
2017, 42(3):  155-160. 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6378.2017.03.022
Abstract ( 548 )   PDF (1291KB) ( 243 )  
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Using literature research analysis and historical backtrack method, the paper does scientific principle argument from the ecological history demension that nomadic production mode is the classic production mode for nomadic peoples nature adaption, which points out nomadic people orderly maintains the nomadic production mode trough historical traditions, laws and conventions. The rational use and moderate development of grassland ecological resources effectively maintain their own survival and development as well as the ecological balance of grassland. Nomadic production mode builds a harmonious ecological space structure and effectively maintains ecosystem balance of grassland. Nomadic production mode and its ecological balance dimension have significant reference value in modern severe ecological crisis.